XVII. the fuck did you just say about my mom?

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Chapter Seventeen
the fuck did you just say about my mom?

3rd person pov

after the issue with the water supply, kamari knew what she had to do but she didn't like it, then her phone rang and she watched the video as he slandered every single one of the titans and she stared at her phone before she looked at kory and then gar.

"a new hero will rise and you will know his name, red hood" he said and she threw her phone at the wall, she couldn't believe that she had let herself fall for his stupid fucking lies and words.

"you alright?" gar asked and she turned to him as she shook her head and sighed.

"gar, kam, we got a problem" kory told them as she walked in and they left where they were

"how do we tell the good guys from the bad ones?" gar asked and kamari sighed.

"i don't think there is anymore good guys" she told them as they watched kory beat some guy up

"stay, damn it" kory said and he went to stab her but kory tried to fight him. she punched him and he fell to the ground.

"i got another one" gar called and he  began to beat the guy up as kamari watched. blackfire fought one of them as conner did the same thing. one of them came at kamari and she let her vines wrap around him before they threw him gently and he got knocked out

"you're titans, nightwings gang" one women said

"no, we're not much of a gang really. more like roommates" gar exclaimed and kamari smacked her forehead

"just get the fuck out of here and leave us alone" a man called to them

"we're here to help. that video you saw, its all lies" conner tried

"liar, you're the reason the water is poisoned. you even have poison ivys daughter on the team to prove it" they called and kamari scoffed

"the fuck did you just say about my mom?" she asked as she let her vines wrap around her legs and arms as she watched everyone.

"kory, get them out of there" dick told them

"he wants us to just leave?" gar asked and the other began to leave as kamari stared at them and she left too.

"don't blame yourself" ivy told her as kamari walked back into the house and they all turned to the women,

"how long has she been here?" kory asked

"the past few days but that's not what matters, look guys we need a plan because that one sure as hell didn't work" she stated as they walked to the dining room

"i have a plan" dick said and they all turned to him

"oh yay, i would love to hear it" mars said as she sat down and gar sat down next to her. mars and gar stared at dick together.

"I'm going to turn myself in as Nightwing and then we all turn ourselves in" he said

"so we turn ourselves in and then what?" gar asked

"yeah i mean kind of a shit plab if you ask me dick" kamari stated and far nodded in agreement with her as did everyone else in the room. she didn't want to turn them against dick but this was the definition of a shitty plan if she had ever heard of one.

"alright, and then we post bail, continue doing our work, but in a less public way. work in the shadows, take this city back night by night. its not gonna be easy, and its not gonna be fast but we can do it. if you have a better idea, please nows the time" dick stated

"they hate us" gar told them

"i mean you heard what they said about me, for some reason having poison ivys daughter on the team makes everything just a little bit worse" she stated

"look, they've been manipulated into hating us, by crane" kory stated

"and jason" kamari said and they all stared at her, this was her finally admitting that she wasn't going to get jason back. he was gone and there was nothing she could do about it.

"conner, blackfire, what do you think?" he asked them

"it was brutal out there, i don't want to be looked at like that again" he said and kamari agreed

"well, surrender isn't my thing but i am used to people looking at me like I'm a monster, so whatever you all decide on, I'm in" Blackfire told them.


"we've played it by the book so far and this is where it led us, so maybe you're right, maybe we try a new way, I'm in," she said

"all right, then. let's suit up, we go in together. as a team, as a family" he said and they all nodded. they all walked away and changed into their suits, kamari's suit consisted of green leather pants with vines wrapped all around her and a green vine mask.

they got in the cars and drove to the police station.

"This seems excessive" Kory spoke

"Barbara cleared it with me. its all for show" dick said

"I don't know how much I believe that" kamari exclaimed and she looked around at the cops as she held her own hand and made sure her vines stayed close and intact with her body

that's when it became shit show, they got attacked and the cops didn't wait to hurt them. kamari let her vines handle the trick as they spread to the men and threw them into the wall, she watched gar turn into a tiger and then she saw barbara shoot her partner.

she looked at conner and dick and they nodded as she left and ran. she didn't know what she was going to do without the others but she needed to find out and soon.


my poor girl

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