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      SINCE THAT FIGHT, if you can call it that, in the classroom the days seemed to fly by quickly. Itsumi didn't mind. Plus, she didn't blink when she noticed that her peers made an effort to steer clear of her path. They even made a point to interact with her less, as if anything they do could trigger her to use her quirk again.

The girl enjoyed the space to breathe, but she did not enjoy the fact that they stared at her - waiting for her to act out. She despised how she could feel their eyes digging into her skin. Nonetheless, Itsumi ignored them and bottled her annoyance.

With the quarter exams passing, the teenage girl managed to keep her spot at the top of the class with no trouble. And with that done, she along with her peers were given a break to breathe. A four day weekend. That meant no assignments, no expectations, no nosy people. It was even better when Itsumi was given days off work because she exceeded her hourly rate. 

So, with nothing to do, the girl decided to relax. 

In her very stressed life, the Midoriya girl only found solace in a short number of spots. The first place being her bedroom for obvious reasons, behind that door she can rip and tear off all her masks and be herself. The second being on a bench in the park where a tree shadowed over it, when sitting there she could face the passing traffic, something about the rushing chaos seemed to calm her. And lastly, the seaside park that was now full of trash, nobody ever went there which made it even more perfect, and the cool ocean waters made all her problems seem so insignificant and small which in turn, relaxed her. 

Now, being dressed in a simple outfit of denim shorts, a black loose tanktop, her signature red jacket, and a pair of leather sandals, the young woman grabs her usual necessities before shoving them into her bag. Walking out of her bedroom, Itsumi instantly plasters her fake smile and maneuvers her body into the main room of the apartment. The teenager quickly takes notice of her brother's lack of presence and quickly notes that in her mind. 

Lately, she's been noticing his abrupt changes in schedule. He wakes up and leaves earlier, he returns later than usual, he goes on runs, heck even his diet has changed. Normally, she wouldn't bat an eyelash at this, but with the addition of his poor excuses and supply of white lies, she found it suspicious. 

Just what was he doing, she frequently questioned, but she reminded herself of what her mother said not that long ago. Training for UA admissions. Of course training wasn't a thing to question, but she had a gut feeling that it was more than it seemed. 

Shaking her head, Itsumi lets it go and tells herself to just relax. She needs this time to breathe, not to stress over what seems like nothing. Quickly telling her mother that she's going out, Itsumi walks out of the apartment before putting on her headphones. The sounds of a woman's harsh vocals paired with heavy drums and striking strings, the green haired teen falls deaf to the world around her. This is her time, no one but her. 

The hot summer sun hits her skin like a flame, caressing her pale freckles with intense heat. It doesn't take long to eventually reach the beach, and like the last time she was there, the sandy shores were piled with trash. She didn't mind the clutter, of course the mess was bad for the environment, but it made this beach more like a hidden gem - a diamond in the rough basically. 

Taking a moment to breathe in the salty breeze, Itsumi tears off her layers of clothes and leaves herself in her red swimming wear. Leaving her clothes, beach towel, and electronics in a piled mess next to her bag, she walks forward until her feet touch the cool azure waters. With the sensation of the ocean, the weight on her shoulders seem to peel off - washing away.

Wanting to feel even more in bliss, Itsumi stalks deeper into the waves, up until she's head underwater. Opening her eyes, the girl ignores the burning sting of the salt and sinks until she's sitting on the sandy floor. Just sitting there, underwater and holding her breath, it doesn't even feel like a struggle - it feels cleansing, she feels free.

Despite holding her breath, Itsumi can finally breathe. The pressures of society, of her life, they disappear with the push and pull of the waves. It's like she's becoming one with the water. Maybe she is, the gravitational pull of the tides is very similar to her quirk - pushing and pulling.

Closing her eyes, the teenager is content when she feels her body being buried in the sand. Her fingers grasp at the multiple tiny shells beneath her, she can feel her hair floating around her like a weightless halo, her skin is connected with the cool crystalline waters, and despite the ringing in her ears or the burning in her lungs, the seconds of being underwater feels like a lifetime.

A pause in the chaos.

With a discontent sigh, Itsumi breathes out all her oxygen before pushing her body upwards. Breaking the waters surface, her eyes open to the blue of the sky, the sun rushing to kiss her skin dry. Almost immediately, the teen can feel reality settling back in, the hefty weight on her shoulders returning. Groaning, the Midoriya leans back in the water and just floats, allowing the waves to push her around.

What is my life, she thinks with a prominent frown.

I feel like nothing.

: : : : : :

      IZUKU MIDORIYA DIDN'T really think through the effects of his new secretive training. For all he knew, his mother and sister were supportive of his goals to get into UA. His mother was the most vocal about him following his dreams, always telling him to go for it. However, his sister Itsumi, she wasn't the most expressionistic about his goals, but she worked hard to get him whatever he needed.

The boy couldn't phantom how his older sister did everything she did; getting the top grades in her class for every year along with working two part time jobs, only to come home to study, plus doing everything around the house - paying the bills, buying their food, giving him money to spend. He wouldn't be able to do that. He couldn't even find the time to do that. How did she do it?

But as Izuku thought more about it, he answered his own questions. His sister didn't have any friends, and he suddenly felt sad that she didn't have a personal life. Looking back, he took notice of the tired looks she had every morning, and came into conclusion that she didn't get much sleep. This revelation made him feel bad.

Because here she does everything for him, and he couldn't even tell her about his training. Plus, the fact that he lied to her about seeing All Might that day of the attack, made him feel even more guilty.

He and his mother were as close as a parent and child could get, but his sister, she was like the one who took care of them. There when needed, but not close to them. It pained him to realize that they were simply strangers living under the same roof.

She was too far away for his hands to reach out to.

: : : : : :

      THE GREEN HAIRED girl sauntered back to the sand after being in the water for more than an hour. The sky was still bright with the sun, but the day was close to setting. As she reached her things, she went into her bag and got the extra small towel to pat herself dry.

With that done, Itsumi got all dressed in her shorts, sandals, and jacket before preparing to leave. She enjoyed this, taking time to be by herself and relax because she was aware of the pressures that were awaiting her return.

At the thought of that, of returning to her life of plastic molds and fake smiles - she felt genuinely sick to the stomach. It filled her with dread and sickness, it made her nauseated. It felt belittling! People always told her she was perfect - the perfect student, the perfect employee, the perfect daughter, the perfect sister. She hated it.

It was a big lie - there was no such thing as perfect.

Whenever they told her that, they were lying to her face! It filled her with rage, she wanted to scream and say 'no, I'm not perfect! I'm a cold blooded psychopath'. She wanted to rip off her moldings, her masks, and show everyone the person she was hiding, but she couldn't.

And that made her seethe.

She wants to tear apart the world of heroes! She wants to rip everything she hates into shreds! She wants to shatter the society around her and destroy everyone's sense of hope!

Why does she get to be shackled and suffocated when everyone gets to live their lives with freedom?

And that's what fuels her, because she knows that it will happen one day.

She just didn't expect today to be her trigger as she sees her brother casually talking to the number one hero.

Her crimson eyes gaze upon her sibling and the hulking figure of All Might, and all she sees is red.




Her eyes turn to slits as she seethes murderously, like father like son! Choosing heroism over family!

Heroes, she sneers, they destroy everything.

× × × × × ×

well, that's chapter six!

Oop - Itsumi found out! She saw them together! Ooh, this will be a major stressor in her turning point - all she has to do is snap! Her psychotic break will happen soon - I'm sad for her but also excited for her villain kickoff!

Oof - Izuku feeling guilty. He WILL feel more guilty when he realizes(in the faaaar future) that he's the reason for his sister's down spiral. Though, I am excited to write their interactions in the future - but in opposite sides.

Her hate for heroes is strong *muscle emoji*

How lovely, Itsumi wants to shatter the world. That'll be fun.

Anyways, that's all for today. Don't forget to COMMENT, VOTE, & FAN!!!

Be safe in these times, my lovely and wonderful readers. Love ya all!

Word Count: 1,756

(New banner!)

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