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last chapter :') sorry if this is quite short, i would usually make the last chapter longer but i literally got no brain cells for this lol


three months had passed in the blink of an eye. taehyung and i were still going well, in fact better than i thought.

due to my great cupid skills, hyun mi and hoseok started dating two weeks ago too. it turned out that jungkook liked hyun mi too, but jungkook decided not to confess since he knows she likes hoseok. poor jungkookie.

so the only one single now was jungkook. well i guess he's still too young to find a girlfriend.

"funny how i started liking you just because of that goddamn bribery, and then we were stuck in the school, and then we went to the ministry of education. like just wow. back then even though we were seatmates in history class but we don't talk to each other though." taehyung chuckled as he intertwined his hands with mine. it was as if his hands were perfect for me, because it fits perfectly with mine.

"yeah, and with hyun mi confessing to you. at first i was like, oh god no hyun mi likes a joker. but guess what, i'm the one who likes the joker now, and is even dating him," i laughed. taehyung smiled and poked my cheek.

"i've always wanted to do that." he grinned like a cheshire cat.

"your dimples looked so deep that maybe i can poke a hole through it," he joked. i laughed again, because a lot of people has said that to me.

"if i hadn't discover you in the car park, would we still be here?" i questioned. taehyung nodded.

"to be honest in history class, don't call me a freak, but i've always stared at you and your beautiful features. like you know even though i don't pay attention to you but i still pay attention to you." he said. i chuckled at how cute he sounded.

"oh my god, don't kill me for bringing this up but do you remember when you were jumping on the table like a monkey and you accidentally fell off?"

he just glared at me. "you're too cute to be killed. and yeah, i do remember."

"one time i actually think that you should fall again and i would grab some popcorn and sit on my chair while watching you hilariously."

he gasped. "what the?! you're such a devil,"

"but i'm your cute little devil." i winked at him, causing him to blush.


"here," taehyung handed me the three cartons of chocolate milk. i quickly opened a carton and gulped it in savoury.

"oh god. you and your addiction to chocolate milk," taehyung said as he looked me who was drinking.

"you better buy me three cartons of chocolate milk now and then or i will break up with you." i threatened. taehyung nodded while chuckling.

"you know what, maybe chocolate milk can be our always." taehyung suddenly said.

"it all started with me bribing you though." i replied.

"maybe bribery can be our always? what the actual shit is that? it sound so nonsensical." taehyung frowned.

i smiled as i continued to listen to him.

"by the way, what did the minister of education said to you last time huh? why are you blushing so hard?" i questioned as i suddenly remembered the memory of it as i chuckled because honestly, he looked so damn cute at that time.

"uh, he said that i should keep you because no girl would stand those kind of crap to accompany a guy to the ministry of education and stuffs," he answered shyly. my face immediately became red.

"you are even more pretty when you blush, oh god it's driving me crazy!" taehyung mumbled, but i could still hear. this boy, he can't really control his hormones. he is having a war with his hormones i guess.


"hyun mi, how are you doing with hoseok?" i asked in a teasing tone as i nudged her with my elbow, raising my eyebrows. she slapped my elbow away. wow, what a great friend.

"he's really really sweet. he always makes me happy too, i won't pass a day without smiling. oh god, i never regret dating him," hyun mi answered dreamily as she intertwined both of her hands together. i laughed at her actions.

"how are you and taehyung doing then?"

"we are fine, i guess. as usual." i answered in a monotone voice. taehyung and i had recently gotten into a fight, and i have no idea what are we even fighting about. so we were having a 'break' with each other now.

"duh, i don't believe you." hyun mi deadpanned.

"okay so, he actually said that i stole his frying pan because he found one in my house and it looks exactly the same as his. oh my god, like seriously, it's not like his frying pan is the one and only in this whole universe uh." i rolled my eyes as i recalled our argument. it was pure ridiculous.

"what the hell?" hyun mi's jaw dropped. i shrugged my shoulders and leaned backwards onto the couch.

suddenly, the door bell rang. hyun mi rushed towards the door and opened it, revealing 6 boys which was none other than them. but, one member is missing.

and that member was taehyung.

"hyun minnie!~" hoseok squealed as he attacked hyun mi with a hug, pulling away and kissing her forehead. oh god, this couple is so freaking cute that i can puke rainbows for serious.

"stop with the pda please," yoongi said as he rolled his eyes, and walked in. the others follow behind. jimin sat beside me.

"hye joo ah, can i meet you in the kitchen now?" jimin whispered into my eyes. i bobbed my head, as i stood up and follow him into the kitchen.

"so, what do you want to talk to me about?" i asked as i crossed my arms.

"okay so... you recently got into a fight with taehyung right?" he questioned, as he bit his lips. i nodded my head as a sigh filled with sadness and disappointment escaped my lips.

"break up with him." jimin suddenly said, and my eyes widened. is he crazy? he knows how much i like taehyung.

"you know he's childish, immature, and any vocabulary that is related to those two words that i mentioned just now." he continued.

"i just realized that i actually don't have feelings for yoongi hyung,"

"hye joo ah, i like you."



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