Chapter 23: Are We Official?

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I wake up to see the soaring light shine through the glass window. It was so bright I had to blink a few times to gain my eye sight so I could see my surroundings. I also felt this warmth wrap around my body. I lowered my head down to see these arms wrapped around my waist and a head resting on top of mine. I gazed upwards to see Hayden sleeping peacefully behind me. This time I didn't pull away but stay in his warm embrace.

That's when it hit me, the masquerade ball, the kiss, what the hell happened last night? Well whatever it was I'm gonna say that it was the best night in my life and it's something I will never forget. Just when I realized my body was tense I relaxed and rested against him. "You awake?" I asked him and I nudged him a bit just to see, "Now I am yes," he laughed. I turned around to face him and saw these sparkling green forest eyes gazing deeply into mine.

He caressed his fingers through my fringe then twirled the end of my hair around his fingers. "Is this real?" I asked him, he slowly shook his head and closed his eyes "I don't know, I think so.......I hope so," he whispered the last part as he leant down into me. Our lips began to touch again until we heard the force of door open so we quickly split apart and looked to see who was at the door. Staring right at us was Kerri who slightly laughed and said "Well don't stop on my account," and she carried on laughing while jumping back onto her bed.

I glared at Kerri while Hayden fell backwards onto the bed and began also laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked him while turning back at him. He just shook his head at me. With that I jumped at the bed and hopped in the shower. I took as long as I wanted because it was peaceful and relaxing. I got out wrapped the towel around my waist and rinsed my hair out of all the water. I entered back into the main room to still see Hayden on the bed.

He looked me up and down in awe and his eyes opened wide. They also sparkled which was very cute. I snapped myself out of it and said "Thought you might have left," he raised an eyebrow and replied "Can I not stay for a while?" I laughed "I didn't say that but your gonna have to leave I made arrangements to meet Phoenix today and you need to go back to....." although I trailed off on the last part because I knew what I was gonna say and he knew it too.

He shook his head as if he shrugged it off and in my words good for him because I wouldn't wanna talk about it if it was me. "Okay and yeah I think your right and I have to do something which I should have done a long time ago." He jumped off the bed chucked his shirt back on and wandered to the door. He stopped in his tracks and came over to me kissed me on the forehead and whispered "Thanks, see you later," I smiled at him and returned a kiss on the cheek. He too smiled then went out the door.

"You two are so cute together it's unreal," Kerri giggled I turned around to face her and replied "Well I guess the spark finally ignited within me." We both laughed and I went to change to meet Phoenix at the café.

<at the café>

"What happened?" Phoenix was jumping out of her seat. "Alright calm down," I said to her trying to calm her down. I just told her about what happened that night and she jumped out of her skin like she was a party for her best friend who was amazing. It made everyone in the café look at us with these weird looks, some told us to be quiet because we were too loud and they were right, we sounded like a herd of birds flying in a flock. "So come on give me the details," she exclaimed while on the edge of her seat.

I raised my eyebrow at her "You think I'm really gonna tell you what happened, yeah I don't think so and besides I told you what happened, I'm not gonna go into detail about it that's just damn right gross Phoenix," she groaned but shrugged her shoulders "What can I say? I'm a dirty person," I laughed at her and commented "Yeah you are!" she lightly punched my shoulder and pretended that it hurt just to make her feel bad.

"So what does this make you, are you together or was it just a one night stand?" she asked curious. This time it was me who shrugged my shoulders, only because I didn't know the answer to her question. "Oh come on you must know!" she urged me on. "Phoenix I honestly don't know anymore, he is with Merida remembered the frizz head I paired him up with so you know...." I trailed off on the end because I didn't know what else to say. I guess there wasn't anything else to say really is there.

"Well umm Ally there is this thing called 'breaking up'," she stated the obvious at me. I rolled my eyes towards her and replied "Um Phoenix I did know that I'm not dumb," and shook her head "I know that but maybe it just had slipped your mind and I bet you that's what he will do because I can see that he likes you and you like him, it's that simple. Plus the way you guys acted last night, I think it means something don't you." She finished her coffee while I did the same and we made an exit of the café.

"Just one question Phoenix," she smiled at me, "What makes you so sure about all this?" she laughed while looking to the floor and then back up at me. "Let's just say that I am good at reading people and who they love." With that I laughed and headed back up to the college.

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