part : 65

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She changed her side shrugging her thoughts away as she believe him that he can never betray her. She tried to sleep again but couldn't, Alisha's arrival is disturbing her every time. She sat on the bed to drink water and noticed him sleeping peacefully. He has just returned and can have only less amount of sleep because of tomorrow's meeting.

The next morning when Shivaay woke up to the alarm sound he noticed Anika sleeping on his chest, he wondered why Anika is unaffected by the loud alarm sound. Mostly Anika also wakes up with him and if he has to leave early, she would wish him before sleeping again. Shivaay placed Anika's head on the pillow carefully and came out of her hold without disturbing her.

After getting ready he thought to inform her before going as telling anyone else might take time because he didn't meet anyone. He called Anika 3-4 times but she didn't open her eyes, he thought to leave a message when his phone rang and Anika woke up hearing his ringtone as his mobile phone was near her ear which panicked him

"Why are not you picking up?", Anika asked in sleep. Shivaay replied I will and told her he is going

"I am going to the office ", Shivaay reasoned. Anika woke up with a  jerk hearing him thinking that she is late today

"Do you need anything?", Anika asked and noticed the time, 5: 30 in the morning.  Shivaay shooked his head and sat beside her

"Coffee?", Anika asked and yawned

"Already had it", Shivaay replied and held her hand when he noticed the change in her expression. He guessed reason as she held his hands tightly in hers and kissed his hands. When Anika rubbed her left hand on his chest he closed his eyes feeling peace and intertwined their fingers together

"Don't worry Anika. Beauty doesn't matter to me. For me, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Remember she is and will be no-one to me. I am helpless, you know I need holidays before we go so I can't manage alone", Shivaay assured Anika by holding her hands as he guessed the reason for her sleeplessness yesterday night. He wondered how she slept in those days when he was away

Anika smiled as this is what she needed most, his feelings towards her. He told her his point of view on hiring Alisha but she just needed him to tell her about what he felt for her. She never asked because she never thought it is important but now she thinks it is important

"When will you come back? At night?", Anika asked

"No. Instead, I will come after 2-3 hours. I don't have much work today", Shivaay told and caressed her cheeks

"Then it is best", Anika said and rubbed her hand on his chest. Shivaay relaxed in her touch


Shivaay came back at 11 Am and searched for Anika and Omru as well but found no one. He walked downstairs and noticed Janvi talking with someone over the phone

"Badi maa. Where are the others? No one is here than you", Shivaay asked confused seeing no one here

"Anika went to the office I guess and Omru went to the hospital with dadi as her health was not good. Regarding Tej so you know already he is out for business", Janvi replied

"Dadi? What happened to her?", Shivaay shouted with fear. He can't imagine his dadi leaving him or any family member as he is used to living with his family. He is scared to lose any family member

"She lost blood so Omru went to the hospital for her check-up to know the reason", Janvi told and looked down with regret

"Why did nobody tell me? ", Shivaay asked angrily

"You were out that's why", Janvi replied and left from there as she knew if she stayed there then he will start fighting for this reason. She doesn't have any reason because Anika asked them not to tell Shivaay anything regarding this when she gave blood. They agreed because the doctor said not to tense her.

Shivaay in anger called Omru and asked them about dadi. They told that dadi stopped having medicines and was not eating properly that's why her health worsened

"Come home once I will tell you how to hide such a big thing from me", Shivaay warned both of them before declining the phone call. He thought he will take a rest but now he wants to break everything as he was not informed regarding these things. He went to the office and came home late, he noticed Anika waiting for him on the bed

"Finally you are back. Now take a rest Shivaay. Don't you know your body needs rest", Anika scolded him and dragged him towards the bed, Shivaay was about to ask about dadi when he noticed Anika walking out of the room. She came back with his coffee

"Why you didn't tell me about dadi?", Shivaay asked when Anika placed his coffee on the table

" were out and Shivaay how can I disturb you? Should I arrange your dinner as well?", Anika asked caressing his cheeks softly. She guessed that he must be angry from his expression.

"Shivaay just 2 days were left for you to come back and I just thought about you... Even family agreed ", Anika told him and bend in front of him. Her heartbeats raised thinking about his anger but now she is not scared of him knowing well that he can't hurt her. She looked down in regret.

"Do you think it was right?", Asked Shivaay, He wanted to shout at her but seeing her looking down he could not. He clenched his hand in a fist as he want to show anger but his heart is not supporting him. He took a sip of coffee and realised she is not the one who prepared it which irritated him more

"You didn't prepare it hana? Take this coffee", Shivaay asked angrily

"O..Om prepared it. Your fight is with me", Anika replied in low voice sensing his anger

"What has happened to you, Anika? Do you think I will fight for coffee? Taste it first and see how much sugar he added", Shivaay reasoned angrily and banged his hand on the bed.

"I will..", Anika took the cup from him and placed it on the table and asked for another cup when he interrupted

"No need and when you went to prepare coffee then why you didn't prepare yourself?", Shivaay asked

"Shivaay may I come in?", Om asked. Anika noticed Omru and stepped back from him.

"Do you have an explanation too? Why you guys were hiding about dadi from me ", Shivaay asked angrily

"First hear the answer to your previous question. She burnt her hand right now. She was preparing coffee and accidentally hot coffee fell on her hand. We already told her not to go to the office because she gave blood too but she didn't listen  ", Om told, Shivaay looked at Anika angrily. He didn't know about this, he realised it now why Anika hissed when he held her hand.

"What? And nobody bothered to tell me this as well", Shivaay shouted at top of his voice

"Just take care and don't scold her. Dadi was fine that's why we didn't tell you", Rudra said supporting Om. They both love Anika as their sister, they know how Anika found difficulty to hold heavy things. They don't want him to blame her for anything

"Yes you both gave him reason to scold me and now are leaving me", Anika thought when Omru left from there immediately, she was trying to gesture to them to wait for some time but they didn't notice her

"Shivaay...", Anika tried explaining to him when he showed her hand and sat on the sofa taking her laptop silently which is unexpected for her. She thought he will shout at her and will try to break everything in the room but he just sat on the sofa as if nothing happened. She sat with him but Shivaay didn't turn toward her, Anika called him many times but Shivaay didn't look at her even once. Anika realised that he is ignoring her

"First I was on bed rest and 2nd Shivaay I thought I will tell you once you are back", Anika said and looked at him for a reply but Shivaay continued working. She looked down because she thought by telling him directly he will look at her but he didn't.

After knowing about dadi he was angry with every family member but when he got to know that Anika gave blood and just now burnt her hand his anger rose to its peak. As Omru said he guessed that If he started to question her and show her anger, it will result in regret. He don't want any regret in this relationship, he silently picked up his laptop and started to prepare a presentation for his new project, he noticed Anika coming towards him but he acted as if he didn't notice her presence. Anika sat with him and tried to call him but he didn't react. He heard her every call and he was finding it difficult to calm himself, her every call was melting him but right now he doesn't want to show anything.

He is feeling that it is better to keep everything inside yourself rather than telling her and expecting anything from her.

Anika placed her head on his shoulder and kissed his shoulder. Shivaay closed his eyes tightly as her actions and love always become his weakness. No one in his family comes near him whenever he is angry, he won't know if he should appreciate her or shout at her for trying to calm him when he can't. He stand up and walked towards the bed. He turned the lights off after placing the laptop on the table.

"I am tired. Let me sleep", Shivaay replied and closed his eyes to sleep. He replied to her for himself as well because he know he will not be able to sleep if by chance he hurt her. He felt Anika's arms behind his back but he didn't turn as he may fall weak from her closeness

In the morning he just asked her to stay home and left from there. Anika mailed designs from home and told her boss about her health. As her boss knew already so he let her work from home. Anika tried calling Shivaay but every time her call was unanswered. Shivaay messaged her don't disturb me but then felt a pang inside his heart for saying the same so he deleted the message but Anika already read this message and sat on the bed with tears.

In the evening, she received his call where he asked her about work

"Anything important",

"No, but Shivaay..",

"Ok bye..", Shivaay was about to decline when she interrupted

"Don't cut",


"I thought you will come back after leaving your work...",

"I am not asking for any explanation so don't worry. Think I don't know anything yet", Shivaay said and declined the call

"No problem. Let my time come Mr Oberoi then even I will not pick up your call and will trouble you like this. Even I will irritate you like this", Anika thought and sat on the bed again. She looked at the time and smiled as it was already evening so only a few hours left. He comes home late very rare so there is no chance for him to come late.

Shivaay came on time but even at night, he was replying to the point which hurt Anika and irritated her as well. She was trying hard to melt him by using sweet words like "you are my sweet husband", "I love you", and "you have a good heart", but nothing melted him. He slept after working for little time.

"Even he has to sleep early when I want him to work late at night", Anika said angrily. Shivaay chuckled as he heard her and was smiling from inside hearing her words for him but he is hurt. Yes, she always lights his mood up but right now he just needs personal space to think if he did he lost his self-respect by telling her everything related to himself.

The next morning Shivaay left early which disappointed Anika as she was used to his love and wishes every morning. After some time Om entered the room with a file and gave it to her

"Go and give this file to Shivaay. Your husband forgot it", Om said with a wink, he knew Shivaay is ignoring her as Shivaay is not talking with them as well. He tried talking with him but every time Shivaay behaved like nothing was wrong. Anika smiled as she got a chance to visit his office and surprise him

"Huff bhabhi even I tried talking with him but he is ignoring us as well so go. He will talk ", Om said


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