An Sinya Capta (A New Start)

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The day passed and soon it was the next, they had buried her father and now she would be moving in with Girion the Lord of Dale. She wasn't sure how to feel about this... He was a lord taking in a peasant girl. Gwaeneth wound probably be a servant, she suspected. But as she arrived with her precious items in hand, he greeted her with open arms. And had her change into clothes of nearly a royal. Girion told her "I will watch out for you until you need it no more." It shocked her. What had Dis said?


* apostrophe in 'italics are thoughts'
- Example: 'I had no idea where to go now...'

* Bold asterisk symbol * symbols are a translation in Elvish.*
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well Met.*

* Italics without apostrophes give more emphasis it the word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!

* Dreams will be within Bold dash and asterisk symbols
- Example: -* She drempt of the night it happened. *-

* Memories will be italic and within bold colons ::
- Example: :: Gwaeneth remembered the day her father made her wooden sword. ::

Song: Pippin's Song
Artist: Billy Boyd (Pippin)

It had been years since Gwaeneth went to live with the Lord of Dale. The Durins, remained to be her closest thing to family.

Gwaeneth aged like an Elf. She was now 90 years old. Gwen now looked to be a teenager Fili and Kili weren't that far behind her. The year was 2931.

Thorin remained true to his word, having further train Gwen with her sword as a child. She was now almost a master like Thorin. Girion taught her Archery. Her magic was slowly awakening, and she'd have to find her last living relative... Gwaeneth constantly wore her flower ring to help control her powers.

She was once again reading in her chambers in Dale when a knock that she hadn't heard in years was heard. She sensed a presence nearby...But Him? Heavens no. Gwaeneth slowly opened the door, shocked to see the face of her grandfather on her mothers side. A grin broke out on her face.
"Grandpa!" She nearly yelled, running into his arms.
He chuckled and hugged her back. "How are you doing my flower?" He called her that because of the ring he had given her.
She shrugged. "I've been better, but I now have two adopted brothers. And an adopted father figure." Gwaeneth smiled.
"Oh, do you now?" Gandalf spoke, drinking the tea she put out in front of him.
"Yes, and they're the nephews of Thorin, son of Thrain. And Thorin himself." Gandalf choked on his tea. "How did you manage to befriend his nephews? And above all, Thorin?" He asked.
"They found me on the steps, when I was crying. Piper my dog was in my lap." She explained, sadly.
"Than, after hearing my story about mum being sick...and me being a half-breed, Thorin allowed them to visit." Gwaeneth shrugged like it was an everyday event.
"And the prince sent a healer to help mum." She added.
"Why didn't you come?" Gwaeneth asked.
He looked down. "I'm sorry, for the losses you have had to endure my child. I was unfortunately in a situation I couldn't get myself out of."
At those words, she was confused. But didn't ask.
"It was your loss too." Gwaeneth reminded him.
He sighed.

"So, what brings you by, grandpa?" She asked.
"I've heard from Lady Galadriel that the mountain is going to be attacked...Within months, possibly years." Gandalf explained.
"Attacked? Orcs? What can Dale and Erebor do?" She asked worried.
"I'm afraid nothing, it's Dragon fire." Gandalf replied. "We have to warn them! I cant just let my friends, my family die!"

He took me by the shoulders, "They'll be alright Gwaeneth. Trust me on this. I came to get you out of danger. We're going to Lothlórien until things settle, I'll help you with your powers and while doing so we will keep an eye and ear out on what the Dwarves will do about the Dragon."
She nodded teary eyed. "Let me write a note, and send it by a raven at least."
"Do what you must, but be quick. I'll pack for you." She nodded.

"Dear Fili, and Kili. By the time you have read this, I will have already made my way to Lothlórien with my Grandfather. Feel free to visit as we will be their for a long while. I will think about, and miss you for the many years to come. If you ever need help you know where to find me. Give love to your mother, uncle Thorin, and uncle Frerin for me. I shall miss them as well. Do me a favor and don't forget your favorite half-breed Istari." -Gwen.

She looked at the letter and noticed a tear stain on it... She rolled the note up and tied it, going to the window she let out a shrill whistle. Minutes later a raven arrived. She stroked his head. "Hello, Diaval. I need this taken to Erebor, specifically to Fili and Kili. Can you do that for me?" Gwen asked. The raven, seemingly understanding nodded and bowed. "Thank you, my friend." She tied the note around Diaval's leg. "If you ever wish to seek me out, I will be in Lorien." She informed him. Diaval turned his head, in a confused manner. "There is Dragon Fire coming soon, so get as far away as you can from both Erebor and Dale." She explained. He nodded his head once before flying off.

Spending years in the Lord of Dale's house, she managed to befriend quite a few birds. Diaval was one of the smartest. He was from Erebor, but preferred to hang around Dale's Aviary.

Gwaeneth's eyes saddened. 'more friends, family gone...' she thought. But, at least they would get her note. Returning to the present, "Its now or never..." She spoke quietly, going to the wardrobe and picking out a green traveling dress with pants, traveling shoes, and gloves. She put her daggers in the sheaths, her sword strapped to her side and put the rucksack that Gandalf had packed whilst she was talking to Diaval on.

"Okay, I'm ready." Gwaeneth spoke...not ready at all.
Gandalf nodded. He knew his granddaughter was in pain. But hopefully he could fill that void, and distract her by improving, and teaching her magic. One could only hope...

They both got on their horses and left Dale behind, heading for Lothlórien


Edited: January 29th, 2020

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