Chapter 10: That Powerful Attack

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I've been here about two weeks now and that beach party is creeping up on me and the question Kerri answered that night. It's been weeks on its still playing on my mind it's ridiculous. I still get the weird glances from Hayden across the hallways and in some of my classes so I just shrug it off and ignore him. That doesn't stop him though. Which is bloody annoying.

I was wandering down the hallway to see Elsa up close, and I mean close like a couple would be to this white haired guy which made him look icy and cold minded. I walked up to them and said to Elsa "Hey I need to talk to you please?" she stopped what she was doing and was shocked to see me especially since what she was doing was a bit inappropriate. "Umm can it wait cause as you can see I'm a bit busy right now," she said clinging onto the boy hard as he did the same back. "Um yeah clinging onto a guy like he's your boyfriend he can wait," I tried pulling her away she rejected from me.

"Ah for a fact Astrid this is my boyfriend," I stepped back and gave her a look of disgust while looking the boy up and down. "And his name is Jay, but most people call him-" I cut her off by finishing, "Jack Frost yeah I know!" she looked a bit hurt but also looking as if how did I know?

"Anyway what did you wanna say?" she asked with irritation. I scoffed at her and replied "Don't worry by I do have something else to say which I can say here," she looked confused until the person I least wanted to see appeared out of the shadows "Oh it's feisty pants again, question why have you been dodging me?" he asked I rolled my eyes at him and replied "I don't have time for your nonsense okay Hayden," he rolled his eyes back at me. "Anyway you were saying Alana?" I returned my attention back to Elizabeth.

"You can't go out with a guy you just met," I confidently said at her. She rolled her eyes towards me and comes back "Haha yeah says the one who had a guy *coughs* Hayden *coughs* in her bed on the first we are here," wow how the heck did she know about that? She tried to hide the fact she knew who it was, Hayden, but I still heard it and apparently so did Hayden because his eyes widened in shock.

"One how do you know about that and two I did not let him in my bed with my permission I woke up with him there which made me fall out the bed and I have a bump on the head to prove it," I explained to her. She laughed and answered "I highly doubt that and maybe you should think how you talk to my friends and maybe they will keep things a secret for you," out from behind them popped out Roxy and Merida. What bitches? I think to myself.

"Alright you wanna know something else Els, you," I pointed towards Jack who hasn't said a word in this whole conversation's head perked up when I pointed at him and smiled while I carried on "Are a player, your just like Hayden will go out with a girl but then dump them when you've had enough of them.........oh yeah and also you're a dick," I finished my sentence. "Ohhh now that is good!" Hayden exclaimed with his face brightening up. "Hey," Jack slapped Hayden on the shoulder, then turned back to me "Who do you think you are thinking you can talk to me like that," I just shrugged my shoulders in bravery then said "Oh wait maybe because you're like a normal person in this school," I watched Elsa face palm herself.

"Oh sh*t , I forgot to tell you she likes to read people and guess what their personality is like," Els whispered into Jack's ear. Jack's face turned from rage to anger in a matter of seconds. "Well it was nice meeting your friends Els," I thanked then walked away to find Kerri.


"Well it was nice meeting your friends Els," feisty pants Alana I believe her name was, She was crazy speaking like that to Jay but powerful at the same time, that's what I liked about her. I watched her walk down the hallway to find Kerri I expect but I had that urge to go and follow her. "Hey mate, don't bother trying to get her, you'll be wasting your time and besides she's a total bitch don't bother," Jay nudged me. "Heh maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong," I replied and we walked down the hallway with the rest of the group.

I kept thinking about her, that beautiful smile, that powerful attack she has within her, her electric blue eyes that shine like sapphires. I keep thinking why she rejected going to the beach party with me, and she said that she did once and it didn't end well and she hardly knew me. The last one understandable, the other not so much. "Hey Hiccup you going to the beach party on Friday!" Merida asked coming up to me. "Yeah you?" I questioned back. She nodded then said "Well everyone seems to be taking someone to the beach party and I was wondering if I could go with you since Jay is taking Elizabeth, Eugene with Roxy and me and you have no one," I cut her off and said "Sorry Mer but I already got someone," and with that I walked away from her and the rest of the group. Leaving behind me a mob of confused expressions.

I catch Kerri in the hallway talking to her friends so when she was alone I went to talk to her "Hey Kerri can I ask a favour from you?" she looked at me with a glare "What, oh come please," she sighed and asked "Why should I you have never done anything for me, I have done loads of things for you," okay that was slightly true "Yeah but I need this one desperately," she gave in and asked "Okay what is it first," I took a deep breath and said "Can you make Alana come to the beach party on Friday since she won't come with," her face lightened up.

"Oh my god you do like her don't you, wow Hayden Haddock actually likes someone for once in his life is this actually happening," she mocked "Oh shut up will you, okay so maybe I do like her will you do this for me please," I begged. She started to think deeply then laughed "Of course I will, you two were made for each other, oh and by the way call her Ally or Astrid she likes that," I smiled at her as a sign of thanks while she walked off in one direction and I walked the other.

I hope she says yes.

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