Getting Rid Of CRDL!

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One Day

F/n was seen, alongside Goodwitch, teaching the class combat tactics. However, what caught F/n's attention was Team CRDL silently snickering together. Then, he saw Cardin pass a slip of paper to somebody. He immediately tapped Goodwitch's shoulder and pointed to Team CRDL, making her frown.

Glynda:Mr. Winchester, mind reading what's on the paper out loud?

Cardin:*scoffs* No.

F/n:*looks at her* Just bring it to me.

Glynda nodded to him and used her Semblance to take the paper from Cardin. In the process...

Cardin:Ow! *holds finger in pain* Damn paper cut.

Goodwitch then handed the paper to F/n and he began to read it out loud.

F/n:"Why the hell is Mr. L/n still here teaching? The guy thinks he so cool and entertaining, but he's NOT. He's lame." *looks at Cardin with a death glare* You have a real hard head to write this, kid. Why don't you say it to my face?

Cardin:*smirks* No. Why would I do that?

F/n:Look here, you little brat. If you don't watch your tone with me, I'll sentence you and your team to a full week of detention with me. And you'll be working instead of sitting down.

Cardin:*rolls eyes* Oh, yeah. If you're so tough, why don't you fight me and my team?

F/n:*gets taken back* Why would I want to waste my time fighting four brats who don't respect Faunus and will have to suffer humiliation due to me?

Cardin:*scoffs* Why? You scared or something?

Before anybody knew it, the whole class began to cheer for F/n because they wanted to see him fight again. Eventually, he gave in.

F/n:Fine! But if you all lose to me, I'm having Ozina expel you all for good.

Cardin:Yeah, right. *leaves with team*

F/n:*turns to Goodwitch* You seriously allowing this? would be nice to see what you can do in combat. Besides, I would like the team out my class. You don't know what I had to deal with when it came to them.

F/n:Hm. Aces then. Wish me luck.

<<==>>Minutes Later<<==>>

A few minutes later, F/n was seen standing in front of Team CRDL. He placed two lightning crystals into Krieg and readied himself.

F/n:Remember the deal. If you all lose, you all are expelled for good.

Cardin:*smirks* Oh, yeah? If you lose, you have to leave this academy.

F/n:As if I'd listen to you all anyway. Come on and hit me.

The first one to charge at him was Russel, who was smirking and about to attack F/n with his daggers. However...

F/n:*mumbles* You know what? I don't have to deal with these brats.

The moment Russel got close to him, F/n did this to him.

1) He created a blast of ice from his body, slightly knocking him back.

2) F/n made a hammer out of ice and knocked him far from him.

3) F/n then quickly teleported behind Russel and froze him with a beam of ice.

4) F/n then made a small pillar of ice and then grabbed the frozen male and smashed his head against it, breaking the ice and knocking him unconscious.

F/n:Hm. Weak.

Suddenly, F/n was attacked by Dove and Sky, who were both swinging their weapons at him. F/n retaliated by freezing both of their weapons shattering them.


F/n:No, it's not. Anything goes in combat.

Dove then got pissed and tried to punch F/n, but the older male dodged and activated the lightning Dust in Krieg and began assaulting Dove with various punches. From behind, Sky was preparing a sneak attack, which was thwarted by F/n teleporting behind him and shoving him on Dove. With them both down, F/n froze them both and left like that.

F/n then turned to Cardin, who was really upset.

F/n:Hey. Calm down before you pop a vessel. That's not good for you.

Cardin just yelled out and charged at F/n with his mace. F/n then proceeded to block the mace strikes with his Glyphs, although each one shattered from the impact. Cardin then kicked F/n away and smashed his weapon into the ground, making a trail of explosions head for him. F/n quickly made a wall of ice to defend him before he did a kip-up. He then watched Cardin charge at him again.

F/n:Hell no.

F/n struck the ground with an icy blast, knocking Cardin back from him. F/n then slid towards him and flipped him into the air. He then stopped his sliding and froze Cardin in mid-air before creating a giant hammer out of ice before brutally slamming it into him, sending them flying off. He then used ice to quickly teleport in front of Cardin and barraged him with numerous ice shard, freezing him mid-flight, before proceeding to leap towards him, grab his head and flipping forward, violently slamming Cardin face-first into the ground, shattering the ice and damaging him majorly.

F/n:Hm, stupid brats.

The whole class then clapped for him wildly.

F/n:*turns to Glynda* Goodwitch, mind helping me take these brats to Ozina so we can work on their expulstion?

Glynda:*nods to him* Sure thing.

Glynda used her telekinesis to pick up Cardin and Russel while F/n begam to kick the still-frozen Dove and Sky. When they left...

Yang:Holy crap! That guy is awesome.

Ruby:Yeah. *to Weiss* You have a really cool, Weiss.

Weiss:Alright, alright. I know. He's really cool. *smiles* Best brother ever.


Ruby+JNPR+CFVY:*in their minds* Really cool and extremely hot.

The screen then goes out.

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