Lou Almost Breaks My Ribs

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
Cassie's POV.
——————————————————————. Where were we? Ah yes, excruciating pain. Damn, why did I not think of this! Last time I passed out! Just had to be extra, huh Cass! I feel like my body is burning from the inside out! Last time it was worse. I am an absolute idiot.

I materialize inside Cabin 11, and land on the floor with a thud. "Ughhh, what's going on!", Connor says, waking from his slumber. "You tell me!", Cecil groans. Connor notices me on the floor.  "Cass! What are you doing here!", he says, waking the rest of the cabin up. "I came to visit. Don't touch me right now, give me a moment to collect myself, cause I might burn you on accident.", I say. "Okay."

The pain subsides a bit. Since there's no real injury, ambrosia or nectar don't really help. Just rest and not using any powers for a bit. I better not tell Will, or else I'll be stuck in the infirmary for a week. He doesn't just do that to Nico, you know. That would be boyfriend abuse.

I sit up, biting my cheek to not cry out.  "Hi. Hope I didn't wake you too much, Connor!", I say. "Nah, you're fine. I couldn't sleep anyway.", he replies. "I brought caramels.", I say. "YOU DID! WHERE ARE THEY!", he says, obviously excited. I toss him the bag. I also pull out a square of vanilla fudge and throw it at Cecil. It hits him in the face.

"I'm gonna assume that you intended to hit me with that.", Cecil says. "Yep. I got you fudge.", I answer.  "Looks a lot emptier in here.", I comment. "Yeah, they finally built the Thanatos cabin.  Now that Hector has a cabin, he moved out of this one, and then Travis went to college, so now it's less crowded I guess.  And your cabin should be done in a week or so. Say hello to your new cabin counselor!", Connor says.  "Ok, hello Connor!", I joke. 

Because of Jason's plan to recognize all of the gods, any god or goddess with a claimed demigod child at camp, summer or full-time, who doesn't already have a cabin will get a cabin.  So, Thanatos and Hemera are getting cabins.  I oversaw the construction of mine via Iris message.  I'll go check on it later, when I can stand. 

I try to get up, and fall with a shriek of pain.  My blood reignites.  Cecil runs over, and I have to shout, "Get away!  You might get burned!"  "I'm getting Will!", he says, running out of the cabin like a hellhound is chasing him. 

"You okay?", Connor asks.  "Not at this moment, but I'll be fine in an hour or so.  Just don't expect me to join Capture The Flag today.", I reply.   Connor runs to Travis's old room, and comes out with a leather gardening glove.  He puts it on.  He sticks out a hand to help me up, and I take it.  Then he helps me walk to the couch, and I sit next to Alice, who had been watching the whole time.  Julia, not surprisingly, had slept through the whole thing.  I toss Alice a bag of Jolly Ranchers.  They're her favorite.  "Thank you!", she says. 

I want to go hide.  But nowhere in this damn camp besides the ocean, bottom of the lake, and the forest at night is safe from Will if he's mad at you.  And even then, he has high powered flashlights and the ability to become a human glowstick.

The cabin door opens, revealing Cecil and Lia.  She's training to be the new head medic, so Will probably sent her to do this for training.  "Hi, Lia!", I say.  "Hi!", she replies, running over to me.  Julia finally wakes up.  "Hi, Cass!  Just so you know, don't open the bathroom door.  We're gonna prank Travis, since he's coming back today", she says.  "It's a war zone in there!", Alice adds.  "Good to know.",  I reply, not shocked at all.

Lia is a full year camper, but she was at her aunt's ranch helping out with her baby cousin when the whole Apollo being mortal fiasco happened.  Her drone was so messed up by the communication problems that we couldn't correspond at all during that time.  Lia, Violet, and I were all terrified for each other's lives when it happened. 

"Uhh, Will sent me to bring you to the infirmary. Sorry.", Lia says. "It's okay. Not your fault he treats me like Nico whenever I use my powers.", I joke. I stagger out of my cabin, leaning on Lia. Good thing that I'm pretty light. We soon arrive. The door opens, and Will is right there.

"Thanks, Lia! There's nothing else for you to do here really, so head back to the cabin, got it.", Will says. Lia pulls off her scrub shirt, revealing her orange tank top.  She jogs out of the cabin. "Do I really have to be here?!", I complain. "Yes. Because I know that you'll do something stupid like using your powers at Capture The Flag today, and you can't even walk!", he says, directing me to a cot.

I sit down. "So, what's new?", I ask Will. "Well, we got a new cabin mate.  Her name's Melissa, she's from South Dakota, and she plays violin.  She came here a day ago.  She's too young to be a medic yet, though.  She's only 10.  It's a good thing we have Lia, or else this camp would be without a head medic because neither Kayla or Austin is any good at healing.", he says. 

The minimum age to work in the infirmary is 12 years old, and the minimum age to train for head medic is 14.  You officially stop being a child here at camp at 11.  You stop being babied, and you aren't protected as much. 

The reason the age to work in the infirmary is 12 instead of 11 that the medics here see the most traumatic stuff you can see, short of Tartarus.  Because watching a friend die is bad, but watching a friend die WHILE you're trying to save them is worse.  Also, 11 year olds still look and act almost like children.  You don't need that type of childishness and irresponsibility in a situation where the life of a friend hangs in the balance of each decision you make.

I stretch, the pain from light traveling almost gone.  "How do you feel?", Will asks me.  "Okay, I guess.  You can set me free now.", I say.  "Wow, since when did you become Nico!", he joked.  "Since you started annoying me!", I reply.

I hear a bit of jostling down the hallway, and see a boy who looks about Lia's age pushing a cart. "Oh hey, Andrew! Leave that cart right there, I have to go with Julia and Connor on a supply run soon.", Will says to the boy. He looks about 14, has dark brown hair and eyes, and a tattoo that marks him as Roman. Lia had said something to me about a couple Roman kids coming to camp to see what it's like here. His tattoo looks kinda weird, like Hermes' staff, but with only one snake. Judging by the lines, he's been at Camp Jupiter for 10 years.

"Oh, no worries! I can summon some of the basic stuff that we need. No need to go ransacking a mortal store if we don't need to. Also, I don't see any injuries on her, why is she here?", Andrew says, gesturing to me. That's kind of weird, since he's not really close to me. "Overuse of powers.", Will answers.

"We don't see that much in Camp Jupiter, usually just spear wounds, occasionally a kick to the head from a unicorn. But I don't see the real bad stuff usually, since I'm not as useful in healing as a child of Apollo. I'm more in the background. Pranjal is a way better healer than me, and I'm more useful for getting medical supplies and healing minor wounds.", the other boy states.

I feel bad for him. It's kind of a thankless job, being a healer. Us fighters get all the credit, but Annabeth would have died a long time ago if it weren't for Will. I'm not even that good of a fighter, compared to Percy or even Leo Valdez. And even Will gets only a little credit for being the best healer. Lia is basically unnoticed, and she's no novice at healing either.

"You're plenty useful, Andrew, and you've only been here a few days. It's gonna be sad when you leave in August, I know that!", Will reassures.

The brunette boy walks over to the cart, and out of nowhere, a roll of bandages appears from thin air. He puts it in the cart, and repeats this until there's enough to patch up the camp for Capture the Flag. I watch intently, because it doesn't make sense. How can someone summon something out of thin air. It has to come from somewhere! Is he accessing some dimensional pocket of bandages?

"Do you promise you won't use your powers at Capture the Flag today, Cassie?", Will asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes.", I say, fully intending to chase someone around with a light knife. "I don't believe you. Your cabin is on my team anyway, which is good because the Hades cabin is currently in the Underworld right now! So, you're gonna be with Andrew, Lia, Violet, Lou, and Kayla on the flag grabbing patrol." he replies. It's like he can smell lies, which makes sneaking out of the infirmary well near impossible. And trust me, Nico and I have tried.

Well, it looks like Nico is off visiting his father or whatever, so we better hope Percy doesn't come to visit today. Because the Athena cabin is not on our side today.

"Alright, I have to go make sure the new girl doesn't die at archery today, so you can leave if you're up to it.  Try to stay in the sun, cause that kind of helped last time.", Will says, walking away.  I leave, stepping into the dark. 

I see a dark silhouette running closer and closer, until Lou Ellen is running up to me.  She hugs me so hard that I swear I hear a crack in my rib area.  "Cassie!  You're back!  You're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you!", she says, releasing me.  We run to the Hecate cabin, the flickering torches lighting the way. 

"So, my dad finally divorced my stepmom, but it's kinda sad because my stepsister was awesome.  But, since my mom is epic, she blessed my stepsister!  She was always clearsighted, but thanks to Hecate, she has magic now!  They moved to New York City!  And, now, she's gonna come to camp for a few weeks!", Lou exclaims.

"Your stepsister wouldn't happen to be named Olivia, would she?", I ask, starting to put the pieces together.  Come on, Blackstone isn't a very common last name, right?
"Yep!  Wait, you met Olivia!", she says.  "Alright, one final question.  Is the Olivia you met deaf?", Lou asks me.  "Yep, and she taught me sign language and completely elevated my curse word library.  What about you?"

"I already knew pretty much every curse word under the sun, Olivia just taught me how to make sure nobody knew I was cursing them out. And yes, you can actually curse someone in sign language, like, turn them into a pig type of curse.", Lou answers. "Please try that out at Capture the Flag today!", I say, hoping to get Sherman Yang. The team leaders are the Apollo and Ares cabin. Ares is red team, Apollo is blue.

"The Ares, Athena, Demeter, Dionysus, Nemesis, Tyche, Hebe, and Hypnos cabins are Red team.
We have the Apollo, Thanatos, Hermes, Hephaestus, Nike, Iris, Hecate, and Aphrodite cabins. So, you, the new guy Andrew, Violet, Lia, Kayla, and I are gonna find and take the flag. I've got an arsenal of pig balls, and the ability of stealth cursing thanks to Olivia. Also, I have some knives if things get really bad.", Lou says, grabbing some things.

"Alright! I'm gonna go look at my cabin, wanna come?", I ask Lou. "Sure!", she says, putting the stuff she gathered into a backpack and placing said backpack on her chair. We run off into the night, and stop at my now completed cabin. It's gold like the Apollo cabin, with a sun over the door. But this one glows with an intensity that the Apollo cabin doesn't have. There's planters by the door, filled with blue morning glories, my favorite flowers. Last but not least, two torches burn cleanly and brightly by the door.

I open the door, and smell the woody smell of freshly built house. It smells nice. There's furniture boxes strewn about the place, and a few doors leading away from the main room. I open one door, and it leads to a rather large and airy room that I'll be claiming as my bedroom. The other bedrooms are smaller, but every single bedroom has its own bathroom. We've learned from our mistakes.

All the older cabins got remodeled, so there's bathrooms and bedrooms now. We've spent too long waiting for one kid to get out of the bathroom so the rest of us can shower too. Hence the individual bathrooms. There's still bunks for the summer campers, but year round kids get actual rooms. There's buckets of blue and white paint around the place, and functioning lights already. All the plumbing is hooked up, now all that's left to do is the interior stuff.

Nico kindly lent some skeletons to do the heavy lifting of building the cabin, then we got some zombie plumbers and electricians to do the more complicated stuff. The Underworld red tape set stuff back about a month, but we got through it.   Construction began back in February.

Out back, there's a patio and screen door with a beautiful view of the clear blue lake. The dock is perhaps 15 yards from the patio, and torches light the way. I've always loved the lake, because the water is usually clear and cold. But it's a good type of cold, not freezing, but not warm and scummy either.

The lake has had an algae problem about three times in the time I've been here, but they always get solved quickly. There's also plenty of fish there, which I like because fishing is pretty fun, especially out of a canoe or kayak. Sometimes, you'll hook a monster, and you'll get dragged around until you either reel it in or cut the line. It's fun when that happens.

I also love to hike along the creeks that feed the lake, and also visit the geysers. I once visited the Grove of Dodona, but it was kinda scary in there, so I left without actually going inside. Haven't gone back. There's fish in a couple of the bigger creeks, and the forest is absolutely beautiful. I mean, sure, there's monsters deeper in the woods, but as long as I have my trusty sword or dagger, I feel pretty safe in there.

I keep my sword at camp, because it's hard to conceal two feet of solid Celestial Bronze. So, I take my dagger back to the mortal world to kill any monster that tries to attack me. It does the job, although I like using my sword while at camp. My friend Violet uses a spear, and Lia uses a crossbow. Violet usually dyes her hair a different color every year, so I wonder what color it will be this year? Last year it was magenta, the year before, it was bright blue.

She can't dye it herself, a quirk of being a child of Iris. She can't change the color of any part of her own body. So, when she comes to camp, she gets Butch to change her hair color. The one thing that can't be changed at all is her skin and eye color. She's got muddy green eyes, and pale skin.

We head to the dock and dip our feet in the lake, sharing stories about what's happened since we last hung out. I dropped by camp for a couple hours on Christmas, Nico shadow travelled both me and Rachel here for the Christmas party. Lou Ellen and Violet managed to make it here for the party, so we just hung out in one big group. That's when I picked up the monster proof phone that I asked Leo to make, because it was done then and he was at camp.

That was the last time I saw Lou, until today. And with us, you never really know if today will be the last day you see your best friend or not. As the birds start chirping and the sun peeks out below the horizon, I start to think that today will be a very good day.

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