Chapter 5

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Quick lil note on your costume, it is the picture above BUT i know the red costume is from Arrow. I DONT own it i jist could find anything else like it. So YOUR costume is black and brown, has short sleeves, and instead of the jacket, it has the short hood. If it doesnt show plz comment and I will post it again. Ok bye

The Bat Symbol shone brightly in the sky. It was the symbol of justice. The thing every Gotham villian feared. It triggered something inside anyone who saw it.

Batman and his two newest recruits jumped from rooftop to rooftop in the rain. Lighting struck behind them.

Commissioner Jim Gordan waited at the source of the Bat Symbol. He checked his watch hoping Gotham's hero would arrive.

"Jim." Batman said up on a ledge behind the aging man. Jim jumped, startled and sighed.

"Is there anyway you could show up without raising my blood pressure?"

Batman jumped from his ledge and stood behind the GCPD's leader. Batman watched where he previously was. The two new sidekicks emerged from the darkness. Jim faced Batman.

"More? Who's the girl?"

"Sparrow. I'll explain later. How's Ubu doing?"

"He's in ICU. Still under sedation. Searched his place, nothing much there. We did find one interesting item." Jim pulled out a bag from his trench coat and Robin snatched it. Sparrow took it and gave it to Batman.

"Hey!" He glared at her through his mask.

"Who's number is it?" The Bat asked.

"It's a phone sex- " Jim looked at the two children. "Uh. A phone chat line. But that's not the interesting part. It's what written on the other side."

Batman flipped the piece of evidence over. He signaled his two proteges and they returned to the Batmobile. Sparrow and Robin squeezed into the passenger seat and they took off.


Gotham Coliseum.

That's where they were at. The rain covered the ground, wishing it could be reunited with the clouds in the dim, gray sky.

Batman, Robin, and Sparrow were perched on the support beams. They looked at the once colorful place. Batman was not getting nostalgic, Bruce Wayne was. His father had taken him here when he was a boy. Bruce loved it.

"Dad used to bring me here for ball games. Sometimes after we would go to the amusement park." He stated.

"And now history repeats itself." Damian told him. "Let's go!" He jumped off and took of running.

"Robin!" Sparrow call out. She jumped after him and their boss jumped after them both.

Sparrow grabbed Robin's shoulder. He stopped and turned around, flinging her hand off his shoulder. She noticed her bracelet was showing and shoved it back under her glove. Batman ran up to the and crouched to Robin's height placing his hand on his son's shoulder.

"We made a deal. You two are backup and this is no game." He grabbed something from his utility belt and handed it to Sparrow. A pair of high tech binoculars. "Think before you act." She looked through it.

"Surveillance cameras." She told her teammate.

"Somebody is watching." Batman said.

Robin looked down then to his mentor. "Very well. You lead."


The three made their way through a secret passage that led to a secret room.

"How did you know this was here?" Sparrow asked Batman.

"I make it my business to know."

"We can jump them." Robin was ready for a fight. The girl stopped him.

"We need to find Langstrom. Quietly." She told him. Batman nodded in agreement. She felt proud that the Batman agreed with her.

The heroes slipped out of the room, going unnoticed by the three guards. They made their way to a second floor ledge.

"Down there." Batman pointed to an air vent. They jumped down and landed silently. Batman unhinged the vent and they climbed in.


"How can we find Langstrom? We don't have time to waste." Robin asked. The three were cramped in the vents.

"A thermal camera. You have one, do you not?" Sparrow asked Batman. He pulled one out of his belt and handed it to her. She looked through it and pointed to the next turn and couple of vents over.


"Dr. Langstrom." Batman made himself present.

"You." Dr. Langstrom turned around frightened.

"You have to come with us."

"No. No, no. I-I cant." The doctor backed up into his work causing a spill. The shiny glass beacon broke, the green substance made the broken pieces gisten. "Deathstroke has my family. He says he'll kill them if I don't do what he wants." He panicked.

"Where is Deathstroke?" Sparrow asked calmly.

"I don't know. You have to believe me."

"I'LL MAKE YOU TALK!" Robin shouted sprinting across the room.

"Robin no!"

He grabbed Dr. Langstrom and threw him over the table, out the room, breaking the door. Soilders patrolling nearby noticed and ran. Robin charged and attacked. Batman punched and dodged while Sparrow aimed her bow.

Three targets were in sight. She aimed for their hearts. A clear shot. If she let go they'd be dead.

No killing. That's the rule.

She moved her hand slightly, barely noticably, and shot the three close to their left shoulder. It wouldn't kill them. But it hurt.

Robin grabbed a sword but Batman stopped him.

"No swords."


He swiped his leg, knocking a masked man back, jumped up and kicked him in the face.

Sparrow jumped onto the desk and backflipped shooting two more villians in the chest. She landed perfectly next to Robin.

Dr. Langstrom fled from the fight down the hallway.

Robin jumped and wrapped his legs around the neck of his enemy making him fall.

"Hehe. That was fun." He put his hands in his hips and puffed his chest out.

"Which way?" Sparrow looked at Batman. More soilders - at least 30 - surrounded the room.

"Time to retreat." Batman decided.

"I'm no coward." Robin was in a fighting stance.

"Don't be stupid." Sparrow warned.

Batman threw a smoke pellet on the ground. It erupted and its thick black smoke filled the room.

The three heores managed to escape. They ran into the huge field. The wet grassy was slippery from the so many rainstorms that leaked through the major hole in the roof.

"Listen." Batman ordered.

Fluttering. Not a butterfly. Heavier.

"Man-bats." Sparrow announced. They screeched and growled. They attacked, covering them, trying to bite. Batman came up with a strong force and pushed them away from the child heroes.

They kicked and punched the mutants. The monsters fought back clawing at them. Batman threw them into each other and grabbed Robin and Sparrow, grappling onto the ledge next to the support beams. They ran and more Man-bats flew.

Robin smirked and jumped ontop of a bat. He drove the sword he picked up through its back. It shreiked and blood spilled. He grappled but another was sneaking behind hin going unnoticed except from Sparrow.

She gasped and drew her last arrow. It flung directly through its head. The heavy body was falling right below her. She smiled until another rammed into the support bars making her loose her balance. She fell from the high ledge.

The wind rushed through her hair. Her hood was down and her bow was lost. Acting fast she saw the nearest object, which happened to be a hurt Man-bat and pushed it underneath her. Somehow she hoped it would help the impact. But if it didn't, the outcome would be the same no matter what.

It hurt. Her whole body felt numb yet it stung at the same time. She was filthy. Her hair had grass and dirt while her face was bleeding. Her arms hurt to lift up. But she was alive. Somehow but she didn't dare question it.

Looking around fast she couldn't find her teammates.


They were grappling away to safety. Soon she spotted a baterang. Not just a baterang. A bomb.

Her eyes widen and despite being in pain she got up and raced to the nearest cover. Her heart pounded and her head throbbed. Her breath was quick and her lunges were breathing in cold painful air. She rushed towards the secret room until the shockwave of the bomb sent her flying into the wall. Her body cracked the wall and left her bleeding on the hard floor. 

Her breathing was shallow. Her e/c eyes were slightly opened but her vision was blurry. Y/n could tell soilders were getting closer so she lifted up her head only for it to fall down. It was too heavy to pick up. A group of feet stood in front of her. And she couldn't help but close her eyes.

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