Year 1 ; Part 3

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Hermione's P.O.V
Hogwarts. It was beautiful. We sailed across the lake and the castle twinkled in its beauty. I tried sitting in a boat with Draco but his two friend took up most of the space so I was in another boat behind Harry and Rons.

We finally got out of the boats and went into the castle. It was so amazing. I was so excited to finally be able to learn magic and see it all. We walked down a corridor and I found Draco so we walked together and started talking.

"It's amazing! Isn't it?" I said to him.

"Yeah. It's so cool. My dad told me about it but I never imagined it to be like this." He replied. We talked all the way down to the entrance.

"What house do you think you'll be in?" I asked.

'He obviously going to be a Slytherin you idiot.' I thought to myself.

"Slytherin. What about you?"

"Well I want to be a Slytherin now so that I'm in the same house as you." I said.

'I am so cheesy!" I thought to myself.

"Yeah. I hope you are."

I smiled at him and he smiled back then I started blushing again.

'I am so blushing right now, oh my god why do you have to be so cute Draco!' I told myself in my head.
Then a tall stern looking woman came. I knew at once it was Professor McGonagall.

"In a moment I will lead you all to the great hall where you will be sorted and once you are sorted into your house have a seat at your house table. Your houses are like your family. Any good behaviour earns your house house points, any rule breaking and your house loses points. At the end of the year the house with the most points wins the house cup."

Then she opened the oak doors and showed us the great hall. It was amazing. Floating candles filled the room and the ceiling looked like the night sky.
"The ceiling isn't real you know, it's bewitched to look like the night sky." I told Draco, trying to be impressive.

"Cool!" He said.

"When I call your name come up and sit on the stool, I will place the sorting hat on your head."

"Fingers crossed."

"Way ahead of you." He said and showed me he was crossing his fingers.

Professor McGonagall shouted out different names and then,
"Granger, Hermione."

I walked up, sat on the stool and she placed the hat on my head.

"Hmm." The sorting hat said
"Lots of bravery but lots of wits too. Gryffindor or Ravenclaw where should I put you?"
'Oh no!' I thought. 'No I want to be a Slytherin!'

"Slytherin? Sorry dear you can't be a Slytherin. Salazar Slytherin sadly only takes pure-bloods and half-bloods."

My heart sank to my stomach. This was my worst nightmare.

'Please Slytherin' I thought stupidly.

2 minutes passed and the hat hasn't made a decision. My heart was racing.

'Please choose Slytherin!' I kept thinking even though the sorting hat would never say it.

3 minutes, 4 minutes, 4 minutes and a half,
"GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted.

Draco looked as if he got slapped in the face and my heart felt like it shattered. I walked over to the Gryffindor table pretending to be happy and waved goodbye to Draco.

I sat down and watched the rest of the sorting.

She read out different names then
"Malfoy, Draco!" He walked up and sat sat on the school.

'Please Gryffindor.' I thought stupidly.

The hat barely touched his head when it said "SLYTHERIN!"

He also pretended to smile and walked over to the Slytherin table waving goodbye to me.

The sorting had finished and Harry and Ron say opposite me.

Suddenly food had appeared on the plates and everyone started to eat. I ate a little bit then turned to look at Draco, he looked sadly at me and waved, I waved back.
"Don't worry, the houses have classes together sometimes." I mouthed to him and he nodded to show he understood.

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