Chapter 19: Masquerade Shopping

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Picture above is Kerri's dress


"SO WHAT DID YOU SAY?" I screamed at Kerri, she packing her bag to go somewhere but I didn't know where. Also it's been a few days after James was here and what he said has been playing on my mind ever since, what did he mean 'You feel something much more'? Urgh it doesn't matter what matters is getting it off my mind. "What do you think I said? I said yes of course!" Kerri exclaimed to me. "Kerri that's amazing I'm so happy for you, and where you going now?" I asked her, she walked to the door and replied "Well I'm going to pick a dress since I now have a date and I don't have one," she was about to walk out the door until I thought about something that James said 'Kerri's right you know, you need to stop hiding, stand up and be the better person, the world don't stop because of one idiot in this situation.'

I got up on my feet grabbed my bag shrugged it on my shoulder and said "How about a friend to come help you choose?" she turned around and smiled at me and ran and gave me a hug "You serious!" she asked me, I nodded at her grabbed her arm and said "Now let's go!" and with that we were gone.

<at the mall>

We were going from shop to shop "Oh come on Kerri you have seen loads of dresses and tried them on and they looked stunning on you but you keep rejecting them," I moaned at her "Yeah but none of them are that perfect one you know what I mean," I sighed at her "No not really Kerri not really." And with that we headed into Chic Couture which was full of dresses and mostly Masquerade dresses this had to be the one for her I mean it just had to be.

While Kerri was scrolling through one of the racks I began scrolling through another one in case she couldn't see one she liked. All the dresses were beautiful, but nothing compared to the one my mother had, she showed it me and my sisters once and it was the most amazing dress I had ever seen. Anyway I was scrolling through the rails looking for a dress for her. "Urgh I can't find anything!" she moaned. I rolled me eyes at her until they widened since I saw this beautiful old fashioned looking dress.

It was a light but also quite a dark blue, wasn't puffy as such like the others but did flow out at the bottom. It has gems scattered across the middle of the dress creating a pattern and clear white see through sleeves that crossed over your shoulders. "Hey Kerri how about this one?" I asked her. She wandered over in my direction and I picked the dress up off the rails. She scanned it up and down and nodded at me.

"Ally I think this just might work," she grabbed the dress from my hands and ran to the changing rooms while I waddled behind her slowly laughing. I took a seat outside the room she was in and sat quietly waiting. "Hey you done yet," I called out to her. I heard her sigh and open the curtain to show herself. She looked amazing, it definitely suited her and she was embarrassed by her cheeks going blood red. "Kerri you look.....amazing!" I complimented her. She looked me deep in the eyes and asked "Really?" I just nodded because I was speechless.

"Well if it isn't the little bitch getting a costume for the party!" I heard a laugh behind me. I turned around to be faced with Jay, Elizabeth, Roxy, and Merida and of course Hayden. "Urgh what do you want?" I tried swaying my eyes away from Hayden but for some reason they just kept wandering back and each time I looked he was also staring at me. "Nothing just surprised you have the guts to show yourself out in the crowd," Jay smirked. I gave a sarcastic smile, "Well I'm not here for a dress because I ain't going so you can piss off now," I argued at him.

"Well I'm here for something?" Elizabeth stepped forward and said. "And what is that?" I questioned her. "Mothers dress," she exclaimed. I scoffed at her "Well maybe Anna has it because I don't," I told her, she rolled her eyes and argued "She doesn't have it because I asked her and I don't otherwise I wouldn't be asking so you're the only left so you must have it," I stood up at my seat and walked up to her "Well I don't so stop pestering me about and move on, maybe mom never gave it away," and I sat back down.

Once again my eyes wandered over to Hayden and his on mine. I snapped out of it and I concentrated on what was happening before me. "You can leave now," I said to her. She gave a disgusted look at me and before she left she said "Better not see you at the party," I leant back in my chair crossed my arms and replied "Don't worry you won't, cause I'm not going," I watched the light in Hayden's eyes go as soon as I said that. They began to walk away but Hayden just stood there staring at me until Merida came back and pulled him away while giving me a disgusted look.

I turned back to Kerri and smiled at her "You choosing that one," I sounded irritated, she noticed and I noticed but she smiled and nodded went back into the changing room and after went to the till and bought the dress. We went back to our dorm and I slammed my head against my pillow and never got back up and went to sleep.

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