Chapter 12: The One Who Stands Out From The Others

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I was down at the beach with James and Zac I was keeping my distance away from Merida in case she wondered who I brought to the party with me cause I told her I did when I never. James was waiting for Kerri since they were going out while Zac went to go and get a drink and flirt with the girls. Typical Zac. While me on the other hand, I was dodging Merida while waiting to see if Kerri convinced Alana to come along.

"Hey who's that up there?" James asked me. I followed the direction to where he was pointing, and at the top of the beach was this beautiful girl wearing this amazing floral dress standing next to a girl wearing a red dress. They both fell down to their knees. I looked up to see who they were and the red one was Kerri but standing next to her was this beautiful honey blonde hair pinned up behind in a clip but her hair fell over it covering it. She had this makeup on that made her face stand out from all the rest around me. The world stopped spinning around me as the girl looked in my direction. It was Alana.

She was beautiful; she was the brightest star out of everyone around me. They both headed down from the top of the beach and joined the party. Me and James walked up to them from behind "So looked who decided to join after all," I joked. They both spun around to face us. James pulled Kerri into a kiss and they stayed like that for a while so it was just me and Alana. "So what changed your mind?" I asked her.

She raised an eyebrow then replied "Well I'm not here for you, I'm here for Kerri that's it," I smirked. I then say Merida out of the corner of my eye looking miserable and by the looks of it looking for me. "Okay I need a favour from you?" I asked quickly. She rolled her eyes then answered "And what might that favour be may I ask?" I signalled my head in the direction of Merida. She opened her mouth with a sigh knowing she knew what I was on about.

"What I need you to do is pretend that you actually came to the party with me, so I can get red-head off my case," I pleaded to her. She gazed her eyes over to the direction of Merida and then back to me, "You do realise that if I do this, she and her little gang with my sister are gonna hate me even more, what do I get in return?" really, this is what she does, can't she just help someone for once. "I dunno, I will make sure they won't hurt you," that was the first thing that came to mind.

She shook her head and said "No not good enough and besides I can handle myself thanks," urgh she had a point "Oh come on feisty pants please I beg of you just do this for once please," she smirked and jumped at me saying "There that's it, that's what I want?" "I'm confused," I stuttered at her. She crossed her arms and leant back a little "You can stop calling me names and call me by Alana, Astrid or Ally but most people call me Ally," that was is that's what she wanted. I gave in and said "Fine I will stop calling you names," I muttered. "Good now I will help you," and she smiled.

"Wow that's new he never does a favour for anyone just asks for them," Kerri said smiling at me evilly. I just sarcastically laughed at her as her and James went to get drinks. I noticed Merida looking in my direction. I spun around real fast and pulled Ally close into my chest. "What are you doing?" she argued at me. I leant down and whispered into her ear "Merida is looking in our direction so just act like you're going out with me okay," I looked down at her and she nodded.

Although there something I wanted to do, what I wanted to do since I first laid eyes on her. I pulled her closer and my face got closer and closer to hers. Without knowing I press my lips against hers. The taste was sweet and scented. Our lips moved in sync and it was the best feeling my life. We parted and I was gazing into her electric blue eyes that I was mesmerized by. "Sorry," I whispered, she nodded parted her arms which I didn't know were around my waist and we separated.


He pulled me close and our lips touched and moved in sync. I've never felt something so nice and amazing before in my life. I didn't want to part but he was a bad boy and I was good, I didn't like him, I hated this guy so why did I wanna stay so badly. We parted and I stared into his light green forest eyes. I was lost in the sight of them, they were gorgeous. "Sorry," he whispered. I was speechless no words came out my mouth. I looked to the side to see Merida glaring and then walked away. "Well Merida's gone," I finally got out.

He looked behind him and nodded while smiling at me. "Hey do you wanna drink?" he asked I shook my head and said "Um no thanks I don't drink," he frowned at me and said "Well you're out for one night at least make it count," he pulled me over to the drink stand and I believe he was about to get me drunk.

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