fifteen [real ending]

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because -defenestration keeps on throwing me insults & calling me names so hOE HERE YOU GO

okay guys this is the real ending


"yay! i got it!" taehyung shouted as the skittle landed on his tongue. i laughed as his childish actions.

we were too bored and since i have too much candies inside of my house and i can't possibly eat all, so taehyung suggested to play that little game. so far, he got every skittle landing inside of his mouth. while mine, all of it either landed on the floor or inside my shirt, ew.

"aha! you sucker!" taehyung jeered as he threw one skittle but it landed on my hair instead. i stomped my foot in frustration because, why isn't luck on my side?

taehyung went to sat down on the couch while i was still standing near the dining table.

"hye joo! stay there and throw the next skittle!" he said. i bobbed my head as i took out one skittle from the packet and swiftly aimed at taehyung's mouth.

"oh shit!" taehyung groaned. i immediately went to his side and saw the skittle landed on his crotch area. what the, wow, my aiming is so good.

hmm, i wonder, should i tease him? since he's been a very very childish and bad boyfriend.

i inwardly smirked as i sat down beside him.

"taehyung," i started, as i leaned in closer to him. i could see taehyung gulping as he tried to respond but no words came out.

i placed my hand on his thigh, and slowly my hand crawled towards the crotch area. taehyung was gritting his teeth right now, probably trying to control his erection, hmm, i'm doing so well now.

"kim taehyung," i said once again as i leaned in really close to him, my lips brushing against his, and my hands quickly picked up the skittle that was sitting on the crotch area.

i leaned away from him and shouted. "aha! i got you!"

his expression was dumbfounded and i was resisting the urge to laugh, oh my god.

i quickly stood up and ran towards my room but i obviously failed because taehyung grabbed my arm and spun me to face him.

"you little tease," he growled in his deep, and raspy voice which made me have goosebumps travelling inside my body. oh shit oh shit.

he took a step forward, which resulted me taking a step backwards. we were repeatedly doing this until i felt my back hitting something hard, which was the wall.

he placed both of his hands on either side of the wall, as his eyes penetrated into mine. i was literally trapped between the wall and him.

"how dare you tease me? hmmm," he voice came out dangerously low, as he leaned in closer and closer to me, and soon i felt a pair of lips attacking my neck.


i let out a small moan as he continued to suck my collarbone. it felt so good yet so bad, i don't know how to describe it.

he pulled away and my hand immediately flew right onto my collarbone, and i felt that i touch something - a hickey.

"really, you shouldn't do this, hye joo-ah," he said again, and he crashed lips onto mine. our lips moved against each other for a few seconds, before he nibbled on my bottom lip which caused me to groan, he then used this chance to enter his tongue inside of my mouth. his tongue explore every side of my cavern and i was resisting the urge to let out a moan.

he soon pulled away, and both of us were panting. he rested his forehead onto mine, his gaze never leaving mine.

"please don't tease me next time, i'm really really trying my hard to control myself," he mumbled. i nodded as my face was beet red from what happened just now.

taehyung was literally just so hot.


"ouch, my innocent eyes," jungkook sighed as he eyed all of us. i was pretty sure he was still upset over the fact that hyun mi was dating hoseok, but he did not voice out his thoughts. poor maknae, he really suffered silently. but he was happy for #homi.

"jungkook, why don't you get a girlfriend. all of us are attached except for you," taehyung said as he played with my hair. i was literally wearing a t-shirt that covered most part of my neck because of that.

"i'm single pringle," jungkook clicked his tongue as he shook at taehyung's words. taehyung then pulled me against him, his arms circling my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"why is yoonmin so cute?" hyun mi said to no one in particular as she sighed dreamily. she was still #yoonmin's number one fan. she literally asked jimin or yoongi what are they doing everyday. it's like she was invading their sex life or something. she then said she can't help it, because they're her otp.

"aww hyun mi, stop it," jimin giggled as yoongi kissed his forehead affectionately.

"OH MY GOD STOP! I SEE A SOMETHING IN FRONT OF ME. WHAT IS IT? IT'S A TRAIN OF FEELS THAT'S GOING TO HIT ME!" hyun mi literally shouted. i shook my head at her. she's still the same.

"what about us? what about #homi hmm?" hoseok asked as he intertwined his hands with hyun mi's. with this simple gesture, hyun mi blushed.

"oh of course we are cute and we are goals af." hyun mi scoffed at hoseok's remark. hoseok chuckled.

"hye joo?" taehyung mumbled against my shoulder. i hummed in response.

"i'm so glad you found me in the car park that day," taehyung chuckled. i laughed at the memory of that.

"do you know that actually i've been crushing on you ever since i sat beside you? it's like i don't dare to talk to you because i don't have the courage." he confessed. i turned around and faced him, "really?"

he nodded his head.


"here," taehyung said as he handed me the chocolate milk. i smiled and thanked him.

"you and your addiction for chocolate milk, oh god." taehyung shook his head as he sat down. i giggled at the memory of him buying chocolate milk for the first time.

"our story is so weird. it started off with you bribing me," taehyung said.

"it's not weird, it's unique."

"do you remember the last time that you ask me what do i like and what do i not like?" taehyung questioned. i nodded my head. it was at the dance studio, when we were playing truth and dare.

"i like your warmth, i like your hands, i like lips, your eyes, your nose, your lips, just everything about you."

he really knows how to make my heart go crazy.

"then, what do you not like?" i asked, anticipating for his answer.

he smiled, my favourite rectangular smile.

"i don't like anything that keeps me away from the things i like."


bOMB, the end.

and taegi </3 they were rushed into the hospital omg i cri i hope they will rest well ;-; <3

i'm sending a virtual hug to all ARMYs here, pass on the hug <3

tbh i wrote this before i know the news. if i wrote it after i know the news, the ending would be so angsty and suckish like idek

okay tysm for reading this till the end :)

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