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These are first come first serve
Feel free to take liberty with these colors, but don't loose it completely. Pick one that is open, I will try to keep up with what is available and taken. If we get towards the end and you don't like any of the colors then let me know and we can discuss a color you'd prefer.

1. Orange ~ TAKEN

Orange can make quick, logical decisions. They love to have fun and love a good laugh. They are fun loving but practical, and tend to be doing a lot of things all at once. They can also been seen as irresponsible, or clustered. Their social standing is middle class. They work, but they have time for vacations and fun.
2. Yellow

Yellow is always going to a fun party or club or hanging out with friends. They will always pick a night out over a night in. They don't like work, at all. They are tons of fun and the center of the party, but can also been seen and dumb or an air head. Their social status is upper class. Always at high end parties with high end clothes.
3. Green (RESERVED)

Green likes to have fun, but is very logical. They like to read and tend to not always simply follow the rules. They question things and are very intellectual. They're not fast to put themselves out there, but they are not shy either. They can be seen as boring or nerdy. Their social status is middle class, they work but still have luxuries.
4. Baby Blue ~ TAKEN

Baby blue is soft spoken. Even if they think a lot, they have few words. They fairly shy. They're a great person to talk to or if you need someone to listen. They are generally contempt with what they have. They are very kind and like to help others. They can be seen as dumb since they don't talk a lot or too shy. Their social status is lower middle class. They have more than others and less than others but they are happy.
5. Royal Blue ~ TAKEN

Royal blue is anything but soft spoken. They are quick to speak their mind and will not hold back an opinion. They are bold in their choices and words and hold back very little. They can come across as rude or over bearing but it comes from a good place. Their social status is upper middle class.
6. Navy ~ TAKEN

Navy is reliable and trust worthy. They may be seen as a mom of a group. They genuinely care for others and never want to see people hurt. They can be seen as acting too old for their age or dull, but they have a bubbling personality underneath. Their social status is middle class.
7. Purple ~ TAKEN

Purple already think they're royalty. They can be cocky and arrogant. They love to show off what they have and someone else doesn't. If people stick around long enough they may just want acceptance but this may rarely show. They can be seen as too arrogant and harsh. Their social status is upper class.
8. Pink

Pink is never sad. They always have something fun to talk about and are always bubbling with energy. They can be hard to keep up with, but also a lot of fun. They may be seen as stupid for being so bubbly or exhausting to be around, but they mean well. Their social status is upper middle class.
9. Brown ~ TAKEN

Brown is down to earth. They are very mature and know they're stuff. They don't have a ton, but they always are thankful for what they do have. They come off as too mature and boring, but have many more layers.  Their social status is lower class.
10. Turquoise ~ TAKEN

Turquoise is very in touch with their emotions. They speak knowingly and clearly. They are usually calm but can be set off quickly by their emotions. They are creative and can love to draw. They may be seen as overly emotional. Their social status is middle class.
11. Aqua

Aqua is a romantic. They can't wait to fall in love and believe in love at first sight. They are usually calm but if something happens to their loved ones they will set off. They may be seen as overly romantic and  too quick to fall in love. Their social status is middle class.
12. Gold

Gold is intelligent and charismatic. They are very much an extrovert. They like to get to know people and are generally very positive. They have big dreams for themselves. They can be dramatic at times and secretly crave attention. Their social status is lower middle class.
13. Silver ~ TAKEN

Silver is geared to the future. They don't hang onto the past and want to focus on the future. They have a positive outlook on life. They can be snobbish and feel entitled. This reflects very poorly against how people see them. They will say what they want to say and come off very snappish. They show their more positive side, but only if you stick around long enough to get to know them. Their social status is upper middle class.
14. Salmon

Salmon has a contagious enthusiasm. They can be generous and have great spirit. They can be egotistical and have too much drama. Their social status is middle class.
15. Peach

Gray is sophisticated, in their own way. They pay a lot of attention to politeness. They are great at being unbiased and neutral. They don't tend to get into fights or drama, but may get pulled in as a peacemaker. They can be seen as uptight. Their social status is lower middle class.

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