Year 1 ; Part 1

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Hermione's P.O.V

I ran onto the Hogwarts Express and it hit me. Blonde hair, grey eyes, the look of arrogance, he was a Malfoy. Draco Malfoy was in the book of Pure-Blooded families. His family are well known for hating muggles and anything associated with them.

He would hate me. But at least I know that I'm a witch and even though I was brought up by muggles, I'm going to try to be a great one.

He looked at me for a moment. I was in my own world. Then I woke up in the real world and realised he was looking at me because I was staring right into his eyes. I quickly looked away still glancing every now and then.

I squeezed through the crowd of people and saw him walking towards me.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!" I thought to myself along with "Is there something in my teeth? What's happening to me!?"

"Hi." He said to me.

"Oh." I thought, he just wanted to talk to me.

"Uhh...Hello?" He said, then I realised I was sinking into my thoughts.

"What? Oh! Hi!"I blubbered like an idiot.

"What's your name?" He asked me pretending I wasn't ruining our conversation.

"What? Oh...I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger!"

"Are you related to James Granger?"

"No. I'm muggle-born." Why did I say that!

"Oh...ok."He said sounding disappointed.

"Is there something wrong with that?" I asked.
"Of course there is Hermione he's a Malfoy!" I told myself in my head.

"No it's just...I'm Draco Malfoy and I like you and I want to be your friend but my dad"— "Hates anything to do with muggles" I finished for him.

"Yeah...pretty much."

We talked for a while and I laughed at every single one of his jokes. I'm surprised he didn't think I was crazy.
A boy pushed past us and ended up pushing me and Draco together. We were touching noses and both froze for a while then quickly stood away from each other. He nervously played with his hair and to stop the awkwardness I quickly said,
"Well, it was nice meeting you! See you around!" And ran off to another carriage.
I nearly bumped into someone else but they moved out of the way.

"Hi, I'm Neville Longbottom." He said "I'm looking for my toad Trevor. Have you seen him?"

"No, sorry but I'll ask around."

"Thanks," Neville replied.
I went around asking people if they'd seen a toad but everyone replied "No."
Nearly accepting defeat, I went to an almost empty carriage.

"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one."

"No..." they replied.

One of them with bright red hair and the other wearing round glasses and messy pitch black hair. I turned around to tell Neville that I'd asked everyone then realised the red-headed boy was holding his wand.

"Are you doing magic? Let's see then!"

The red-headed boy began to speak,
"Sunshine, daisies, butter, mellow. Turn this stupid fat rat yellow!"

He pointed his wand at his rat but nothing happened.

"Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good, is it?" I said.
"I've only done a few spells myself but they've all worked for me! For example, Oculus Reparo!"

The boy with the glasses squinted then his glasses were fixed. I took a closer look at the glasses to see if the spell had worked then saw a lightning bolt scar on the boy's forehead.

"Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger are?" I looked at the red-head boy who was stuffing sweets in his mouth.
"Ron Weasley!" He said with his mouth full.

"Pleasure..." I said.

I continued going on and on about everything I'd read for the whole rest of the ride.

Authors note: I didn't include the whole conversation because if you're a Harry Potter fan you have either watched the movies,w read the books or both. I've done both so I don't think you need to reread Harry Ron and Hermione's entire conversation.
P.s: Doesn't the song go with their relationship?

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