Chapter 43: When You Have Something To Say But It Never Get's Said

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I let Astrid go that morning and thought maybe she needed time by herself to think about what happened last night. I didn't know what was happening when I saw her shaking, she began sweating and wouldn't wake up. I tried but she couldn't, she wouldn't. It was as if she was locked inside there and wasn't aloud out until the nightmare was complete. When she woke the fright in her eyes scared me, I did the only thing I thought would help, and it did a little.

I knew she didn't sleep till late last night and I wouldn't blame her, it was pretty terrifying. I heard the shower got this morning as well and that's when she left afterwards. Once she left I got ready and went back to my dorm and say Merida down the hallway. I began walking away really fast until she caught up with me "What do you want redhead?" I asked her. "Just wanted to know where you've been all night and day yesterday after our little....well you know what it was," she began climbing herself onto me and running her hands through my skin.

I slapped her hands off me and pushed her away. The hurt in her eyes couldn't make me more happier. "What's wrong?" she asked looking at me upset written deep within the souls of her eyes. "You...that's what's wrong for the last time would stop doing what you're doing I'm not with you and never will be because you're a bitch so leave me alone would ya," I barged past her and carried on walking down the hallway until she stopped me again.

"Oh come on just give up already," I moaned at her. She scoffed at my remark and said "Please your single now which make that the perfect opportunity to be a couple," she smiled deeply yet also evilly to me. I rolled my eyes and at her and sighed sarcastically. "Yeah well I would say maybe we could but then again I'm already taken and I'm the luckiest man in the world to be with the most angelic person ever....oh and wait who is that again let me think hmm yeah that's sorry....oh wait no I'm not."

She glowered down at me and I smirked towards her and again barged past her to not be interrupted again. I felt proud with myself walking down the hallway, I think I was a bit too proud because all of a sudden me and somebody else crashed into each other, did a full 360 turn and crash landed to the floor. My head smashed against the hard floor as well as the other person's did. I shook my head and looked up to see myself looking face to face with the only ex best friend Jack Frost.

"Oh sorry Jack didn't mean to do that," I apologised to him as we were getting up off the floor. He shook his head meaning it didn't matter to him. "Hey um Hiccup I really need to talk to you and I know that you're always busy but this is important like super important," I could hear the pleading in the tone of his voice. "I know I am Jack but it's gonna have to wait I've got a lot going on at the moment okay," he rolled his eyes at me.

"That's what you always say which usually means that you don't want to talk, but listen I know what I did was harsh and I shouldn't have done what I did to Ally but trust me I feel bad for it every day and I get that it hurt you too but you need to listen to me now because it's just as important as anything else in this messed up world," I stood back and replied "Your right that's exactly why I won't talk to you," and again I walked away leaving him there dumb founded.

Two problems solved in the space of 5 minutes this is turning out to be a good day.

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