Chapter 13: The Party Animal

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I went to the beach party with Jack and my friends; Hiccup didn't come with us he went with his other mates. At the moment though it was just me, Jack and Roxy since Merida wandered off to go and find Hiccup somewhere. While we were just dancing around to the music blasting out of the huge speakers they had on the beach. "Hey I need a drink," I called out to them over the music; they agreed so we headed to the drink stand and got a drink. Jack passed me a glass of wine which I took willingly.

"You enjoying the party snowflake?" Jack asked me while wrapping his arms around my waist. I lowered my head into his and said "Course I am, especially since I'm with you," he laughed and kissed me on the lips and I joined in until I pushed him away and walked past him and stood in amongst the crowd. "Hey what's wrong snowflake?" Jack and Roxy came to stand by my side and I pointed up to where I was looking.

"Wait a minute is that....." Roxy started and I finished "Astrid..." Jack placed his hand on my shoulder and asked "I thought you said she wasn't going or at least wouldn't," you could hear the rage in his voice. "She never goes to parties not ever since...." I trailed off at the end. Astrid was dancing around with all these girls and boys around her; she had drink in her hand and was dancing like crazy with everyone else. Why would she be here?

Suddenly Merida popped beside us "Oh I see you found the slut then," we all looked at her and nodded in agreement. I mean I know she is my twin and all but she did look like a slut. "You'll never guess who she came with as well?" I looked back at Astrid dancing happily with all these people while Jack said intrigued "Who?" Merida scoffed and said "Hiccup," then suddenly out of the crowd he was there dancing with her. "What the hell, why would he go with her since what she did to us the other day," I argued. "Get's me." Merida sighed.

"Hold on a minute but she told us that she went to his dorm to tell him to stay away and then threatened us," Roxy was confused Merida turned to her and answered "Well I guess little bitch lied to us then didn't she and you wanna know what else happened?" she asked we all nodded "They kissed." I turned to face them again and they were holding each other close and gazing into each other's eyes. "And she thinks she had the right to tell us not to be together since we just met, cheeky slut." I said to Jack and walked away.


I was on the dance floor well the sand more like partying like I've never partied before and it was amazing, so were the drinks. Me and Kerri hung on to each other and swung each other around. We did the limbo and I achieved every level they set before me while everyone clapped. Suddenly someone grabbed me around the waist. I turned around to be face to face with Hayden. I was mesmerized again by his forest green eyes.

"How's the little party animal?" he joked; I laughed and said "You were right the feeling does make me feel great," this time he laughed and whispered into my ear "May I have this dance?" I looked deeper into his eyes and surprisingly said "You may," he pulled me closer and I grabbed him tighter and he spun me around like I was a princess. My dress flew up against the wind but I didn't care to notice.

Everyone at first stopped to notice and was engaged with what they were seeing and sooner or later joined in after Hayden spun me and fell backwards with him catching me. We then broke apart while he and his mate went off to do something. I watched him go and when he was gone I was still staring at the spot. "Hey you okay?" Kerri snapped me out of my trance and said "Come on now for the fun part," she dragged me to another part of the beach where we were all gathered around a bonfire.

Up at the front of the crowd were Hayden and his mates, including Jay the ass. Over at the other end of the beach were Elsa and her friends, with me on the other with my mates. Hayden stood up and said "Well it's that time of the year again where we do the shots of who gets the most drunk before they pass out," we all cheered while I whispered to Kerri "What the hell does he mean?" she laughed "Well the girls or boys line up in a row and they keep giving us alcohol until one we all pass out and the last one standing is the winner, don't worry it's nothing dangerous," ah that was fine then.

"This year it's the girls turn," Jay shouted then looked over at me. Wait a minute he wanted me to do this. Fine let's show him what I've got. "Who's up the challenge," Jay yelled while looking at me. I was the first who shot up and yelled "ME!" I'll do it," I started the row giving Jay an evil grin while he gave me one back. Sooner or later nearly all the girls were up with just a few staying sat down. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!" Hayden yelled.

Sooner or later nearly all the girls were down and it was me and Roxy left standing. "COME ON ALLY!" half the crowd was yelling hardly anyone was shouting out for Roxy. Quickly after she collapsed onto the floor and the alarm went off signalling I won. "YAYYY!" Loads of people came over to me lifting me into the air. Haha I won, I won. They soon put me down and we all started partying again.

I was as crazy as ever and started to get a bit tired, so was Kerri. "Come girls time to take you home," Hayden picked me up into his arms while I fell asleep into his shoulder taking in his scent which was nice and sweet. Before I knew it we were back at the college he laid me down onto my bed and whispered "Goodnight angel," he kissed my head and I went straight into darkness.

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