XIV. jason would never hurt her

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Chapter Fourteen 

jason would never hurt her

3rd person pov 

kamari woke up the next day and got dressed into jasons sweatshirt and her pants. he was a bad guy now, he was crazy and evil but she didn't care because she knew him. she knew who he was even if she didn't want to admit that the one she knew was gone. 

so she walked downstairs and to the cave as she saw dick with kory and gar. kory was patching up his shoulder and gar turned at the sound of her footsteps. 

"what the fuck happened to you?" she asked him and he looked at her, the same look in his eyes as when he told her about jasons death and she sighed. 

"it was jason wasn't it?" she asked and he nodded , she sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she made eye contact with gar 

"I have to do something about this" she stated and she got up as she walked out of the basement and dick called for her 

"let her go, maybe if she sees him it'll help her" gar said 

"or she'll end up dead" kory retorted 

"jason would never hurt her, we all know this kory" gar told her and even though she wanted to disagree, she knew that he was right, he cared too much about kamari to hurt her or to even think about hurting her. as she walked away, they watched her in fear but after a while, dick followed after her. 

she walked out and began to look around gotham, she didn't know where she was going, she didn't know what she was doing but she knew that she had to find him and she had to stop jason before he went too far. 

"come on jaybird where are you?" kamari whispered to herself before she thought about it and she went to the one place she thought he could be, the theater. it was a chance that he wouldn't be there but she needed to know if he would go back there for the sake of her and for the sake of her knowing him. 

she got to the theater and she looked around before she let her vines send her up to the raftors and she looked around. 

"you found me" he said and she turned around to see jason standing there but he wasn't in his red hood outfit, he looked like the same old jason that she had fallen in love with. he looked her up and down and she did the same thing to him 

"of course I found you, you forget I know you jaybird" she said and he scoffed. 

"don't call me that" he said and she stared at him before she walked forward and put her hand on his cheek gently. he leaned into her touch as she ran her thumb over his cheekbone and she looked into his eyes. 

"what happened to you?" she asked and all of a sudden, his head shot up and he was being ripped away from her grip. 

"what happened to me? god kam, you of all people should know what happened, don't act like you care now" he said and she stared at him 

"I do care" she tried 

"no, no you don't. you don't care about me and you never have, you have never cared" he told her and she watched. 

"what are you talking about?" she asked and he looked her in the eyes as he stepped forward and kept walking closer and closer to her but she didn't move. she stood her ground and made sure that he knew she wasn't scared of him. 

"you know what I'm talking about" he stated and she shook her head 

"no I don't. jason I have always cared about you. since I met you, since I got kidnapped with you, since you have been by my side for everything, I have cared about you when things got too hard. i have cared when you needed to run away, I have always cared and you know that. you cant push me away because you think its good for you. its not" she stated and she stared at him.

"I love you jason todd" she said 

"don't" he tried 

"no I am, I love you jason todd. i always have and no matter what you say. i always will, there is nothing you can do to stop me from loving you. i love you" she repeated herself, if not for herself but for him because she knew that what he did was wrong, she knew that she shouldn't love him but she couldn't help it. 

"don't say that" he said and she sighed. 

"why don't you believe me?" she asked 

"you know why, no one ever means it when they say it. you don't mean it, you're just saying it so Ill stop, so ill come back to you and not do this anymore, its not true and you don't mean it, i know you don't mean it" he said and she sighed. 

"i tried jason, i really did" she spoke before she walked off and he watched. he knew that she did, he knew that was her trying but he couldn't fall for it. he couldn't let himself fall for it again. 

"good job jason" crane said and jason turned to the man in anger. he was pissed to say the least, he didn't want to push kamari away and he didn't want to treat her like everyone else. he did love her, he saw a future with her. he saw a life with her but he couldn't do this to her. she couldn't get involved and he wouldnt let her. 

he didn't try to hurt her , and he didn't. not physically but maybe emotionally. 

he had hurt kamari. 


oh lord 

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