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      ITSUMI FELT LIKE she was slowly suffocating. The pressure on her shoulders was getting heavier with each passing day. Her bones ached. She was exhausted, both mentally and physically.

It's been weeks since that day on the bridge. The day where she felt like she could finally be free from society's expectations. She wanted to runaway with that stranger of a man. She saw freedom when she looked into his eyes. So beautiful and crimson just like her own, but so equally enchanting like a siren luring her in. Oh, she was enraptured in his song.

However, she was aware that she couldn't escape just yet, and that thought alone made it feel like she was drowning at sea, being pulled under with the weight of an anchor. She was sinking and her lungs were being painfully filled with saltwater. She knows she should feel grateful that she lives in an apartment with walls around her and has something to eat everyday, but this lifestyle seems so mundane, so fake, so very recited. Her role was given to her at a very young age, and now, she was pulling at the strings to set herself free. Though, with every string she ripped away, more ensnared her body as if she were a marionette. 

That's what she felt on a daily basis. Wake up. Go to school. Go to work. Come home. Do homework. And repeat. She was numb yet simultaneously at the same time, dying inside. 

Sighing, Itsumi zips up her school bag before slinging it over her shoulders. Grabbing her phone from the bedside table, she then disconnects the headphones from her computer. With everything that she needs in hand, the green haired girl walks out of her bedroom and into the main room of the apartment. Glancing around, her crimson eyes dart around the room looking for her younger sibling.

"Hey, mom, where's Izuku," the older Midoriya asks.  

"Oh, he left early. He said something about training for the entrance exams for the UA admissions," Inko explains with a smile. 

Itsumi gives a saturated smile, all fake. "That's great! Is he still pursuing that hero dream of his," she questions, forcing herself to be a supportive sibling. 

Though the mention of her brother wanting to follow in her father's footsteps to become a hero, it's practically making her body eat itself with overwhelming hate. Digging her long red painted nails into the palms of her hands, the teen listens to her mother speak. 

"Of course, he is. It's been his dream ever since he's known about All Might, and you know that he was practically a small child when he discovered about heroes."

"I know," Itsumi states, begrudgingly. "I just don't get why he's trying so hard when he doesn't have a quirk, it's only going to set him up for failure when he realizes that his dream won't get him very far. It's only going to bring him pain," she knowingly tells her mother. 

"Well, the only thing we can do for now, for him, is to support him," Inko tells her daughter with a smile, after seeing Itsumi's look.

The girl frowns, practically seething. "Like how we support dad? Look how well that's done for us. The years of not knowing if he's okay. The affects on our mentality for worrying about him. The damage was enough to change us the first time, so how can I blindly support it again?"

The mother frowns sadly. "Because Izuku's suffered enough already by not gaining a quirk," she informs. 

Itsumi stutters on her breath, what about me? Haven't I suffered enough, too

She sighs, "I guess you're right." The girl states flatly. 

The ignorance of her situation, the fact that her own mother doesn't see all the pressure in her life, it was like a gunshot to the chest. It hurt like a bitch. Especially when it was at a point blank range. Does no one see her drowning at sea? Can they not see her lungs fill with saltwater? Do they not realize that she's being dragged under the waves by a giant anchor? How can they be so oblivious, do they not care enough about her? Here she is, knowing everything about them and what troubles them, but they can't bother to do the same? 

When is it the right time to throw in the towel and to have a breakdown? Because at this moment, all Itsumi wants to do is curl into a ball and release her bottled emotions. She wants to scream at the unfairness. She wants to yell. To break things. 

But instead, she fakes a smile and pretends everything is okay. 

"If support is what he needs, then I'll be there right by him! I won't let this be like dad, not again. Thanks, for putting me straight, mom! I'll see you later," Itsumi forces herself to sound happy. 

"No problem, sweety. Have a nice day at school," Inko says, watching as her daughter walk out the front door.

However, once the green haired girl is out of the apartment, her fake smile fades to a blank expression. She, in no way, will support her brother's pursuits to becoming a hero. It ruined their family once, and she sure as hell isn't going to watch it happen again. Why should she support him when she never gets support. Itsumi doesn't want to sound selfish, but what about her? Why can't she pursue her ambitions, her dream? Why must she be stuck playing this 'perfect' doll of an act? 

At this point, her aspirations seem more like an empty dream. Unreachable. 

: : : : : :

ITSUMI SIGHS AS she sits in her classroom seat, basically zoning out on the lesson as she makes the teacher's voice background noise. Lately, it's been a regular occurrence to tune everything in school out. Her lessons, her teachers, her peers, that's how dissociated she is from her regular life. It seems bland to her, way too boring for her taste. 

She wants excitement!

She wants adrenaline!

Yearns for something thrilling! 

Though, it's moot, because her high school doesn't have the answers she's seeking. Well, it probably does, but the Midoriya girl doesn't have the time to take account of all the factors pertaining to the students and their behaviors, or the possible situations that may arise. The statistics of something heart racing, eye dilating, and adrenaline pumping ever happening when she's around, well, the chances of a pig flying is more likely. 

The bell ringing snaps her out of her state, bring her attention to the front of the class. 

"Alright class, the teachers are all meeting in the staff room for a briefing regarding the end of the quarter exams. Class president, you're in charge for the next twenty minutes. I suggest you all spend this time working on your assignments. I'll be back, and when I return, we'll start our calculus lesson on Analyzing Functions," and with that, Ms. Chiyomi exits the classroom. 

Rin Tsukishima takes her spot at the front of the class. "You all heard her, work on your class assignments," she snaps towards the students, making her lavender ponytail swish at the sudden movement. 

Itsumi rolls her crimson eyes. It's a fact that she could have been in the former girl's place due to her grades, but this class elected due to popularity - something she severely lacks. 

"Ahh, Tsuki-chan, calm down will ya," the voice of Jinsang Wen calls out. "Why can't you be more like Midoriya over there?"

Itsumi's red eyes widen at the fact of being pulled into the conversation. Is this one of those possible statistics? Will this incite a fight? I really hope so, I'm in the mood to break things

Play it cool. 

"Don't mention me, Wen. I already told you a thing or two about bothering me," she huffs, lazily looking over her Japanese Studies worksheet. 

"Awe, don't be that way, Midoriya. That moment at the bus stop just made it clear of the chemistry between us," Wen says, throwing a wink in her direction. 

The green haired girl scoffs. "Please, I have better chemistry with a stranger," she retorts, her mind quickly flashing to the pale blue haired man. 

The class "Ooohs" at her comeback. 

"Damn, Wen, that burn was at Endeavor's level," his friend, Ozora Tenshi laughs. "Whoo!"

"Wait! So, the reason why you're always rejecting my offers to date, is because of her," Rin questions, glaring at Itsumi. 

The Midoriya girl raises an eyebrow, this is interesting. Appalling with the fact that he wants to get with me, but interesting.

Wen shakes his head, seeming to backtrack. "W-what, of course not babe. Why would I ever choose her over you?"

"Because you said, and I quote 'of the chemistry between us'," Itsumi simply states. checking her nails before casting the purplette and the blond a bored look. "Didn't you just say that a few seconds ago, or am I wrong?"

"Shut up! It's all your fault, Midoriya!" The class president yells childishly. 

The freckled teen deadpans. "Yes, it's my fault. It's my fault for simply existing. Where's the logic in that," she sighs, rolling her crimson eyes.

Rin yells through her gritted teeth, balling up her fists in irritation. "Ugh! Midoriya, you insipid, know-it-all! Why can't you leave the rest of us alone, and go swan dive off the school's rooftop," the class president huffs, her own eyes shining with malice. 

Itsumi smirks, inwardly laughing. Huh, ironic! Seeing as I almost did just that at the bridge a few weeks ago

"That's not very kind of you, miss class president," she voices to the popular girl. 

The former glares. "I'll show you kind," Rin seethes, stomping up to the Midoriya's desk. 

Itsumi looks away from her assignment and discreetly smirks when the girl nears her desk. Rin opens her mouth to yell at the green haired female, but she gets cut off in surprise. Itsumi raises her hand and uses her quirk to pull the girl forward, as if she were reeling her in by invisible strings. When the lavenderette crashes into her desk, Itsumi pulls the girl by her red uniform cravat until they're at eye level. 

The class silences at the sudden conflict. Watching with tense eyes at the use of a quirk. Wen fidgets in his seat at the sight of the Midoriya girl using her quirk, him and the rest of the class knew that she never displayed her quirk unless it was for apprehension tests. 

"Listen here, Tsuki-chan, I don't care about you or your little boy toy over there, so get that through your thick pathetic skull. Second of all, I may be a know-it-all which means I won't get in trouble for using my quirk during school hours, so if you want to continue bad mouthing me then I won't have a problem with crushing your neck into nonexistent it," the freckled girl states lowly, finishing her threat by patting the other girl's cheek. 

"Y-yeah, I-I-I got it," Tsukishima stutters, trying to pull herself out of Midoriya's hold.

Itsumi keeps her in place with her tight grip, but she moves in closer. Her face practically in front of Rin's face, nose to nose.

"What a shame, I was really in the mood to shatter your bones. Maybe next time, yeah," she says almost intimately, moving to whisper in the girl's ear.

Rin's breath hitches in fear, at first glance Midoriya seems like the quiet, smart, girl that bothers no one. However, now that she's here in her clutches, she truly sees that she's an absolute sociopath - a monster hiding in plain sight. Itsumi Midoriya is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"O-of course. Maybe next time," she nervously chuckles, her heart racing in her chest.

"Good," Itsumi smiles falsely. "Now, go away and pretend I didn't just threaten you," she says before pushing her away with quirk.

Rin stumbles at the sudden force that pushes her back, but she turns to the class with a fake smile.

"What are you all looking at, Miss. Chiyomi told us to work on our assignment sheets! Don't let me tell her that you spent your time gawking at nothing! Now get to work," the lavenderette reprimands.

Her purple eyes glance back to Midoriya, who's already working on her assignment sheet as if nothing happened.

She's definitely a wolf, waiting patiently for the right moment to rip off her sheep's clothing.

How could she have not noticed, the girl seems so perfect.

But now, she only sees dangerous.

* * * * * *

And oop - Itsumi is slowly showing her true colors, but of course that means that she's at the beginning of her breakdown, dun dun duunnn.

Also, I feel bad for my girl, she's feeling so underappreciated by her family. All she wants is support, but instead she gets told to be more supportive.

And oof, she's now recklessly threatening others in front of people - like Itsumi what are you doing?! Save that for when no one can see you.

Anyways, do you think she's gonna find out about Izuku's escapades with All Might soon? That for sure will be the stressor for her down spiral - I can't wait. (I sound horrible, but with a breakdown comes her villainy which in turn introduces her into meeting Shigaraki more sooner!)

So, that was part five, don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, and FAN!

Until then!

Word Count: 2,253

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