Chapter 2: New Schools

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"Phoenix, Phoenix, Phoenix where are you?" I was calling for my best friend since childhood around the courtyard. I couldn't see her anywhere. "Ally, Ally where are you?" I heard someone calling out my name (nickname). I turned around in circles trying to see who it was. I stopped twirling to see my best friend scared trying to see me.

"Phoenix, Phoenix I'm over here!" I call out to her. She stops to face me and we began running. Running until my legs couldn't take me no further but they took me far enough to land straight into her arms. Like usual I tripped and she caught me as I slowly started to stand. "Heh thanks," she nodded her head as her reply until finally we hugged. "What are we gonna do now?" I asked her. She shook her head, and then said "I don't know?"


We crashed out Phoenix's house until we find out where were gonna go. I can't believe this my dream school, just gone like the wind. Something tells me that this year is just not the year for me. I was sat on Phoenix's bed scanning through my laptop to find a new college. Nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing. Great how are we gonna find a new school at this rate.

Phoenix then entered the room with a piece of parchment in her hands, "Hey what you got there?" I asked her. She handed me the parchment while I read:

'AMD University (arts, machinery, design) still accepting pupils'

"Wow Phoenix where did you find this?" I questioned as she came and sat on her bed next to me. "I dunno my mother gave it to me, but who cares, it says still accepting how bout we give it a shot," I laughed and "Are kidding me of course."

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