XVI. is that what you think or what you know?

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Chapter Sixteen

is that what you think or what you know?

3rd person pov

kamari walked back into the house and she looked around as she went up to her moms room and walked in. she stood in the doorway as ivy turned to her with a smile.

"i heard you got in a fight tonight, are you all okay?" ivy asked her daughter and kamari nodded with a smile on her face.

"yeah I'm alright, jason and crane got away but we killed more of his men and put more of them in jail" she stated and ivy smiled.

"I'm glad you're using your powers for the greater good, how are you feeling about jason?" she asked and kamari shrugged as she sat down on the swing of vines that ivy had made.

"honestly, i don't know. i saw him a few days ago and we talked but that didn't mean anything" mars told her and ivy sat down next to her

"is that what you think or what you know?" ivy asked and kamari had to think for a minute, she didn't know what to say. she wanted to say it was what she knew but she didn't know that it was what she knew because she didn't know that.

"i want to say its what i know but i don't know anymore" she reminded her and ivy nodded before she looked around the room.

"then go find out" ivy told her daughter and kamari thought about it before she nodded and she walked out of the room letting ivys vines lock it again. she looked around and walked to her room as she changed and left the house.

she looked around and then decided that she needed to just go and search for him, she also noticed that dick had left and she had a strange feeling about it so she decided to track his bike. she followed it as he got to a intersection and she held onto her vines that held her in the air when she looked down and saw jason

"jaybird" she called and he looked at her before he looked at someone else and she turned to see dick coming towards him when as he got to the intersection, he got hit by a car and mars let the vines drop her as she ran over to him

"mars?" he asked

"yeah, yeah, hey dick its me, how ya feeling?" she asked and he sighed before she looked up and saw jason looking at them. she made eye contact and he stared at the way she looked at dick but it wasn't how she looked at jason, she looked at dick with fear in her eyes but looked at jason with love and sadness.

"like i got hit by a car" he said and she nodded with a soft chuckle.

"that's because you did" she told him and he sighed again as he let his head rest on her knee and he looked at the sky. she watched jason walk away and a part of her wanted to go after him but the other knew she had to stay there for dick and take care of him.

"oh that's fun" he said and she sighed and nodded before she looked around. she lifted him up and she let her vines lead him to the hospital before she called barbara and told her what had happened.

"thank you for saving him mars" barbara said and kamari nodded.

"he's like my brother if i didn't save him, i don't know what would've happened, look i have to go but thank you for staying here with him barb, it means a lot" she told her and she left the hospital. barbara watched her but she didn't stop the girl, kamari had one thing on her mind.

"thought you'd come looking for me" she heard and she turned as she saw jason leaning on the wall and she walked over to him.

"i wasn't but seems you came to look for me" she said and he nodded.

"yeah i guess, hows dick?" he asked and she began to walk away but she knew he was following, he always did.

"like you give a fuck" she said and he grabbed her wrist as he led her into an alleyway and stared at her.

"i do give a fuck, i care and i know that I've fucked up, a lot and badly but I'm sorry, I'm trying to work on it. look i went and talked to some people, I'm done with crane and all of his fucked up shit" he told her as he brushed some of her hair behind her ear and she remembered everything.

"how do i know that?" she asked and he sighed.

"ill prove it to you" he said and she sighed as he kissed her forehead and he left her in the alleyway. she watched him walk off and then she looked around to make sure no one could see her before she went back to house.

when she walked into the kitchen, she was met with the scene of gar and he looked at her. she looked at him and she sighed as she sat down and he did too.

"long night?" they asked each other at the same time and they both laughed.

"you can say that" gar told her and she nodded.

"yeah same" she exclaimed and then gar told her what he needed to say

"jason wants to see dick, not Nightwing , alone" gar said and kamari nodded her head in understanding. she knew that jason was trying to fix his mistakes but she didn't trust him again just yet.

and after finding out what would happen later that night, she wouldn't trust him for a while.


he's so downbad for her but he has to gain her trust back and that probably wont be anytime soon

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