Year 1; Part 2

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Authors note: I am SO sorry. For a couple of months, I completely forgot this app/website existed. I've been so busy with school especially since I've started secondary school (middle school for you Americans out there) and I'm not used to all the homework and stuff :/ hopefully I will find time to write for the people who read this. (There are probably one five so I don't know why I'm making a big deal lol)
Draco's P.O.V:
Father said goodbye to me after telling me not to go mixing with the mudbloods. I walked around smugly, I'd already found two sidekicks to do my bidding. Vincent Crabbe, a large stupid boy with huge muscles and Gregory Goyle, also a large stupid boy with huge muscles. At least they could hurt anyone who tried to mess with me.

I walked around with them following me and saw a girl staring at me. She had brown bushy hair, chocolate brown eyes and abnormally large front teeth.

It seemed that she suddenly clicked back to the real world because she jolted a bit then looked away blushing.

I told Crabbe and Goyle to wait while I walked towards her, she realised this and started panicking slightly.

"Hi," I said simply.
She didn't reply.
"Oh great, she hates me already." I thought.
"Uhh...hello?" I said and immediately regretted.
"What! Oh! Hi!" She said, acting as if she just realised I was there.
"What's your name?" I said, trying to make it less awkward.
"What? Oh...I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger!"
"Are you related to James Granger?" I said hoping she wasn't Muggle-born because of my father.
"No! I'm Muggle-born."
She said the exact words I was hoping she wouldn't say.
"Oh...ok." I said stupidly 'oh great now I've offended her!' I thought to myself.
"Why? Is there something wrong with that?"
"No it's just...I'm Draco Malfoy and I like you and I want to be your friend but my dad"— "Hates anything to do with muggles." She finished off for me.
"Yeah...pretty much."

We were talking for a while and I told loads of unfunny jokes. I regretted telling the jokes until she started laughing at all of them. I don't know how she hadn't realised I have a crush on her.
A boy pushed past us a bit later which made us touch noses. We both froze and then quickly stepped back a bit.
I blushed a lot then started playing with my hair.
"Well! It was nice meeting you! See you later!" And she ran to another carriage. I found seats with Crabbe and Goyle and pretending I was listening to them when I was actually replaying what happened in my head and smiling like an idiot.
When the train stopped I clicked into reality and stood up to go to Hogwarts.

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