Chapter 42: When You Look Too Deep...You'll See What You Can't Understand

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I fell asleep again that night after some panic attacks and Hayden trying to make me calm again. I was leant against him the whole night and didn't let go of my grip onto him. He ran his fingers through my soaked hair that night and didn't care what he was enduring. He just carried on making sure that I was safe and he kept reassuring those words to me, telling me no one was gonna hurt me and that I was safe and that it was just a dream.

But deep down inside of me I knew that there was something more to what I saw. That girl was me and all I could gather was that the person I was with was a boy, that's all I could make out the rest just didn't make sense to me and I want to know why? After I did calm down that night I stayed awake for a while thinking about what I saw but in the end my eyes closed and I faded into the night again.

I will admit I was scared, I didn't want to close my eyes I was scared with what I was about to see, but nothing came I was just filled my darkness and the noise of my heavy breathing while Hayden was sleeping peacefully. This morning my eyes fluttered open to see Hayden still holding onto me and me onto him. I leant back on back and stared up at the ceiling and began to get lost within my thoughts.

"I need to stop thinking about this...." I muttered to myself. I felt myself feeling all wet and sticky it wasn't a very nice feeling at all. I leaned up and kissed Hayden on the cheek and then leaped out of bed and went to the bathroom to shower. I switched it on and then I stripped and jumped in. I stood there and let the water run down body and get lost in the warm sensation of freedom.

I wash myself and then dry put my black shorts on and teal short sleeved top on and white sandals. I tie my hair up in a pony tail and begin to make my way out the door until I hear a moan come from my bed. "Where you going?" Hayden muttered starting to wake up. "To get some fresh air after last night," I muttered back. "Want me to come with you?" His eyes were now fully open so I could see deep into emerald and shook my head "No I'll be fine thanks." He nodded and I walked out the door.

I made my way silently down the corridor and made my way down to the lunch hall. It was completely empty for a change which was a nice feeling. I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket on the other side of the room and found a seat and slumped myself into it. I placed the apple on the table and started rolling in from one place to the other to amuse myself and get this stupid nightmare out of my head.

Suddenly I heard this loud bang come from a corner of the room. I jumped in fright in my seat and looked up to see someone standing in the corner of the room adjusting what they had made fall over. When they looked back up we made deep eye contact with each other.

I look deep, deep enough to somehow venture back into my dream and that's when I could notice I was right the person in my dream was a boy and I got a faint outline of their eyes but they weren't clear enough for me to recognise them. Not yet at least. All the images from my dream came soaring back at me and I was reliving the moment of fear and agony all over again.

I finally stopped and I noticed that the person who I locked eyes with was Jack Frost. He looked just as awkward as I did. "Um sorry I didn't know that anyone would be in here I was just coming to get something-," I stopped him and said "Carry on I'm not stopping you," with that he made his way over to the fruit bowl. He was about to leave but then looked back over at me. "You want some company?" he asked.

"Sure why not," I answered him. I would usually say no, or go away, or something along the lines of 'What makes you think I would want your company after everything that you have done' but I didn't.

Instead something was telling me that I should let him sit with me.....

Because it was the right thing to do........

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