part : 66

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There is no misunderstanding in upcoming chapters instead I thought the opposite and to write this scene I wrote ignorance before 😅😅. Don't worry ♥️ do hear o Jaana song when you read this chapter

Anika entered his office and asked one of his employees about Shivaay who told her that Shivaay is in his cabin. Anika knocked but didn't get a response so she entered the cabin

"Liar... He must be in a meeting", Anika thought and cursed his employee who told Shivaay is in the cabin. She is getting restless thinking about Shivaay and his ignorance, she is unable to bear his changed attitude even for some time. She touched his chair and then sat on his chair.

Anika looked towards the front and sat straight holding that file which he asked for. This gave her a bossy feeling like she is boss, but again his behaviour came into her mind and she rest her head on the table.

"Excuse me? This is my chair", Shivaay said angrily when he noticed someone on his chair, he was unable to see the face so he assumed that she is someone else. At first, he thought about Anika but shrugged his thought as he asked her to stay home.

"Shivaay", Anika called him and looked towards him, his voice again hurt her as she thought he knew who is there and didn't like her presence

"Sorry I... I thought you will take time", Anika stammered and looked down in nervousness, she fear insulting her. There are many people in his office, by chance if he shouted then everyone will make fun of her

Shivaay smiled looking at her, she always looks beautiful in her saree and her eyes which show innocence is his weakness as well. He tried but could not take his eyes off her. Baby pink colour always suits her. He love her open hair, which she knew well, he know why she dressed like this today. Her chuda, vermilion and nuptial chain are proof of her taken and he wants her to wear them forever.

(Imagine chuda in both hands😁😆)

Anika looked towards him and realised that he again liked her in this saree, she blushed and stepped towards him, Shivaay realised he was staring at her so he looked aside to control himself. Right now he just wants to pull her in his arms because he didn't for the past 2 days

"Why... are you here?", he asked, Anika sighed in relief hearing his voice soften, she thought he will continue with this tone but his question gave her a hint that he is not that angry

"F.. file. Don't be so rude please", Anika requested and picked a file from the table. Shivaay stepped ahead to take the file from her but Anika didn't let him take the file. Shivaay tried many times to take the file but every time Anika tricked him.

"Anika what are you doing?", Shivaay asked when Anika hide his file behind her back, he pulled her and tried taking the file but Anika's hold on the file was tight which confused him

"I asked for this file because I have a meeting with dealers. I need to go", Shivaay told her. Anika pushed his hand off the file and hugged him. His hands were already on her waist because he tried taking file, he rubbed her back unable to control himself when she is already in his arms.

"First say that you will not behave rudely", Anika put her demand in front of him.

"I am not rude. Instead, you don't know how I am rude to people I don't like. You are sad with just a little then just ask office people which type of a person I am", Shivaay told, with the thought "how can she blame me for rudeness when I am not?",

"Don't you like me?", Anika asked

"I didn't mean in that way. Of course, I do that's why I am not rude to you ", Shivaay cleared her confusion, he realised his previous behaviour made her feel like she is unwanted in his life whereas, in reality, she is the most important person in his life. He fears losing her, he can't think of spending his life without her care and love

"Awww really? Do you love your wife", Anika asked again, Shivaay rolled his eyes watching her and called himself a fool as well because he is unable to stay angry with her. His head automatically gave a nod to her unwillingly.

Anika jumped in happiness and pulled him in a hug again "I.. I thought you don't like me anymore", Anika said with tears. When she came she thought she will cry if he ignored her presence again but instead now she is on cloud 9 to know that he loves her. Somewhere his actions told her but she thought he will never confess

"You don't know in these 2 days I thought you started to hate me. Now it is enough I have already realised my mistake", Anika told him while buttoning his open buttons. Shivaay rubbed her back softly again and kissed her shoulders. Anika shivered when she felt his lips on her shoulder, he played with her hair to control his desire, which might get out of control if she continued seducing him indirectly. Her one look is enough for him to take his heart.

"Yes that's why you are here when you should be resting ", Shivaay replied sarcastically when he heard her reply

"Because I am fine and this file", Anika said and showed him the file, Shivaay stepped back from her immediately realising that he forgot about the meeting because of her proximity. He tried snatching the file from her but Anika ran toward the opposite side of the table

"I'm so happy you know", Anika said with a wink.

"A...are you really happy?", he asked as he want to know does his unsaid confession mean something to her. He could not tell her he liked her even then how can she become happy with one nod?

"Yes.. don't you feel happy when I confess that I love you? Same for me my dear husband", Anika told him

"Yes now please give me the file back Anika I'm getting late.", Shivaay told her, Anika nodded as she sensed seriousness in his voice. She gave him his file and asked "sorry". Shivaay hummed and was about to leave when Anika held his arm

"Shivaay I can explain my point of view ", Anika said

"No need just go", told her and removed her hand from her arm

"Do you want me to go?", Anika asked

"No Just want you to stay here", he thought but didn't voice it loud as he want her to stay here herself and guess his choice as she guessed before coming here.

"Does your Silence means yes?", Anika asked

"It can mean no too", Shivaay replied and then realised he replied to her question indirectly and fell into her trap. Anika giggled as that was just her trick to know his answer. Anika pulled his cheeks as when Shivaay looked aside angrily in defeat, he looked cute

"Don't fly so high and behave ", Shivaay said.

"Ok. I promise I will not disturb anyone in your office. I want to meet a few of your old employees whom I knew. Just for 5 minutes ", Anika told which is just an excuse because she want to go home with him, especially after solving thier matter otherwise she will not move out of his office

"You can but it will be better if you will wait till lunch break as it will not break any rules", Shivaay said to which Anika nodded understanding his rules, she knows he is a very disciplined person so she doesn't want to break his rules. Breaking rules would directly mean disrespecting him, which she can never do. Especially after knowing how he respects her wishes.

"Can I go now? Are you done with your childish behaviour?", he asked. Anika nodded and wished him good luck. Shivaay smiled as he know even if the meeting goes worst, he will not mind as he is very happy right now. Her nature and behaviour always take his heart away, he wishes her to stay with him here always but he can't ask as she will not agree

Anika smiled hearing his reply and kissed his cheeks. She replied, "yes I am". Shivaay opened the door but Anika pulled him again

"Wait... Wash your face again", Anika said and bite her lower lip realising that she is irritating him again and again. Shivaay glared at her and went towards the mirror and noticed a lipstick mark on his cheek. He came out after cleaning his face with a towel

"Will see you later", Shivaay warned and ran out of the cabin in a hurry

After 2 hours he came back and noticed Anika working on his laptop, there were a few designs near her hands which gave him a hint that she is working. He smiled inwardly as many times he felt like she is just like him who is very punctual when it comes to working.

"Stand up I will drop you", Shivaay told after closing the door, Anika shooked her head and noticed him coming towards her

"Like I will come... Mr Oberoi, I will not move out of this cabin until you talk with me", Anika replied stubbornly

"With whom you were talking before? My ghost?", Shivaay asked getting irritated by her behaviour. He is irritated with himself as well because every time Anika is revolving in his mind. He won't know if it is good or bad.

"But still there is one thing missing.. and you know that", Anika said. Shivaay sighed as he understood what she said, right now he can't prove to her he is not angry anymore because new clients are still here. He doesn't want to put himself in an awkward state. He won't know what to reply now. Anika continued staring at him for an answer. She wants him to tell at least when he will stop behaving formally. And when he will end the cold war between them.

I realised very late that there is no festival in this story and it is needed so from which festival I should start?

I realised this when we friends ( college) talked about enjoying our leftover days in college like it's a festival because our merchandising classes started again

As there is no upcoming festival. The only one which I can add is mother's day if I compare it with the month

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