Chapter 24: Rumors Which Are True

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I made an exit out of Ally's room with a huge smile on my face. I will admit last night was the best night of my life. I find out that Ally loves me; we kiss and so on and so on. That's when I realise two things: one, I'm still in a relationship with Merida (great just great) and two, I'm still on the girl side of the dorms which means that they will probably see me. As well as hear me which makes double trouble.

I'm walking down silently trying not to wake everyone because knowing them and after last night they would all be asleep. Not until I hear the creak of doors begin to open and hear the voices of girls emerging out of the doors. This makes me pick up the pace a bit more. Suddenly I believe they all see me because they all start screaming my name although some of them start murmuring some information and straight away I know it's about me because they say "Oo I'm guessing he was with Merida last night after the dance," but another answered "No he wasn't, instead he went with the new girl Ally I think her name is."

Okay that got me thinking, if they knew then that means Roxy and Merida know which makes my situation a little bit harder considering I am in the girls dorm hallway. I'm almost at the end so I can leave until I hear the most annoying scream I have ever heard shouting my name. I knew who it was straight away so I cut the corner and ran at full speed so they couldn't get me. I know that Ally said I should talk to her and I know that I have to talk to her but right now. No that doesn't seem like the best of options.

After I ran at full speed I finally made it back to my dorm where hopefully James was either out or still asleep this there would be half a chance at that solution. I slowly opened the door and curved my way through a little gab so I didn't make much noise. I began to tiptoe towards my side of the room so I wouldn't make a creak on the floorboards. "Where'd you vanish to last night?" I stopped in my tracks and turned around to see James sat on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest and his eyebrows rose enduring with a smirk written across his face.

"I um..." although I trailed off because for some odd reason I couldn't answer that simple question. For some reason my lips wouldn't trail out the answer, it was very odd. "Ha that's okay I don't need to know I know where you went last night," I began to answer which turned into a stutter "Umm you a... you do?" why all of a sudden have a got nerves pulsing through my body it's horrible. "Yep you were with Merida weren't you," I suddenly let out a nervous laugh and he looked confused.

"Well you see that's not entirely true........I actually was with Ally the whole night," his mouth dropped open in shock and his eyes widened like a lion ready to pounce at me. "You what?!" well he did jump out his seat but didn't pounce at me which was a relief. "Ha ha yeah surprise," I ran my fingers through my hair with nervousness. "Um how did that happen just out of interest." He asked excited. He knew a boy could be this excited about something, especially over a girl that I like. "Well she kind of confessed that she loved me and I ran and maybe kissed her on the lips and then we went to her dorm and slept and kissed nothing rude happened so don't even let your mind go that far into detail," I said before he thought anything dirty.

"Alright but wow she did love you all along, so all those times she walked away wasn't because she hated you it was because she loved you and couldn't admit it to herself," he exclaimed "Whoa she got all that from one explanation I gave you," I took a step back in shock and he just nodded and laughed while flopping back onto his bed again. "So what you gonna do about Merida, well more like who are you gonna choose, Astrid or Merida?"

True fact what am I gonna do and who I am gonna choose.....

Astrid or Merida?

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