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Angel Asher




Angel is a natural leader, he knows how to make decisions and run a country. He can be quite a big flirt and sleeps around quite a bit. He's had several flings with many different ladies. He does not like being disagreed with or being told he is wrong. He can be set off easily and can get angry easily. He is confident in his actions and decisions, but this leads to him being arrogant and cocky. He's passionate about everything and does. He never does anything half heartedly. He is everything except excited for this selection, he'd rather stay with his flings and find another way to repair the country. He can be quite aggressive when he yells, but most of the time he doesn't mean anything by it. He never means to hurt people close to him, but a lot of times it may come off that way.

After his parents death he has been even easier to set off. His anger easily gets the best of him. He is stressed as he tries to fix the country. He barley sleeps now, too busy leading, partying, or fighting with his brother. He loves his twin but they disagree on so much.

Fun, most parties, being right, being in charge, music, dancing, his flings

Being wrong or being told he's wrong, loosing control, being told what to do, being lectured

He is very intelligent (though he doesn't seem it), he can make quick and good decisions for his country

He gets angry easily, he has a big temper, he's is still young and in a position of power, he doesn't always have the best judgement in life

Loosing people he loves, scaring people away, a coup, being seen as harsh or monstrous

What they look for in a girl:
Angel needs someone who can balance him out. Someone who can see past his yelling or flirting. He needs someone kind, who can help him control himself. He can't stand anyone who just sees him as too harsh, and wants someone to see him for who he can be.

Played By: Me

Night Asher




Night is very independent and hates asking people for help, it makes him feel useless and incapable of things. He is very keen on his looks and he tries to look his best at all times, he is quite narcissistic because of that as well.  He doesn't care what other people think though, he trusts what he is doing is right and everything he does and acts like is the right decision. He gets very stressed about running the country, I mean like getting down on himself and calling himself stupid and other things like that. When he gets stressed he tends to ramble a lot.
He is extremely professional and hates childish people or people who slack off. He is also rather rebellious though, if you tell him no but he thinks it's the right option to do he will do it, he will go out of his way to prove people wrong about everything he disagrees with.

having control over things, rain, piano music, good conversations, mature but still fun.

loud spaces, childish people, being told he is wrong, people questioning his authority.

ever since his parents died he has been way more stressed, for that reason and the fact that his country is war torn. He doesn't necessarily want to settle down but knows he needs to if he wants to try and fix the country. He has a love hate relationship with his brother, he would do anything for him and confide in him but he often disagrees with the way he acts and the way he wants to do things

He is good at talking his way out of trouble.
He has a calm and collected façade.
He can take care of himself and is very intelligent.

he is controlling.
He doesn't get along easily with people.
He is still young and holds a position of power that he makes mistakes in.

a coup
Being assasinated
Having his people hate him.
His brother holding most of the power.

What they look for in a girl:
someone who doesn't depend on him or wants him to depend on her, he wants someone that wants to be with him because they love him.
He wants someone who won't try to tell him how he should run the country and try and take over his position. He just needs someone that calms him down and who he has fun being around.

Played By: Bluebird223

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