Stabby stabby

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The heels click on the pavement as if she needed to be louder, walking through the city with the stars and streetlight the only light for her to rely on.

It happens in seconds, one hand on her stomach pulling her to the side while an another puts metal against her neck. It feels sharp against her neck, indicating it being a knife rather than a spoon or something much less threatening.

"Where's the money?"

A second man enters, skinny and shorter than her with a subtle bit of beard growing. His smile is different, not crooked or evil but a kind of cover for a possibly nice man.

"I don't have any," she says as she stares the man in the eye, "Does anyone have much of it over here?"

He is about to speak, that much clear by the way he opens his mouth. But instead comes a voice, muffled in a way the man's could not be,

"Well this is awkward, I was here to rob you two."

The man looks more frightened when the telltale noises of his own gun being loaded come from behind him. The same voice continues,

"Now be nice and let the girl go or your boyfriend gets it, man."

The knife gets even closer to her neck, pressing into her flesh enough to be painful and just as she is about to do something about the fact she's probably getting killed, the person behind the other man before comes into sight quicker than her eyes can really catch.

The next thing she knows, the knife is on the ground, both her and the skinny robber are making a dive for it and the guy behind her back earlier has a gunshot wound on his arm.

She gets the knife, feeling a stinging pain on her hand before she realises she grabbed the sharp side.

Blood's coming out rapidly and the skinny robber is trying to fight the metal out of her hand without getting his hand bloodied, almost successful in practically slicing her hand with the violent jerks.

As quick as the figure had moved before, it now loosens the robbers hand and shoots him in the leg.

Soon both of the robbers are stacked together in a trashcan and the figure closes it, sitting on top of it.

"Does your knight in shining armour get a thank you?"

"I could've survived that myself," she says, looking to her 'saviour', "These heels aren't called daggers for nothing."

"I see."

"Besides, they make me look pretty good, don't they?"

"Absolutely... Do you need the ambulance? That hand looks pretty bad."

"Oh it's quite alright... unless you want to kiss it better."

"As much as I love kissing ladies hands, that looks like it could enjoy some stitches."

"Don't be such a killjoy."

"I'm probably calling the ambulance anyway, I can't leave this married couple around either," the masked hero hits the dumpster, smiling behind the mask, "Not without some professional help."

"Thank you, I guess, for saving me. I don't have money to pay you though, pays late again," their eyes meet for a brief moment, "can I pay with a kiss or do you need more? Because my home is just a few blocks."

"Maybe an another day. For now, let's just get it over with by saying you owe me."

"You should probably get that ambulance, sweetie, three of us will eventually bleed out."

"Shame," the hero makes a move for the phone, unlocking it and tapping in the emergency number, "You seemed like good company."

The hero opens their bag to a piece of fabric and hands it to her to hold over the wound. It's nowhere near big enough to hold all of the bleeding but seems helpful enough.

"Only seemed? Such a shame, I thought you were enjoying me," she says, flinching slightly at the pressure.

"I quite was."

She waits as the masked hero of hers speaks to the emergency call centre, nowhere near bothered enough for this to be the first time they've spoken about the same issue.

She studies the mask, seemingly made out of a fabric bag with eyeholes cut in that are probably two times the size of the actual eyes and small dots for breathing and speaking. It's quite hilariously made actually, surprisingly matching the multiple sizes too big jumpsuit in colour. It's seemingly tucked into the jumpsuit in a hurry. The more she stares the more she realises that the fabric on her wound is totally from one of those eyeholes.

"I work at the club down the street. Come visit sometime," she says, nodding behind her when the permission to end the call comes.

"But I'm stranger, didn't you mother warn you against talking to them? Especially telling me where you work and will easily find you so that I might just sell you to some weirdo on the dark web?"

She rolls her soft brown eyes, smiling a slight bit.

"I assure you, my mother doesn't approve of anything I do so breaking one more rule won't hurt me," she looks up to face her 'saviour' yet again, "If you were going to kidnap me, it would be a smarter business move to take me right now."

The siren of an ambulance rudely interrupts their laughter, getting louder until the lights are just there, maybe a corner away.

"See you around, Mary Jane!" the hero says, jumping off the dumpster.

"Thank you, Superman."

"That'd be Lois Lane," they let out a small laugh, "Besides, I'm more of a Spider-Woman but who cares."

"You're a girl?" She asks, interested in this information.

"Sure am. Goodnight, Lois Lane!" the heroine declares.

"My name's Haley, actually," she mutters but is just too late her 'friend' has already seemingly disappeared from sight as if flying in the strong wind, probably flown off to wherever she came from in the first place.

Her hand stings, a lot, as in very very badly. It's a blinding pain purely from waving around her arm to be noticed by the ambulance.

The paramedic is tall, towering over her even with her nearly six inch heels and not so short form in general. His eyes scan around, sternly, for the other two, not saying as much as a word to her yet.

"In the dumpster," Haley declares, pointing towards where the men are while staring up to the medic with both her hands.

"This is the fourth time in a week," he mutters, opening the dumpster.

The men are passed out in their own blood, probably having lost a lot more than assumed.

Everything moves quickly, two other paramedics she has not seen before helps the first to get to the ambulance, ordering her to come with.

She sits down, they close the back door of the ambulance with a loud bam and the shortest of the men gets ready to drive, pressing go pretty much as soon as the only female paramedic has started looking at her hand to see if it could have something extra going on with it, she didn't quite listen to what she'd been told.

Next thing she notices are a bunch of sharp turns there she slams against the wall with the speed. The paramedics are both attending to the men, seemingly feeling that she is good enough with the thing they told her to hold on top of the wound until they got to the hospital.

"Where's the gun?" The tallest paramedic asks her suddenly.

"I.. she took it, I think, along with the knife."

In truth, she had payed very little attention to what the heroine had taken with her, too enraptured by the lovely chat they were having to divide her attention.

"Goddamnit. How many guns does one woman need?"

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