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taehyung groaned. "we were going to spend time alone but why the hell are we even here with these idiots?"

i shushed him. "boy, you agreed to this. plus, i like spending time with them so i can't see what's wrong."

he pursed his lips, thinking of an answer. and god he looked so damn cute that i want to squish the hell out of him.

"i can't believe you, hye joo." he pouted. i leaned in closer to him and give him a quick kiss on the lips. "satisfied now?" i asked, raising my eyebrows. he smirked in return.

"you owe me one full make out session, babe." he whispered. my face became beet red and i slapped his hard stone chest.

"oh my god, please stop flirting. i feel like i'm watching some r21 korean drama here." jungkook interrupted as he pretended to gag along with hoseok and hyun mi. i shot daggers at hyun mi.

"why are you siding with them now? and i thought you're my hoe." i asked hyun mi. hyun mi folded her arms and nodded, "that's why i'm your hoe. h-o-e."

i just look at her confused, wondering what the hell was she talking about. she did not answer me, so i decided to shrug it off anyways.

and now, we were playing truth or dare by spinning the bottle. typical, i know. but i guess it was still fun after all. it reminded me of taehyung and i playing truth or dare in the dance stuido. uh oh, i still remembered what happened in the dance studio....

"truth or dare?" namjoon asked yoongi.

"dare." yoongi answered immediately.

"i dare you to sit on taehyung's lap until this game is finished." namjoon smirked in victory. i saw taehyung's jaw dropped in disbelief. "hyung! why me?!"

"WHAT THE FUCK NAMJOON?!" yoongi hollered. namjoon just smirked at him and yoongi had no choice but to sit on taehyung's lap.

"hyung, you're heavy." taehyung groaned as a weight landed on his lap.

"shut up." yoongi snapped. oops, someone's on his man period.

"if only i was in taehyung's position." i heard jimin who was sitting beside me murmmered. oh boy, he's jealous. i bet namjoon's so gonna get beating from taehyung, yoongi and jimin after this game.

yoongi spun the bottle and it landed on me. uh oh.

"truth or dare?"

i was hesitant, i did not know which one to choose like oh my lord.

"ermmmm, dare?"

"YES! okay i dare you to switch places with me," yoongi said. holy god, he's smart.

i was going to sit on taehyung's lap, what the actual hell. yoongi quickly got off taehyung's lap and scrambled to my place, shooing me off. i had no choice but to stand up and make my way to taehyung. i can see taehyung smirking so widely and i badly want to use a knife and cut off his mouth so he can't smirk.

i was almost near to him but he pulled my hand down instantly and i immediately landed on his lap.

"good, this feels so good." taehyung whispered into my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist, back-hugging me. i can't deny but it feels so good too.

i spun the bottle and it landed on hyun mi.


"so, truth or dare?"

"TRUTH!" she answered. i grinned. there was one question that i've been very curious about.

"hoseok or jungkook?" i questioned. her expression immediately turned dumbfounded.

"HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO ME YOU HOE!" she screamed. hoseok and jungkook's eyes were on her. just then, i felt taehyung's chin or my shoulder.

"fuck hye joo, i'm trying so hard to control myself now." taehyung said softly. i just elbowed him in his stomach. he winced in agony.

"shut up." i mumbled.

"park hyun mi are you done choosing your answer?" i asked.

"h-hoseok." she answered. i think i saw disappointment washed over jungkook's face.

but to be honest i freaking ship hoseok and hyun mi too.

"YAS I SHIP HOSEOK AND HYUN MI, #HOMI FTW!" i cheered as i waved my hands in the air. hyun mi and hoseok was blushing really really red now.

i think i'm gonna be cupid this time round.


this chapt is kinda filler chapt lol :'))

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