Erebras (Erebor)

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"Greetings, Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn." I spoke shyly, Bowing my head.
"Rise, Gwaeneth. You need not bow to me." She smiled.
"Mithrandir, it is nice to see you again." Lord Celeborn spoke.
"As it is you, my Lord."
"Your home is beautiful."
"Thank you, Gwaeneth. The Lady and I were hoping that it might become your home for a time."
"My home?" You wish me to live here, in Lothlórien?" I asked, bewildered.
Galadriel smiled.
'Take your time with decisions, Gwaeneth. You have lost much. However have hope. You will meet them again.' She spoke, using telepathy.
I nodded my head.

Looking between my Grandpa, the Lord and Lady I answered.
"I will stay, for a time."


* apostrophe in 'italics are thoughts'
- Example: 'I had no idea where to go now...'

* Bold asterisk symbol * symbols are a translation in Elvish.*
- Example: "Mae Govannen." *Well Met.*

* Italics without apostrophes give more emphasis it the word(s)
- Example: Run. Run!

* Dreams will be within Bold dash and asterisk symbols
- Example: -* She drempt of the night it happened. *-

* Memories will be italic and within bold colons ::
- Example: :: Gwaeneth remembered the day her father made her a sword. ::

* Time travel will be within Bold Tilde the wording will be italic ~
- Example: ~ she saw them. ~


Song: In Dreams
Artist: LOTR Soundtrack

It had been a few months since we came to Lothlórien, my temporary home.
Gandalf and Lady Galadriel had been busy teaching me magic and when they weren't busy teaching me, the archers and warriors were - swords and archery. They didn't want me to get rusty. Some Elves even used daggers, which I was thankful for. I now knew how to use them.

My first lesson in magic? Recovery Touch. It was explained by Lady Galadriel that even if the person or plant was hanging on by a thin thread of life, I could bring it back. If they were dead, I could not.

She brought out a dying plant and set it in front of me, a chair for grandpa was set down. This was going to be a long lesson.

"What do I have to do?" I asked.
"Focus on the plant. How it would feel right now. Dying. How much pain it must be in. Close your eyes, focus. Once you can feel it's pain wave your hand over the plant."

I looked at her, trying to take in the information.
Nodding, I did so. Diving deep within my senses, I began to feel another life force barely hanging on and in a lot of pain. I waved my hand over it. Opening my eyes afterwards, I saw it come to life, only to nearly die afterwards. I sighed.

"That was a good first attempt, my flower. Keep trying."
This went on for hours. By the next day I nearly had it down. A week later, I did.


One night, after training with my sword made by Thorin, I went to bed to sleep for the night...only to find myself somewhere else.

~ I found myself at the gates of Erebor. However, it was several years after I left. First it was peaceful. I saw Dale in the distance. A loud noise was heard...Trees were bending, I felt dread fill me. Why? I was uncertain. Maybe it was the Dragon grandpa warned me about?
Eyes widening I hurried, ran towards the gates. I had to warn them.

However, I heard a familiar voice that I missed dearly yell "Dragon!"
"Thorin..." I whispered to myself.
He had made me pause, looking for the voice.
I began to run faster.
The Fire Drake showed himself, spreading fire and ruin just as I made it to the gate, and closed it tight behind me.

Thorin soon rallied his army to face the dragon, he shouted directions to his army. However, we paused looking at each other.
Him partially in fear, me curiosity. - And fear.
"Gwen?" He questioned.
"Give me a sword." I ordered.
"Stay behind me, I have no extra." He spoke.
The Fire drake burst in, blazing fire around us. And tossing large boulders everywhere.
He tossed the dwarves aside like they were nothing.
I silently wondered where Fili, Kili, Dis, and Frerin were.
Besides me I saw Thorin get crushed by the dragon's large foot.
I had to roll out of the way of his other foot.
"No!" I yelled, tears going down my face.
Before shakily standing and seeing him alive.
I breathed a sigh of relief.

Rushing over, I hugged the said dwarf, before he ran to find the King, no doubt.

Dwarves fled the Mountain and I was lost in the crowd...
But once outside, I saw what could have been a miracle.
Another army.
King Thranduil.
He just sat their, on his Elk. While Thorin screamed and waved for help.
I glared at the elf.
Coming up to Thorin's side, I put my hand on his arm. He was a father-figure.
I wouldn't abandon him.

Thranduil turned away, marching home.

Thorin's facial expression hardened. I knew he wouldn't forget this day. For forgive that elf. Neither would I.

"Thorin, come to Lothlórien. You will find help their. You'll find me in those woods."
He turned to me, once a strong Dwarf now broken.
"Are you sure that they'll help us?"
I nodded.
"Yes, Thorin. If you don't come I promise that I will see you down the road."
"Uncle!" A voice shouted.
My head turned, two brothers plus a brother and sister followed them.
They stopped in their tracks when they saw my face.
"Gwen?" Kili questioned.
I smiled, hugging the Dwarf. "Hello, Kili."
I nodded to Fili, "it's nice to see you all again."
"Why did you leave us?" Kili asked, sadly.
"My grandpa ordered me to."
"And how are you here?" Fili questioned confused.
"I'm...not completely sure. I've been learning magic." I explained.
Looking to the five of them, I spoke as I started to feel myself fade "keep yourselves safe, and remember your welcome in Lothlórien. I must go now, I'm afraid. Farewell..." ~

I awoke with a start, body sweaty, dress dirty. That definitely was not just a dream.
Looking outside, I noticed it was light out. I quickly showered and put a new dress on.
Setting out to find Galadriel and Gandalf.

They were both eating, luckily.

"Morning." I spoke.
"Good morning, child."
Grandpa studied me. "What's wrong, Gwaeneth?"
"...I had something happen last night."
"I was in Erebor. When a Fire Drake attacked. I saw Thorin, and Fili, Kili, Dis, Frerin. I don't know what year it was however."
Grandpa's eyes widened. "You time traveled."
"I'm sorry, but I what?"
"Time Traveled, dear Gwaeneth. To the fall of Erebor. The question is...has it happened yet?"
"Come, lets goto my mirror."
I swallowed. "Okay." I knew her mirror could be scary.

"Will you look?" She asked.
"I'm afraid of what I might see." I answered honestly.
"Will it help me?"
"Possibly. But be warned, once seen - it cannot be unseen."
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 'What's the worst that I can see?'

She poured water into the mirror.
"Look into it."

I saw a battle. Dwarves, Elves, Men, Orcs and other foul creatures fighting. This confused me... It switched to a secluded hill, where a very white skinned Orc with scars held Fili and he slit his throat. Fili yelled "Run!" Before he died, and fell to his death. Tears began to fall.

Kili was fighting an Orc too big for him, I was nearly passed out. He got stabbed in his stomach and was looking at me, a tear leaking out of his eye. I crawled over to him. Trying to heal - but I couldn't. "Do you think she could have loved me?" He gasped out. I whimpered. In the vision.

It switched to Thorin, fighting the Orc who killed Fili. He ended up killing him, so I thought but the Orcs eyes opened underwater... The filthy Orc stabbed Thorin. He and the Orc ended up dead in the end.

Another vision, showed us all laughing together inside Erebor, sharing stories. With a bunch of Dwarves.

The last vision held a strange Raggedy dressed man helping us on a journey of sorts.
'Who is this man?'

I pulled back, out of the mirror, my chest hurting. It if they were already dead. Tears flowed freely.

"I know what you saw. It is what will come to pass if you do not find help." Galadriel warned.
"They will die, then?" I asked, broken.
She nodded, sadly.
"Find help, they shall live."
"It is certain they will all live if I find help?"
"Certain? No. Nothing is certain."
She left, leaving me to ponder.

I looked at my reflection in her mirror, not dipping my head in the water this time. Words began to pore out of my mouth...

"Who is that girl I see
Staring straight, back at me
Why is my reflection someone I don't know
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show who I am inside
When will my reflection show who I am inside..."

Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to prepare for today's events whatever they might be.

Penny for your thoughts?

(Edited: January, 29th, 2020)

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