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ITSUMI MIDORIYA WALKS in the dark once again. The anger that she felt just hours before when Izuku open his letter was just as fresh in this moment. It felt like her veins were being encased in white hot flames, searing the skin off her body. She waited until both her mother and brother were both asleep before she snuck out. Her body couldn't hold it anymore, her fingers were craving the sensation of blood on their flesh, her emotions were bursting at the seams wanting to unleash total destruction. 

So as the winter night produces a shower of rain, making patches of black ice freeze on the asphalt, Itsumi stalks through the city. Her heeled boots are the only sound, an ominous symphony of death. It was a warning. An omen. Because for once, the green haired girl doesn't have a target. Anyone and everyone will die by her hands if they cross paths with her.

After all, she paves the road to her future. Or this case, leaves a trail of dead bodies in her wake!

As the woman continues to hunt for her victims like the true predator she is, she comes across her first prey.

"I'm telling you, captain, I'm canvassing a known comfort ground of the Body Crush Killer. Y- No, I didn't come up with the name!"

Itsumi pauses, standing in the dark to obscure herself in the shadows, while staying out of the detective's vision. He's aged, looks around mid thirties or early forties. The fact that he's around her father's age is what seals the deal for her. Plus, it's even better that he has dark hair, not curly, but still. She can work with that.

"Don't worry about me, I'll be on time to make my rounds. I'll even make sure to grab some pastries for the office," the man reassures.

Itsumi gives a manic grin at his foolishness. It's ignorant men like him that make her killing a lot easier.

"Yeah, see ya later," the man says before hanging up. He takes out his flashlight, taking cautious steps in the dark.

With a final smirk, she drops her smile and enters a facade to fool the man. Walking silently, making sure her heels don't make a sound, she backtracks into a small alley and around the building to come up behind him. Cunning like the fox, she plays her part perfectly.

Now that she's behind him, Itsumi goes back to walking normally, loudly to alert him of her presence. And it works, too. The sounds of her heeled boots are enough to make him turn around, slightly alarmed. As he sees the figure of a young woman, the detective becomes protective. 

"Miss! You shouldn't be out here in the very dark hours of the night! It's dangerous," he warns, stepping closer to her.

Itsumi gives him a wide eyed look of confusion. "Wha- Dangerous? Why? Did something happen?"

The detective shakes his head. "It's been all over the news. Now, why are you out so late," he states,  questioning her.

Itsumi grips the body of her jacket, pretending to be scared. "I-I got off work, I had the late shift. I always take this way," she lies through her teeth.

The man nods, understanding. He steps closer, making the girl mentally smirk in satisfaction, and places a secure hand on her shoulder. "If you don't mind, I can give you a ride to your home? These streets are too dangerous for somebody to be walking alone. Especially when the killer's still out there," he informs, trying to keep her safe.

If only he knew that the killer was in front of him, then he could have lived a longer life.

Itsumi smirks, taking a hold of his arm, gripping it tightly. She smiles up at the detective. "You're right, it is dangerous to be out here alone. Especially with a killer you know nothing about," she grins maniacally.

That's when the man realizes his mistake, his brown eyes widening. The killer wasn't a twenty something or thirty year old man. No, it was a young woman, one that's barely of age. She's the one who's been causing all the chaos.

"Y-you're the Body Crush Killer? I nev-"

The green haired girl sneers. "What, you never thought that a girl could kill so many men? Oh, and that name, completely stupid! I don't need to be a strong muscled man to kill when I have my quirk and my obvious intelligence," she scoffs, digging her nails into his jacket covered arm.

Though, before he can react, Itsumi uses her quirk and snaps his radius and ulna in a simultaneous crack. The man cries out in pain as his arm breaks, falling to his knees. However, since he's still an officer of the law, he pushes his pain away to try and apprehend the suspect before him. Noticing that he's making a move towards his gun with his other arm, Itsumi quickly acts with a calmed precision. 

Raising her left hand and resting it on his right shoulder, she sends waves of combined push and pull pressure down his arm. She laughs in glee when she hears the shattering sound of his bones breaking to pieces! His screams mixed with the breaking of bones is like music to her! Utter perfection!

"It's a shame really. Because even with your death, your fellow officers are still so far away from figuring me out. You all believe that I'm a man, your ultimate mistake," the Midoriya girl says with a smug smile.

"They'll figure you out," the man grits out.

She smirks, shaking her head. "Not a chance! Your men are fools. The evidence was right in front of them, but they quickly dismissed it. You'll die in vain, as a victim of opportunity, and worst of all, you'll remain unavenged."

And with that, Itsumi rests her hands on his shoulders and pushes her quirk into his body. The dark alley way is filled with screams of agony along with several cracks of broken bones. The ultimate killing blow is when she completely obliterates his spinal column, breaking every disk until they resemble fragments.

Though, true to her signature, she still rips his heart out from his unmoving chest, and allows the crimson blood to drip down her fair skin - staining it.

But this time, she leaves something behind.

Drawn in oozing red iron, words paint the wall above the detective's broken body.

'Who will protect you now when the hearts of this city end up dead?'

: : : : : :

THE NEXT MORNING as Itsumi sits on the couch, dressed in her pajamas as if she just woke up, she watches the news channel while drinking a cup of green tea. Izuku also sits next to her, his mood better than in the last days, but also waiting for the breaking news report. Their mother paces around the kitchen as she cooks them a quick breakfast. It's a weekend so it's something that they usually do.

The day rose with a shining sun, but Itsumi was lucky that it rained during her murder spree. Because with rain, she doesn't show up with blood on her clothes. Though, it's not like she's careless about it, she always washes her clothes after her night time affairs. But the rain did make it easier. She didn't need to scrub off the dried blood with bleaching solution. She never throws away her clothes, because that's leaving a trail. Say that she throws it away, and maybe someone decides to dumpster dive and they find her bloodied clothes, what then? They'll obviously call it in and eventually the police will come, and with them the forensics unit who swab for DNA, then that's when she's done for. They'll connect her DNA from the clothes with the blood of the victim and she'll get arrested.

So, yes, while it may be risky coming home in stained clothes, it's better to wash them than throwing them away.

No evidence, no trail.

"Good morning, residents of Shizouka and Musutafu! This is JSM Breaking News, and I'm your anchor, Takashi Tozen! It's beautiful day, however with today's latest update the day is taking a displeasing turn. It seems that the Body Crush Killer has become more dangerous. Not only for the citizens of our cities, but to our loyal and dedicated officers of the law as well. This morning, officers of Musutafu station found the body of their fellow brother in arms crushed and disposed of, along with five other victims around the city area. The names of those will not be disclosed for private and respectful matters. However, new evidence was found at a crime scene. Is the killer reaching out, or simply taunting us? Here's a picture that the Musutafu department released for public knowledge. From quote, 'Who will protect you now when the hearts of this city end up dead?' Now, if anyone knows or has heard of anything familiar, please call the hotline. The number is available at the bottom of your screens-"

The channel is suddenly changed to a program showing romantic dramas. But with the information given, the girl gives a miniscule smirk, definitely a taunt.

Itsumi then turns to look behind her, seeing that her mother is holding the television remote. With the attention of both her children on her, the older woman sighs.

"It's better that you two don't worry about things like that. Whoever they are, the police will find them," she says, placing the remote on the coffee table.

Izuku shakes his head. "How can we not worry when it's happening in this city? The heroes-"

Itsumi sours at that word, and scoffs. "Heroes? Don't be ridiculous, Izuku. This Body Crush Killer isn't a villain, if he were, he would be claiming the attention for all the murders and making some ridiculous demands for whatever he wants. It's most likely that this guy is a serial killer. Besides, heroes don't get jurisdiction unless the police department invites them into the case. So, until they really need it, the police can figure this out themselves. They're not incompetent," she voices - lying - with an exhausted sigh, crossing her arms.

Izuku looks stunned at the sudden knowledge. "W-where did you-"

"I learned that in my third year Japanese Studies class. It teaches you all about the city and public rules, and political whatnot," she shrugs. "I did an essay about it, comparing it with the hero laws and how some heroes ignore it. I mean, there's a statistic showing that heroes in training are the most who get in trouble because they ignore the laws when they take matters into their own hands like they're some sort of vigilante."

She stands, taking a hold of her now empty cup. The girl looks to her younger sibling, and smirks. "Make sure to remember that, brother. You may be a hero, and may have this sudden new quirk, but you're not unstoppable. Heroes have weaknesses, too," she states, her crimson gaze boring into his emerald eyes.

And as she walks away, Izuku can't help but feel a chill run through his body with her words.

He never told her about his newly attained quirk, only their mother. 

So, how did she find out?

: : : : : :

THE WINTERS OF February eventually thawed out and bloomed into the springs of March and April, blessing them with showers and flowers. Though, as the days got warmer, Itsumi turned colder as she further stained her hands with more crimson. With more victims falling by her hands, the public grew outraged with the lack of progress - taking their frustrations out on the police department. The officers themselves started to feel more incompetent as time passed by, they were still nowhere in their investigation. 

With every kill, her reputation grew more notorious.

Her chaos caused fear, produced panic, and was acknowledged by other villains with pride. The bad guys were having a field day with her kills, they enjoyed that a single person could make several law enforcements look like complete and utter fools.

After all, they still thought that she was man.

Actually, everyone besides a certain Yakuza group, thought that she was male. That it was a man killing all those people.

That sole fact amused, yet frustrated her at the same time. Amused because she could get away with it, but frustration because they were so ignorant. Though, Itsumi kept her mouth shut. Only time will show how wrong they are. And that day will come when she reveals herself...or at least reveals herself as a woman.

She'll bide her time very patiently, but it is certain that Itsumi Midoriya will eventually be known as a notorious killer!

Though, for now, she'll be known as a simple college student, a nobody in a crowd of hundreds - possibly thousands. So, being dressed in a dark red turtleneck sweater, a black a-line skirt, and black chunky heeled ankle boots, Itsumi brushes her fingers through her newly shortened hair. The green locks used to reach the top of her shoulders, but not liking it long, she decided to shorten it into a pixie cut with asymmetric bangs. With her eighteenth birthday coming in the next month, she wanted to look more mature. No more baby fat on her cheeks, no more immaturity. After all, she is of age, a woman. Sure, seventeen is the becoming age, but eighteen makes it more concrete.

Shaking her head, she finishes her outfit by putting on her signature red rhombus shaped earrings. Done with that, Itsumi steps away from her mirror and walks out the bedroom, grabbing her backpack on the way out. It's her first day of college and she should be excited, but she frowns, because it's also Izuku's first day at UA. The more her brother sets his path towards becoming a hero, she realizes that their chances of meeting on opposite sides of the line are becoming more likely.

He's growing into a hero day by day, and she's slowly turning to the villain she was always meant to be.

Who knows, maybe this family was always fated to break apart.

Sighing, Itsumi watches as Izuku stumbles in taking his leave, putting last minute items in his backpack while kicking on his shoes at the same time. She raises a brow, wondering how her mess of a brother will become a hero if he's barely capable of getting himself ready? Though, she's not stupid, she knows for a fact that his fanboy behavior will come to his advantage. No one knows more about heroes than he does, that's for sure.

But like she said, heroes have weaknesses, meaning that he will too.

What that is, she will eventually figure it out.

Huffing, Itsumi places her red backpack on her shoulders as she listens to her mother and brother. As they talk, she puts on a fake smile to at least seem supportive and happy for him. It's disgusting. Revolting.

"Izuku, have you got your pocket tissues?"


"And your handkerchief, have you got that?"

"Yes! I've got it! No time. Gotta hurry..." Izuku states as he stands up from putting on his shoes.

"Izuku," Inko questions softly.

"What?!" The boy whines.

"You look great, see you later," she smiles.

Itsumi gives a supporting, but stiff nod. She hated it. Hated how easy her brother got the support she needed all her life. Where was her support when she was struggling? When she was juggling her schoolwork, her work, and paying the bills? Where was it? Oh, she knows, it was no where!

With a mental sneer, she forces herself to give her mother a sweet and saturated smile.

"All right! I'm going! Don't want to be late for my first day at college," she says, trying to sound excited.

She would rather get run over by a car.

Inko's eyes widen, but she smiles nonetheless. "Of course! Have a gr-"

"Bye," Itsumi cuts her off, walking out of the front door.

She doesn't need fake pleasantries.  It's obvious that her mother forgot about her, only paying attention to Izuku and his dreams to becoming a hero. After all, this was a big day for him. Itsumi scoffs, dropping her fake smile to glare ahead.

Support? She didn't have it then, and she obviously doesn't need it now! No, she's learned to live without out it. The girl is no stranger to standing alone and carrying all the weight. It's what made her to the person she is now.

She needs no one!

Because eventually, she's going to be the one who destroys the world of heroes.

Though as she finally arrives to her college campus, only to collide with another body, her target for destruction moves on to them. When her phone falls to the ground, fortunately not breaking because then she would have killed the stranger instead, along with the person's books, she sneers. She's seen enough romantic dramas to know this is cliche, but she finds it completely disgusting.

"Oh, sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going," the young man voices.

Itsumi says nothing as she looks down at the man, who's currently scrambling to pick up his books. He has white hair, styled in a spiky updo. He has fair and pale skin, as if he's been outside in the cold for too long. He's dressed in dark jeans, a white shirt, and light blue jacket.

"Here," the man smiles as he stands his full height. "It's lucky it didn't break. But if it did, I would have paid for it to make it up to you," he says, handing back her phone.

The Midoriya girl takes it from his hand. However, seeing as this a conversation, she gives a nod and a small, forced, smile.

"Yeah, that's lucky. Would have been hell, too, seeing as my schedule is on here," she says through gritted teeth.

The young man winces. "Ooh, that would have sucked! So, I'm guessing you're a first year? I'm in my second year, and you don't look familiar, so I just figured."

Itsumi nods. "Mhm. First year. Now, you wouldn't happen to know where the Computer Science classes are, because that could really repay the favor of you almost breaking my phone." She asks, giving a wily smirk.

"Of course! The computer and technical support building is next to the science and medical building! I'm in Medical Welfare, so if you ever get lost, you can look for me there," he informs, giving a sunny smile.

"Thanks..." she voice, but trails off realizing that they haven't introduced themselves. 

He catches on.

"Right! I'm Todoroki Natsuo," he greets, offering his hand.

She takes it, shaking it firmly. Her crimson gaze meeting his gray eyes.

"Midoriya Itsumi."

= = = = = =

Whoo! That's chapter eleven!

Things are finally going into motion! They're getting exciting! Cannon is now a go!

And oop - Itsumi is killing more, she's even gained a reputation! Though, it is a name that the press gave her, but they're still no where near to finding her! The Body Crush Killer will get more attention in the future and man will they all be surprised to see a girl behind the killings. However, Itsumi will reveal herself with a mask soon - and eventually don the alias of Vixen. 

Oof - i love her taunting the police!

Though she is still pretending,  her true self is shining bit by bit - like her cold tone and sharp comments.

And from the last chapter, will All Might figure out who she is? Will he warn Izuku about their little confrontation at the beach? Also, will Izuku himself suspect something, seeing as he gets unsettling feelings about his sister - her speech, her finding out his quirk even when he never told her? I can maybe write a scene in the next chapter.

And mega oof - big sister Midoriya met big brother Todoroki. I find it somewhat amusing that they met while their younger siblings are classmates, lol. Anyways, will this acquaintanceship come to play for her advantage in the future? *laughs knowingly*

Well, that's all I have today!

Anyways, don't forget to COMMENT,  VOTE, and FAN!!!

(And remember to be safe and to take care of yourselves ♡)

Word Count: 3,385

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