Chapter 1: A Normal Day

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???: Where am I? What happened to my home? My island? Riku! Kai-! Who are you?

???: They will come at you out of nowhere as long as you continue to wield the keyblade.

???: Hey, why don't you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel.

???: Sora, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends.

???: Donald Duck.

???: Names' Goofy.

Sora: I'm Sora. I'll go with you, guys.

???: The Heartless have great fear of the Keyblade.

???: That's right. The Keyblade.

Sora: So...this is the key.

???: But the boy is a problem. He found one of the Keyholes.

Suddenly, a bright light was shining upon lighting the room. It was filled with a poster that had the word struggle, a lamp that had fish, and a chair that was shaped like a star. We then see a young man with blonde hair with blue eyes waking up. This was Y/N L/N.

Y/N: Another dream about him...

Y/N gets up from his bed and gets dressed to greet his friends but before he does that, he makes himself a sandwich.

Y/N: *Mentally* Lilac must've gone out already, wasn't Carol supposed to be here? I hope I'm not missing anything.

Y/N saw a note on the table which he read.

Hey Y/N

Carol and I went out to see Neera, she said it was important don't worry, it's nothing major. Just wanted to see how we were doing after the whole Merga thing, she doesn't seem to admit but she cares about us maybe even more about you. Anyway, come by Shang Tu when you're ready.

From Lilac

Y/N: Well, better be on my way.

Y/N goes outside the treehouse and heads to Shang Tu. On the way, he made sure to stay hidden from any robots that could be around.

Y/N: *Mentally* I can't believe that 3 years have passed since Brevon's invasion on Avalice. I hope we don't have another invasion.

Y/N finally made it to Shang Tu and he greeted the citizens with a smile. He arrived at Shang Tu's Palace and the guards allowed him inside, Y/N decided to speak with General Gong.

Y/N: Good morning, General.

General Gong: Y/N? What a pleasant surprise! I thought you weren't coming.

Y/N: *Chuckles* Yeah, overslept. How have you been?

General Gong: I've been well. How about you, have you been training for the Struggle Tournament?

Y/N: More or less. But I can say that I no longer go down in one hit and that's thanks to your training.

General Gong: *Smiles* Well, I hope you keep that attitude in future courses, young Y/N!  

Y/N smiles and walks to the throne room but he bumps into...

Y/N: Askal...

Askal: Watch it, human.

???: Knock it off, Askal.

Y/N: Lady Neera. *Bows*

Neera: Greeting Y/N. Can I ask what brings you here?

Y/N: Just decided to visit. Maybe train a bit after a while.

???: Oh, hi Y/N!

Y/N: Milla!

Y/N pets Milla on the head while the young pup smiles.

Y/N: How have you been, Milla?

Milla: I've been pretty well!

Y/N: That's good. *Looks at Neera* Lady Neera, are you ok? You seem...angry.

Neera: I-it's nothing!

Y/N: Oookkkaaayyy?

Neera: Either way, I'm glad you're here. I was about to ask Lilac or Carol to bring you here.

Y/N: Why?

Neera: Because we're dealing with a situation that involves you in some way.

Y/N: What do you mean?

Neera: It's best if you see for yourself.


I follow Lady Neera and Milla to the throne room and I see Lilac and Carol.

Lilac and Carol: Y/N!

Y/N: Hey.

Neera: Now Y/N, the reason why we want you here is because of a thief stealing ___.

Y/N: Huh? ___?! Wait, what?

Carol: Weird, right? They stole the word ___.

That's impossible. Something tells me that whoever this thief is might be very powerful.

Y/N: And let me guess, the ___s are of me?

Neera: Correct. And they may be searching for you.

Y/N: So are you suggesting I'd be the bait?

Neera: Unfortunately, yes.

Y/N: Alright, as long as I get a weapon.

Carol: Of course you'll get a weapon buddy! What kind of friends would we be if we didn't?

Small Timeskip

I was in position and I was not happy.


Carol: It's the best I could find, sorry.

Lilac: It's coming!

Suddenly, a strange white creature had a zipper for a mouth appeared.

It looks...familiar. But how?

???: We have come for you, my liege.

Y/N: Huh?

Neera: Now!

My friends jumped out of their hiding spots and attacked the creature but their attacks just went through.

Y/N: How?!

The creature instead moved towards me and suddenly, my stick transformed into a strange key-shaped weapon.

Y/N: Wha-what is this thing?!

I look at the creature and back at my weapon. Alright, let's go!

I started attacking the creature and I managed to hurt it, it tried to attack back but I I slid behind it and finished it off.

The creature turned into white smoke and the pictures are released as I pick one up. Neera was right, the pictures were of me. The key-shaped weapon soon disappears as I clench my hand, maybe it will soon reappear when I need it most.

Carol: That was strange.

Y/N: Yeah, but at least we solved the mystery of the missing photos.

Milla: You said the "photo"!

Neera: Interesting, it seems after Y/N defeated the creature, the effects have been reversed.

Lilac: Something is up. Why would that creature want Y/N?

Carol: Yeah, who would want a bonehead like Y/N?

Y/N: *Offended* Oh, thanks!

Milla: Y/N, calm down, please.

I listened to Milla and I was getting hungry.


After walking around Shang Tu, I encountered a small coffee shop which I entered to get a cup.

Y/N: One [Favorite coffee], please.

While I wait for my order, I look outside the window to view the nature. I enjoy being in nature, it's one of the things that calms me down. After a few minutes, I got my coffee and I left the store. Tomorrow is another day.

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