VII. lead the way jason todd

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Chapter Seven

lead the way jason todd

3rd person POV

"good morning beautiful" jason stated as he sat up and kissed her shoulders , she smiled softly as she turned and connected her lips with his

"more like afternoon but ya know" she said and he laughed as he nudged her and she smiled at him

"why'd ya let me sleep so long?" he asked and she thought for a second

"you definitely needed it" she said and he smiled as he looked around again. he was able to see a new painting on the wall

"when did you go to bed?" he asked and she sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and looked at the painting with him

"well after we got here, you went out for a little bit , no idea where but when you came back, i wasn't asleep. i couldn't fall asleep" she stated and he sighed

"not what i asked, when did you go to bed?" he pushed and she nodded. she didn't want to admit that she had stayed up all night worrying about gar or dick or donna or rachel or dawn or kory, or hell even hank. she didn't want to admit that things were plaguing her dreams and when she was awake, they were already plaguing her. she couldn't escape it no matter how hard she tried. no matter what she did, she couldn't escape it and she hated that, she could see it all again. him falling, the way she almost lost him

"like 5 am" she said and he stared at her. he brushed her hair behind her ear and looked in her eyes.

"you're serious? baby you barely got any sleep" he said and she nodded before she shrugged and stood up

"its nothing, I'm fine" she said

"you're sure?" he asked and she had to think for a second. if she admitted it what would he think? she knew that she was being selfish. it wasn't his job to comfort her on something that happened to him. it wasn't his job for him to hold her and tell her that it would okay and nothing would change. it wasn't his job and yet she wanted it to be but she hated that. she hated feeling the need of support and love and comfort. she hated the fact that she couldn't tell herself that she was going to be okay and that everything was going to be fine

"yeah I'm sure, so i have an idea" she switched the subject and he stared at her. he knew that she was deflecting, that she was pretending but he wasn't going to push when he knew that she shouldn't. he knew it was wrong for him to push that on her.

"whats your idea?" he asked her with a smile

"so i showed you my place , you show me one of yours" she said and he smiled at her

"I'm glad you said that because i want to show you somewhere," he said and she smiled as she turned to him. they had fallen asleep in the building. luckily it wasn't an abandoned building, she had food and water. well running water that was warm. she was lucky enough to be able to get changed.

"lead the way jason todd" she exclaimed and he smiled at her as she smiled back. he liked that she wanted to know the real him and who he was. he liked that she didn't care about Wayne manor or robin, she cared about jason todd and who he was. he led her out of the building and they began to walk together. she held his hand as they looked around

"i never noticed how bright gotham can get" she stated as she looked around. she had always seen it so dark and gloomy but for some odd reason, the sun was out and it felt like everything was going to be okay. he held the door open for her and she walked in

"your school?" she asked and he shook his head as he looked around.

"not my school, my home" he said and he sat down as she sat with him and they looked around together

"tell me more" she said and he smiled

"dad was an asshole who got himself killed , mom was an addict. i did the whole delinquency tour. foster care, juvie, lived on the streets. then i found this place, crammed a sleeping bag in the rafters over there. hid out here at night, watched the theater kids living their best lives" he explained and he stood up making her stand up too

"explains the whole robin dramatics" she exclaimed and he nudged her with a laugh and smile on his face

"and i used think they were losers, but look who ended up in a mask and a cape" he said and she smiled

"yeah but you do think cute in them" she retorted making him smile.

"I'm glad you think so, ya know compliments are truly apart of your strong suit" he said and she smiled

"i think its cute that youre a theater nerd" she said

"thespians. okay, thespians not theater nerds" he said and she looked around. he walked up behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and held her. she leaned her head back and sighed

"i like how you made it feel like home" she told him

"i did? i always thought i left it the way it was, i always change things or not at all" he said and she turned her head to him

"you change a lot of things jason todd, you left your mark on this place wether you want to believe it or not" she told him and he sighed as he unwrapped his arms from her

"don't, don't do that" she said and he froze

"don't do what?" he tried to act dumb

"don't push me away because i see you jason, i can see you trying to find a way out. a way to run, i spent too much time pushing people away for you to do that to me" she said and she leaned her forehead on his as he searched her eyes for something

"I've never done this before" he said and she smiled

"i haven't either but its okay. we have each other" she told him and he smiled as he leaned and kissed her as she kissed back.

the only question was how long would they have each other?


future kamari, I'm so sorry

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