Endarken Days are Witch Days...

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Y/n's pov

I walked home after a day of school and a few hours of resting and still a little more school.

It was cloudy and gloomy but I paid no attention to it.

What are you doing with your life?

I looked around but saw no one.

Your a witch, embrace it.

The sky turned dark, like it was night. Something was wrong...

"Hello? Who's there?"

You're pathetic, you call yourself a legitimate witch?

"Who are you?! S-show yourself!" I said.

The wind started to blow harshly.

My sister was a idiot to raise to you...

My eyes widen in realization...


The voice laughed...

"I thought you died?!" I yelled to the wind.

She did, I am not my elder sister.

"But that only leaves...."

Clouds swirled like a tornado with thunder and lightning in front of me.

You know it.

I growled.

"SHAULA!!!" I shouted.

A rippling laugh broke through like thunder.

Took you long enough.

Before I knew it I was struck by lightning. It transported me to a forest area.

That same laugh broke through and I looked at my surroundings.

"SHAULA! Where are you?!?!" I yelled.

Behind you darling.

I turned around and saw her. She looked the same as the days I've seen her.

Her hair a tie dye of red and blue, which was tied back like a scorpion's tail.

Her iris looks like the ying yang symbol only in blue and reddish pinkish.

I glared at her.

"You can still show your face and not be repulsive of me?" I asked, not taking my eyes off her.

She laughed once again.

"You killed my older sister, but she was your mother. Props to you for that." She said.

She walked up to me and placed her hand on my cheek.

"Deary, I thought I was your favorite out of the Gorgon family?"

"As long as you don't kill people." I said, pushing her hand off my face.

"But, my experiments require me to test people, but I'll be gentle enough to not and try to kill people." She said.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Shaula, you are a Gorgon. Should I believe your words?" I asked.

"Not one bit, but I want to give you a present. Its some things Arachne and I wanted to give you but Medusa forbad it." She said, handing me a locket.

"This is the Gorgon Necklace. Passed down from Gorgon to Gorgon." She said.

"It has amazing enhancing properties."

"Why should I trust you, you could of poisoned it." I said, handing it back to her.

She chuckled.

"You can be smart. I haven't poisoned it. Look."

She held the locket up and the tip of her finger had a small swirling ball of poison. She held and touched the locket with the finger and the locket glowed green before lightning came from it and struck her finger.

"Ahhg!" Bloody hell!" She mumbles under her breath.

(I've been reading Harry Potter lately. So I may use Git a lot.)

"See, I can't put poison in it. Now take it." She said, handing back to me.

I slowly looked at her before taking the locket.

"I also want to give you this book." She said, handing me and beaten up ancient book.

I looked at the title and gasped.

"No, I-I can't take this." I said, pushing it back into her arms.

"You will. I've already learned things from the book. Things I wanted to know. I tore those out, but everything else in there is something that will benefit you." She said.

I flipped through and I could feel the new magic flowing through me.

"One more thing." She said.

I closed the book and looked at her. She handed me a handheld mirror with a scorpion design on it.

"If you ever want to talk to me, just Sādogorugon. That means third Gorgon." She said.

I stared at myself in the mirror and bent my head at different angles.

(Pretend the bones are side by side like a hand held mirror.)

"Is...is that it?" I asked and she nodded.

"My sisters were very stupid, my older sister infiltrated DWMA and for herself killed by her daughter, my other one is dead by some useless love by Asuna. I plan to do things right.

I smirked.

"And I'll be there to stop you." I said.

She laughed.

"Let's see if you can." She said, before disappearing in to smoke.

Thunder and lighting rumbled through the sky before the lightning hit me and sent me back to Death City.

"What are you planning Aunt Shaula?" I asked, stuffing the things she gave me in my bag and walking home.

It started raining, so I use my shield to cover me.

Why did she give me that book.

Especially if that is the only known copy.


Enjoy and come back for more!

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