Sometimes secrets got to be kept

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Y/n's pov 

I walked into my house to find all my friends, Stein-san, Maria-san, Sprit-san and my parents were all in the living room. Once they saw me, they immediately ambushed me. 

"Whoa, Whoa, whoa! Back things up for me!" I said, pushing them all away. 

"Lord Death thought that sudden storms and lightning meant that there was a witch around and we felt the soul. You weren't home yet so we thought it was you." Maka said. 

I rolled my eyes. Shaula you idiot. 

"It wasn't me, but I did sense it. I did my best to get home which was now." I said, partially lying. 

"Why did it take you a while then?" Tsubaki said. 

"I was taking a walk in the park and the soul was near me so I froze for like 5 mins and then ran off," I said, walking to the stairs. 

"So it wasn't her, so stop with your accusations Maka." Soul said and my Mom and Dad nodded. 

"Your lying!" Maka said. 

"No, I am not!" 

"Look us in the face and say that!" 

I turned around and looked at every single one of them.  I set my jaw and stood tall. 

Maka forgets that I am a witch and to be a witch you need to know how to lie. 

"I don't know any witch came into Death City, I never released my witch soul, I was at the park trying to be in calm places due to the fact I was tired from all of the witch trials!!!" I shouted. 

They were all silent. 

"And, I don't appreciate the facts that my own friend is not trusting me!" I yelled. 

It feels so bad lying. 

"I can't believe after all I have done, you still think I am not to be trusted." 

I'm so sorry Maka

"If you don't trust me, I guess we don't need to be friends!" I yelled, climbing up the stairs into my own room. 

I slammed the door and locked it. I leaned against the door and slide till I sat on the floor. My eyes filled with tears. I'm sorry everyone, I hope you understand

I got up and went to my dresser, I went through my bag and grabbed the things that Shaula gave me. I placed them on my dresser and looked at each of them. 

The Locket of Snakes

The Mirror of Scorpions

The Book of Spiders 

The Gorgon Artifices, each belongs to the Three Gorgons Siblings. The Locket allows you to transform into your spirit animal, the animal that represents you and also enhances powers only when you are wearing it. (Like your Patronus from Harry Potter. What's yours, mine is a hedgehog but I wanted it to be a tiger.) The Mirror allows you to talk to anyone and see any current event happening, a perfect spying tool. The Book, however, once belonged to Arcane, having spells to enhance one's power, potions certain to work, the works, and everything. 

I picked up the mirror and looked at my reflection. My hair has grown a ton, maybe I need a haircut. I ran my fingers through my hair and ruffled it. And then I thought about downstairs, what could be happening. I placed my fingers on the scorpion that adorned the hem of the mirror. 

"Show me the current events of Soul Eater Evans," I said. 

The scorpion's eyes glowed red before a moving image of everyone appeared downstairs. 

"But I still think she is lying!" Maka said. 

"Maka, if you keep saying my daughter is lying. I will ban you from this house." My father said. 

"Maka, don't you think you're taking this a little out of proportion?" Liz said. 

"No, I'm not!" She yelled

"Maka! This my girlfriend you're talking about! Not to mention she saved everybody from her own mother's wrath! If she says she is not lying well by golly she's not!" Soul yelled at his meister. 

"I sensed weird magic coming from her bag, don't tell me you did feel it! Especially you Stein-san!" Maka sad. 

They all shook their heads. 

"Maybe your thinking wrong, maybe it's just aura your feeling from Y/n," Spirit-san said, putting a hand on Maka's shoulder. 

Maka slapped the hand away and stalked towards the door. 

"Maka come back." 

"NO! SINCE YOU ALL DON"T BELIEVE ME, WHY STAY?!" She yelled at them before opening the door and slamming it behind her. 

I heard the bang of the door from up here. 

"It must be a shame to lie to your friend, to make her look like a fool." A voice said behind me. 

I turned around ready to fight only to find Natsumi and her boyfriend Rin standing there. 

"W-what? What are you talking about?" I stuttered slightly. 

"Don't play dumb with us, we saw what happened with you and your aunt," Rin said. 

I looked down and my face flushed red with shame and sadness. 

"You should have never accepted those gifts from her, Y/n," Natsumi said. 

"I know, but it was so tempting," I said. 

"It must have been," Natsumi said. 

"Promise me you won't say anything. Shaula and I are obviously the last Gorgons in the world and she passed them down to me because she didn't need them and her other sisters are dead." 

Natsumi and Rin pondered on this before nodding. 

"But if it gets to a point where it is crucial for people to know, We'll tell," Natsumi said. 

I nodded back and shook Natsumi's hand. 

So tell me why my phone is my Christmas present because I had to pass midnight, and now I can't write my lemons without the family laptop which is about to break so all I have is the computer in the living room where EVERYBODY is?!!! I can't write my lemons until Halloween when I dont have school and my mom and brother is going to work and school. Turn up my the way!!

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