Where did my kid go!

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Avengers
                          Tony POV
I wake up on the couch with a splitting headache, like a jackhammer splitting my skull open and spraying acid in the gap. Ugh, hangovers suck. What's a little weird is that Cass isn't out. She's usually first or second up, and definitely wakes up earlier than Pietro. But here Pietro is, making a large pot of coffee and teasing me.

"Hah! I guess playboy couldn't watch what he drank!", he taunts. "Says the guy who encouraged a drinking contest and didn't participate, you coward!", I reply. "I'm 18!", he responds, as if that excuses him. "Okay, Sonic!" I leave the idiot speedster alone.

As I'm walking down the hall, looking for my daughter, I bump into Wanda. "Hi, have you seen Cass?", I ask her. "Nope! Haven't seen her!", she says, a little too fast for my liking. "Are you sure?", I ask. "I haven't seen Cassie since last night. She's probably sleeping.", she replies, walking away.

That smirk, I don't like it. She's hiding something. But it's not like I can read her mind. She probably read mine, saw my mild fear, and laughed. Maybe Wanda has something to do with Cass's disappearance.   And also, SHE GETS TO CALL HER CASSIE!   I DON'T EVEN GET  TO CALL HER CASSIE! Then I remember that she kind of lowkey hates me, and that Wanda and Cass are kind of friends. 

Maybe Natasha finally got tired of Cass calling her Nat and killed her? Maybe she's in the vents, planning a prank? Maybe she left? But why would someone leave when they can hang out with the Avengers. Unless Pietro annoyed her to the point of leaving. I pass the training room, no sign of her.

You can sometimes catch her in there in the early mornings, swimming or punching the punching bags. Sometimes she'll spar with Steve or Natasha or Clint. She'll always lose, but never complains about bruises or sprains or anything. But right now, it's deserted except for Steve, who's running on a treadmill.

"Hey, Capsicle! Have you seen Cass?", I ask him. "Nope, I haven't seen her today!", he says, stopping the treadmill. "Why are you so worried about her? Thought you didn't like her?", he asks. Rude much? I mean, sometimes I hate her guts, but that doesn't mean I always hate her.

"She's usually up by now, and it's kind of weird that she's not.", I say. We head out of the training room, and walk over to her room. I knock, but there's no answer. "Cass, you in there?", I yell through the door. No answer. I try the door, and it's unlocked.

I go in, to see that nobody's in there! The bed is made, which is weird, because she usually never makes her bed. What is more weird is the fact that every single light is on. Then, I notice the burn mark on the floor. It's circular, and not that big or noticeable. I see a yellow note on her bed.

The note reads: I planned to leave. I'm not leaving the country or state. Don't try to find me. I'm off visiting friends. Be back in a month. Love or mild hate, depending on who reads this, Cass.
P.S- Please tell Clint to prank Pietro for me.  There's blueprints on the desk of what I need done.

It's in her sort of messy handwriting, so she wrote this.  The room doesn't look trashed or anything, it looks tidy but lived in.  The desk has a board with pictures.  One of these, a selfie, has Cass and three others posing in what looks like Central Park.  One has dark skin and long black hair, the other is tan and has a pixie cut.  Another photo, taking center stage in her collection, is of Cass and another girl with dark skin and shoulder length dyed scarlet hair, kissing at the New Years  ball drop.  So Cass isn't straight.  Ok.

There's some other pictures too, and a few journals and blueprints.  I leave those for now and turn my attention back to the burn mark on the floor.   How did it get there?  No fire could have made a circle that perfect!  The most intense part of the mark is two spaces in the center.  I take a picture of the mark and take a look at the blueprints.  They're all pranks.  Elaborate pranks.  Systems that rig showers to dye the hair of whoever uses it, and retractable, completely see through panels to be placed in a doorway.

So, it appears that my daughter has gone on a surprise vacation to somewhere in New York.  And that she has personalized pranks for everyone in the compound.  The see through doors are obviously to catch Pietro zooming through the tower, and the hair dye prank has For Nat written on it.  There's also a note indicating that it was used already, and her reaction. 

I remember how mad she was, and how she tried to strangle Clint on sight.  Cass stood there laughing to herself, but she never was blamed.  She's too smart for that. 

And, just as I was getting to the funny part, where Natasha slipped on dish soap from Peter trying to wash the dishes, Steve says something.  "This mark, and these two darker marks in the center look like shoe prints.  It's like heat radiated out through her shoes and burned the surrounding area.", he says.  "Good point, but that would have burned her as well.  She's too smart to do something like that when she could just take her car.", I say.

"It might not have, depending on what type of power she had.  If she had a teleportation device, she probably had protective clothing.  If it's an innate ability, she might be either immune to the effects or just used to them.", Steve replies.  Now is as good a time as any to break the news about her abilities.

"Yeah, that teleportation is probably innate.  We got FRIDAY to scan her, and she looks powerful.  Her abilities have a lot to do with light, so that might have something to do with why all the lights are on.  I didn't tell the team because I thought, and still think, that it's her secret to tell.  She was smart about this too, because she moved that rug out of the way.  She must have known that this would burn the surrounding area, so she moved anything flammable out of the way.", I say. 

"Well, what if this is from HYDRA or something?  Then we have to tell the team!", Steve says, worry in his voice.  "Bruce and I conferred on this, and we didn't see any weird marks on her.  You know how Wanda has that big scar on her shoulder that she covers with a bandage?  Yeah, that's from the experimentation.  Cass has nothing like that, just faint burn marks on her hands.", I say. 

"Look, I don't want another civil war to start because we can't agree on whether to tell the team.  So, we should keep a lookout for any weird events in New York.  And we definitely shouldn't tell Fury about this.  Like, at all.  He'll turn this into a big investigation, which I'm sure is the polar opposite of what Cass wants.  And I'll stay up near the end of the month, maybe we can catch her teleporting back.", Steve says. 

"Sounds good to me.  See you later.", I say, but we end up walking in the same direction anyway.  Now, we've got to set up a new room, because Steve's friend Bucky is coming back from Wakanda today. 

A/N.   Alright, another chapter done!  You guys are awesome, and I hope you all have a great day!

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