part : 83

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"She is sad", Shivaay said, Anika looked toward the boy and waved her hand toward him.

"Hii", hii Anika said. The girl was about to question Anika when the girl's parents called her and she went from there. Anika smiled a little watching that family playing with a little girl. Whenever she sees a child or meets children only one thing comes to her mind. How they will look after being parents? She didn't show it to him much but she wants to be a mother. She loves children and wants a child whom she will love unconditionally and spend her quality time with her baby.

"Still feeling low", Shivaay asked, they heard the laughter sound of a family again. Anika shooked her head as she doesn't want to hurt him by saying one thing again and again. Moreover, if she told him what she is thinking then he will agree with her and will change his decision, which she doesn't want. She wants him to tell her that even though he is ready, she always tries to tell him by her actions that she wants to be a mother.

Anika felt bored by looking out and turned toward the family, after some time they asked her if she want to join. Anika looked at Shivaay for an answer

"You can go but not me", Shivaay said

"Please", Anika asked with a pout. Shivaay could not deny it now as she looked innocent on her face. They sat with them, they were playing chits, two teenagers and now them. Two women's asked them to play as they were least interested. Shivika started to play with them and enjoyed it a lot. They played antakshari as well which changed their mood.


3 months later

"It's going to be 2 months that I missed my dates. What to do?", Anika thought when she checked her Callender. She is ready before Shivaay as Shivaay woke up late today. She does turn his alarm off most of the time whenever she wakes early. Otherwise, if she leaves his comfort to him then he will never sleep for long, she knows he will get ready within minutes so it doesn't matter even.

"Coming mom", Anika said and walked downstairs. Shivaay came after getting ready and noticed her talking with a few relatives, he hate a few of them and those who are talking with Anika right now are one of them.

"Anika have something", Janvi said and forwarded the samosa plate to her. Anika shooked her head as she never eats samosa in the morning and today she is feeling like puking at the aroma of samosa.

"No mom I don't want to have it ", Anika said. That woman started to pressurize Anika, Anika lied that she is not well and pushed plates aside

"So when are you going to give everyone good news? Hope they are well", that woman said. Shivaay was hearing everything from back, he went there and said

"Thank you for your concern. Anika are you ready? If yes then find me the file which I gave you yesterday I need it today ", Shivaay said. Anika nodded, she knows that he is lying as he didn't give her any file yesterday but running away from here looked like a good option to her.

"I hate that woman. She always comes here for a time pass. Don't take her words seriously. If you are not well then take a leave "Shivaay said to which Anika shooked her head. Leave? How she will ask for it when she has already taken many, now she has to visit the office with a fever as well. Anika didn't even tell him about her lie because of his mood.

She picked up her purse and turned to him, Shivaay smiled and pulled her through her waist. Anika shivered when his hands touched her bare back as she was wearing jeans and a top.

"You will be late", Anika said

"You are the reason. Why do you always turn my alarms off?", He asked

"Yes because you are very busy and never take rest so it is my duty", Anika said

"There are many others", Shivaay said. Anika understood his meaning and pushed him after pulling his cheeks.

"I know Mr If you are not getting late then I am getting late. Kindly drop me", Anika said in an extra sweet voice. Shivaay nodded and asked her to wait for him.

When they were going Shivaay stopped his car in middle and asked her to stay inside. He purchased chocolate thinking that maybe her blood pressure is low. Anika smiled upon seeing him and kissed his cheek when he sat inside the car.

"If you feel low then come home", Shivaay said and dropped her near her office. Anika hugged him tightly and told him that she lied as she was not hungry. Shivaay nodded and asked her to have fruits and lunch on time. Anika replied a yes and went from there

She sat inside her cabin and started working, in lunchtime after she had her lunch she opened the chocolate but again felt uneasy. Women's words came to her mind.

"No we didn't plan for this", Anika thought and started pacing here and there in the cabin. She was not getting peace so she decided to check once right now. She took permission from her boss and went to a clinic to purchase a pregnancy kit and checked. Her reports came positive. Her happiness knew no bounds, she jumped in excitement and then caressed her abdomen after realising that she is now going to be a mother. She dialled Shivaay's number immediately but he cut her call and messaged her that he is in a meeting.

His message made her realise that he can't even imagine this. She remembered his past and how he was also called a mistake. Can she let anybody call her child a mistake? Even if is him?

"He will never do that...I know him", Anika thought and looked at the wallpaper of her mobile phone which contains their wedding day picture. For her that was the best day of her life, she looked at his happy face and started crying more as there was never a day when he didn't try to make her smile. She can't become the reason for his sorrow, she started to think what if she came between him and his carrier? She took a long breath and washed her tears, she made her mind remember that her husband is Shivaay who will understand.

"I will let him decide it. But why didn't got any other symptoms?", Anika thought again. What if her child is not healthy? Again her heart felt heavy thinking about it. She came back to her cabin but couldn't concentrate. She just acted whenever she felt someone pass from her surrounding. When she noticed her time is over, she immediately packed her belongings and left for home. In the office she felt suffocated today, she wants to see him now.

When she entered the room morning incident came into her mind and she started to think what if he doesn't want a child yet? As of now, they were taking precautions, she doesn't know why she is pregnant. How can they do this mistake?

"But my child will not be a mistake. Especially for Shivaay. I am sorry for putting your past in front of you", Anika said to herself and started to think about every memory of when they met children first on the train, then on the ground, with her friend and then at last on the train again. With his calm behaviour, she guessed that he will be the best father, the way he played and enjoyed himself with children made her Believe that he will be the best. She was about to cry again when she heard his voice and ran towards the washroom to wash her face.

She came back and noticed him sitting on the sofa tiredly. Nowadays he is very busy that he even feels tired to change. Anika placed his bag in its place and hugged him

"What happened? Are you fine?", asked Shivaay

"Yes I am", Anika replied and hides in his arms.

"I have to go to a meeting day after tomorrow. For one day and total 2 days of travelling", Shivaay told and kissed her cheeks.

"If it was for a long time then I would have taken you there but just for 2 hours we need to travel for 6-7 hours", Shivaay said and looked towards Anika for an answer.

"Answer me", Shivaay asked after pulling her out of the hug. Anika felt sad because he pulled her away.

"It's ok work is important. I love you", Anika said and hugged him again. Shivaay replied "Love you too", and started to caress her hairs

"Shivaay do you want a child?", Anika asked, if his answer is yes then she will tell him otherwise she will abort her child.

"Good joke. Don't take her words seriously Anika. I don't know Why she came to manipulate my wife?", Shivaay said, Anika nodded as she got the hint that he don't want a baby yet. Her eyes filled with tears as she just got to know that she is going to conceive and her husband is busy.

"Is your bp ok?", Shivaay asked as he noticed her eyes filled with tears.

"Yes I am having a headache ", Anika said, Shivaay caressed her hair softly. He felt fishy by her behaviour so thought to check if she is hurt because of him or not.

"Did you eat medicines? ", Shivaay asked as he tensed by looking at her tears, Anika nodded and told him she is fine

"I can see that. Tell me what happened. Even if you are feeling weak then tell me where are you feeling pain?", Shivaay asked. Anika kept quiet and told him to stay with her tonight without any work.

"Anika don't irritate me. Tell me the reason ", Shivaay asked

"Nothing. Just don't go", Anika said. Shivaay thought maybe she saw a nightmare where something happened to him.

"I am fine Anika. Did you see a nightmare?", Shivaay asked

"Yes worst nightmare", Anika said in a heavy voice and layed her head over his chest. Shivaay didn't say anything and gave his night for her today. He knows that he can complete work with his hard work and will get many chances but in Anika's case he can never take a risk.

Anika was not sleepy so she went towards the poolside with Shivaay behind her. When she noticed his presence she started to think, will he get time for her? How he will react?

"I want to kill all your fears Anika and I will", Shivaay said and pulled her in his lap. Anika touched her abdomen and then started to think about abortion. Only that looked like a good idea to her

The next day Anika went to a gynaecologist for a checkup to know how many months she is pregnant. She got to know that she is two months pregnant.

"Can you tell me the procedure of abortion?", Anika asked with a heavy heart, she felt a pang inside her heart when she decided on this decision but she found herself helpless today.

"Yes, I will prepare papers just sign them and have Medicine", said the doctor to which Anika nodded with tears. Warm tears started coming to her eyes because of regret that she is doing this with her child too without telling Shivaay who has equal rights to this baby. But for her, only this option is left because Shivaay is busy and the most important issue is that she can't let anyone call her child a mistake, not even Shivaay. Yes, she is pregnant via mistake but for her children is a blessing, never a mistake. She is scared thinking about his reaction now.

"These are medicines", the doctor said and gave her medicines as well as papers. Anika started crying and pushed medicines aside, she couldn't make herself ready to abort her child who is a symbol of thier love.

Few things in life are unexpected, this child is one of them. Shivaay always ran from his past and now she has to put the same situation in front of him where she doesn't want to abort her child. Even if he wants, she will not kill her child

"Mam take your time but don't take much time because by passing time it becomes difficult to abort the baby", the doctor said

"I will not abort my child ever. Can I give my baby to someone else?", Anika asked

"No mam. It will be possible after the baby's birth", the doctor said

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