Chapter 7

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Their footsteps echoed in the hallway.

The two soilders led Y/n to a smaller room filled with dust, age, and death. It was cold and smelled of irony blood. S/n stood beside Slade, while he stood beside another prisoner. The woman was chained and beaten. One of the soilders shoved Y/n into a chair. She looked down at her lap focusing on the little tears and blood stains on her uniform.

"I know you're working with the Dark Knight. Who is he? Who is Batman?" Slade questioned.

"What makes you think I'll tell you?" Y/n snapped. "I won't talk."

"I believe you." He stepped up. "But I have an offer for you."

Y/n looked up waiting for him to continue. Deathstroke ordered everyone to leave the room. Now it was the prisoner, Y/n, and Slade.

"You join me in taking them down and I'll give you what you want."

Y/n snarled. "I want nothing from you."

"Y/n don't!" The prisoner yelled.

Y/n immediately recognized the voice.


"Take her away!" Deathstroke roared. One of his henchmen dragged Talia to the cell she was imprisoned in before.

"As I was saying." He looked back at Y/n. "Tell me who he is."

"As I was saying. I want nothing from you!"

"Not even your baby sister?"

Shadows fell over Y/n's face. It was quite an offer. It was an incredible offer. A second chance with her sister. A chance nobody normally gets. But was it worth it? Bruce had given her a bed to sleep on, food. And a costume, which had surprisingly not fallen apart. The cloak was ripped and torn but still was intact.

Slade walked around in circles just as a shark would before striking its prey. "Just imagine it. You two would be drawing and reading together. Eating cookies and sweets. A normal life. You'd help her with homework and talk about boys."


Y/n remembered the boy that was meant to be the highlight of her life.


If she did spill the beans, she would be betraying him. It wasn't allowed. So betraying him would end up in a very miserable injury or a tormentious death.

The room was silent and filled with thought. As tempting as the offer was, Y/n knew what she had to do. She straightened her back and lifted her chin looking the villian in his eye.

"I can't." She nodded down to her bracelet. "Besides. That's not my sister."

He hummed in acknowledgement. Slade knew what Y/n had meant by not being able to.

Straightening his posture and clearing his throat he spoke. "Very well." He nodded and immidently Y/n felt a sharp pain in the side of her neck.

Hissing she looked to her side. It was an unimportant minion pulling a long needle out of her neck. Her breathes her short and larbored. She hunched over slightly expecting pain.

"What was that?!"

"Beads," his hands were at his face as he examined the cointainer of what once held the unknown substance. "Ticking time bombs filled with some special sedative and Meadow Saffron."

Y/n recognized the name. Meadow Saffron was a plant. As little as seven miligrams of the poisonious plant that can cause colic, paralysis, and even heart failure. There is no antidote for this poison and it was in the nape of her neck in form of little beads.

"I give the word and you're gone." Deathstroke smirked.

"I still won't do anything. You and I both know that."

He did know. He didn't want her dead; not yet anyway.

"Then it's a good thing the specially made sedative will make you open to suggestion. Making you my soilder." He spun in his heel and faced the girl.

"So Y/n. Ready to take down the Batman?"

Her vision became hazy and the air seemed sweeter to her.

"Yes Deathstroke."


The Batwing sliced through the clear dark night. It was cold but warm within the aircraft. Damian was worried about his mother, and Y/n, but refused to show it.

"I hope you're right about this." Bruce told his son.

"I know these mountains well. Y/n and I've been climbing them since I was four. It was part of our training." Damian crossed his gloved arms.

"That's some training for four year olds."

"First time I climbed I fell. Broke my wrist. I made it to the top anyway. It was expected. I was Ra's al Ghul's grandson."

Bruce'sface shifted, "Was it all like that Damian?"

"I was groomed to lead humanity, like my grandfather. We were going to create a whole new world."

"By killing?"

"If that's what it took."

"How do you hope to lead humanity if you never been a part if it?" Bruce pondered.

The only sound was the silent engine as Damian thought if a response.

"Y/n and I would eventually rule."

"Y/n?" Bruce was curious.

"Yes. She is my betrothal. Grandfather picked her. Said she was perfect."

"You're engaged?"

"He put her through a test, to see if she was worthy. I'm not aware of what it was. But she must of passed."

"Not a perfect childhood for either of you." Bruce commented.

"What about you? From what I've heard your childhood wasn't a lot of fun either?" He snapped.

"I had my tramas. But I also had people around me to help. Alfred, Dick, others. I had friends. As far as I can tell, all you had was trainer and a forced engagement. There's a difference Damian."

Damian furrowed his eyebrows and but his frown disappeared as he saw their location.

"There's the stronghold beyond those peaks."

Batman pushed the heavy metal door and peered inside. Blood stained the stone walls and the cell bed. He closed the door as Robin ran up to him.


As they walked around searching for clues Robin spoke up.

"Why are we wasting time when it's obvious they abandoned it?"

"Wait, listen." Batman ordered. He put his ear to the wall and heard whimpers. "False wall." He pushed a brick and the wall rumbled as it moved to the side. He broke the lock and kicked the door down.

Two people, a woman and girl, sat shivering, huddled together.

"Please don't hurt us." The woman begged. "Please."

"We're not here to hurt you." Batman offered his hand.

"Batman, thank heavans. Where's Kirk?"


"We've been so afraid."

"You're all right now." The hero reassured.

"Robin! You saved us!" The girl ran up and gave Robin a hug.

For an odd reason he thought of Y/n and was uncomfortable by the girl. "This is totally unnecessary."

"Deathstroke said he would spare us if I gave this to you." She whispered as she slipped a device in his hand. "Don't tell Batman. Please."

"There's a landing pad on the other side of the stronghold. I'll call Interpol to send a helicopter. Shouldn't take long." Batman explained as they turned the corner. Damian stayed behind to look at the secret device. He turned it on watched.

"I have your mother Damian. And your little girlfriend. This is their location." A map appeared showing the coordinates. "Perhaps you've been there. This is between you and me. Leave the sperm donor out of it." The screen changed to Talia and Y/n hanging by their wrists from chains. "I'll give you twenty-four hours before I end their suffering." Deathstroke threatened. "Be worthy of your heritage boy. Make your mother proud."

The screen shut off and Damian crushed it to pieces with his fist.

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