Chapter 6

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Robin chased after Dr. Langstrom focused only on getting answers. He wanted them and he wanted them now. His footsteps were light and the doctor didn't notice.

Langstrom slipped on the wet floor. He collided with the ground. He sat up and looked behind him. He sighed. They weren't there. But looking up he saw Robin with a sword pointed at his head. His face twitched and trembled with fear. Robin smirked at the sight.

"Robin!" Batman jumped behind the scientist.

"Huh. Lucky." He burrowed his eyebrows. Then it was silent. Just for a split second but that was all it took.

"Where's Sparrow?!" Robin yelled st his father. Batman's eyes widen slightly. How could he forget a child under his care! "Where is she?" Robin shouted. He looked around then at the building they were previously at. "You left her there?!"

"Robin -"

"You LEFT HER THERE?!" Robin growled.

"I didn't me-"

Robin went running but Batman caught him. He wrapped his srms around him. Not in a hug, to hold him down.

"She's strong don't worry. First let's take care of Langstrom."

Robin squirmed away and frowned but nodded.


The speed boat shook as it flew through the water. It was freezing snd felt like winter. The salt water sprayed Y/n's body. Her head was in a burlap sack. It itched her nose and was rough against her cheeks. The chains dug into her wrists and ankles. The only sound was the motor reving and the quiet chatter of her kidnappers.

It didn't take long before they reached their destination. Y/n felt them unlock and she was forced to stand up. Pain shot through her back and into her legs. Baring though the pain she walked where they pushed her. They took off the cloth bag and she could finally breath peacefully. One soilder pushed her to the floor and locked her up again.

The cell was cold and damp. It smelled old and was dirty. The only sounds were the rythmatic footsteps of the soilders outside. Y/n lay half asleep on the stone floor trying to think of a way out. But she was too tired. Her brain wasn't thinking properly. It wanted to fight but her muscles told her to take it easy. Her breathing was shaky and she was short of breathe.

One man unlocked the barred cell door and unlocked the heavy chains that strapped her to the floor. They lifted her up since she would not get up. The man grunted as he tried to get her to stand, failing.

He walked down the dark empty hallways for a while until he came upon a door with light seeping through the cracks. Buttons and faint noise buzzed. There stood a mad man.

Slade Wilson.

He was ordering some of his minions around. He stopped mid sentence when he layed eyes on the girl.

"Finally." His deep, dark sound filled the air. "Set her down."

The minion set Y/n down on a metal chair and strapped her arms and legs.

"Good afternoon Y/n." He said her name with pure delight. Delight that she was captured under the Batman's care.

Y/n hung her bruised head, her tangled hair blocked her face. All she could care about was her breathing. She kept her eyes closed.

"I have someone I want you to meet."

I don't care.

"I find her to be quite a peach." He smirked.

"Who?" Y/n muttered.

"It speaks!" He laughed.

"Who?" Y/n repeated.

He lifted her chin. Her e/c eyes stared into his cold soulless one.

"You tell me." He moved to the side of her and someone stood behind him.

The person was short. Shorter than Y/n. The person wore a black cloak that touched the floor.  The way the fabric fell over their body told Y/n it was a girl.

The girl lifted her arm to unveil herself. There stood a clean little girl with (thick/thin) hair like Y/n's. She looked up blankly at the prisoner.

Y/n gasped. Her eyes widened, tears threatened to spill.

"What did you do to her!" Y/n shouted. Her face was red with anger. "Tell me!" She screamed. She thrashed around in her chair trying to escape so she could kill Slade.

Slade looked at one of his workers and nodded. The man in black went up to the chair and unlocked the restraints. Instantly Y/n flung up, stealing the man's sword and stabbing in the stomach. She pulled out the weapon as the body fell. Dashing around she gave the rest of the minions the same fate.

Running up to Deathstroke, the warrior jumped and knocked him down. Pinning him to the ground she pressed the large knife to his throat. The other man's blood dripped onto Slade's neck. The blade pressed in, not enough to break the skin, but enough to know Y/n meant buisness.

"What did you do to my SISTER?!" She screamed in his face. Her eyes burned with hatred. He chuckled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He pointed behind Y/n. She glanced back and her heart broke.

It was S/n. Holding a gun to Y/n's head.

"I saved her. She'll do anything for me."

"You brainwashed her." Y/n said through gritted teeth.

"And now she has a roof over her head and clothes on her back. She was in poverty while her sister lived in a temple." The one eyed man argued.

Y/n's eyes widened. She let go of Deathstroke and threw the sword on the ground.

"Do what you want with me. Don't hurt her." Y/n looked down.

Deathstroke stood up and cleared his throat."Very well." He nodded to S/n.

Y/n felt pain in her skull and she fell down. She groaned and closed her eyes. S/n stood above her with the back of the gun above her head.

"Have her transported to the operating room in at the base." He ordered the girl.

"Yes Deathstroke." S/n spoke softly.


At the Batcave, Batman, Robin, and Nightwing stood in a semicircle around Dr. Langstorm who was sitting on a chair with a bag over his head.

Batman pulled off the bag. Dr. Langstrom looked around frequently.

"Where am I?"

"Just start talking." The Dark Knight replied.

"Ra's wanted me to splice animal DNA to human using advanced mutagens. He would provide volunteers for me to work on" The doctor explained.

"Obviously you took him up on it." Batman commented.

"I knew it would mean prison if anyone knew I was up to my old experiments, but how do you say 'no' to Ra's al Ghul?" He wondered.

"He wanted you to make the ultimate warriors." Nightwing thought outloud.

"Yes. Ra's called it 'Operation: Air Strike. No military could withstand an army of flying, superpowered ninjas using sonar in the dead of night."

"But Deathstroke took over." Nigntwing finished.

"The formula was my ace in the hole. I kept working on it, making improvements. If I completely finished it I don't know what he might do."

"Where is your family?" Batman stepped up.

"I don't know. He let me speak to them once briefly. My daughter mentioned something about snow. Uh t-two mountain peaks that she said looked like cat ears." The man looked at them.

Robin's eyes widened. "Interlaken, Grandfather's compound."

"You're sure?" His father asked.

"I'm sure." Robin crossed his arms and looked at the doctor.

"Can you make an antidote to the Man-bat formula? With the right materials? The right equipment?" Batman asked.

"It's possible, but what about my family?"

"Leave them to us." Batman answered.


Y/n's eyes blinked open. Immidently she knew she wasn't where she encountered Deathstroke. That place was built of stone and brick. This was more high tech. Her vison was fuzzy but soon returned to normal. The bed underneath her was lumpy and uncomfortable the tiny room smelled of medicine and blood. Looking to her right she saw S/n reading her book.

"Where am I?" Y/n asked grunting, trying to sit up.

"Safe. I've cleaned your wounds and stitched you up." She said not looking up.

"Thanks... How long have I been out?" The two year older girl asked.

"Not too long." S/n kept reading.

"What are you reading?" Y/n broke the ice.

"(Favorite book) by (author's name)."

"That's my favorite." Y/n smiled. S/n looked at her sister and smiled lightly too. It bugged Y/n that a sweet girl is protecting a madman.

"Why are you here?" Y/n asked. She had to know.

S/n's face turned sour. "Because Deathstroke saved me."

"He's a madman." Y/n told her repeating Bruce's words.

"He's my hero!" S/n stood up.

"He's a killer!" Y/n leaned forward.

"Then what are you? Huh?! I saw what you did! You killed those innocent men for no reason!"

"'Innocent'? What the hell are you on!"

"You killed them with ease!" S/n hissed. "You are a killer! An assasin! It's what you do! At least Slade has a reason! A belief that what he does has a purpose! You kill because it's what you're boyfriend wants! What you left me for!"

"Don't ever compare me to that monster! Everything I have ever done was for you! I left to save you!" Y/n was red.

"You left because you wanted to leave that place!" She argued.

"I left because I couldn't let the only person I love, give up their life! I lost my freedom for you. I lost my choice. I am going to end up marrying a demon and having his children!" Angry, frustrated tears filled Y/n's eyes. "I couldn't let you live like that." Her voice grew softer.

The room was silent.

"You were my baby sister. I would do anything to save you, and I still would. I couldn't let you become what I am today. That is why I left." She sniffled and looked into her sister's eyes. "I didn't give up my freedom so you could woreship a murderer."

S/n was silent. She looked at the dirty floor. A voice boomed. It was Deathstroke and some henchmen at the door.

"S/n, come here now."

She grabbed her book and left the room, drying her tears.

Y/n wiped her eyes and calmed herself. She looked around but two men grabbed her and forced her to stand up. Y/n jerked away from their hands and walked on her own.

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