Evidence! Helping Out Some More!

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(F/n's POV)

Well, it's been about a day since I had gotten rid of Team CRDL and nearly a week since I had handed my "father" and "brother" over to the Faunus of Menagerie, with no means to defend themselves (Like I give a shit about them anyway). That's three out of five people out my way of getting what I want. Soon, the SDC will be in MY hands and things between Humans and Faunus will be peaceful.

Aside from all that, today is Friday, a day before the beginning of the weekend, which is right before the students are allowed the next week off. As of right now, I was currently helping Joan work on her striking. And she was doing a good job on it, too. Me and her are now training partners since her friend Ms. Nikos said she was leaving her in my hands considering that I had a sword and shield like she did (yet, she had that spear that can turn into a sword as well).

(No One's POV)

F/n:*freezes her feet* Well, your striking sure has improved Ms. Arc, along with your patience in combat.

Joan:*blushes again* Thanks, sir. *struggles against the ice* Um, s-sir? I need some help.

F/n:Oh, sure thing.

F/n grabbed her hand and pulled her free from the ice. However when his hand had locked wit hers...

Joan's face was redder than before and her heart was practically beating loud enough for F/n to possibly hear it.

Joan:Th-Thanks, si-sir. *quickly runs out*

F/n:Hm. *in his mind* I'm starting to assume that a number of my students have a crush on me. Oh, well.

F/n took out his Scroll and called somebody.


F/n:Kira, is everything okay down there?

Kira:Everything's alright. Why do you ask?

F/n:I mean, is everything okay since my "father" and "brother" are down there? What have you all done with them so far?

Kira:Well, the Faunus mostly just threw things at them and even struck them a number of times. After all that, we allowed Khan to lock them up, chain them up, whip them, and treat them just like animals, like we figured she would.

F/n:*chuckles* Good. We'll continue on what I said I'll do for the Faunus. For now, continue to mercilessly torture them. I'll be down there soon to mock them myself.

Kira:Alright, have a good day sir.

F/n:You too. *hangs up* Good. Just the way I want things to be. *thinks* Hmm, now what? *snaps fingers* I know.

F/n left his classroom and went to the courtyard to board a Bullhead so he can go to Atlas.


F/n was seen walking back to the Schnee Manor.

F/n:Alright, time to get the photos I need for my upcoming speech.

F/n then walked through the entrance of the manor and was once again greeted by Klein.

Klein:F/n, back again I see.

F/n:*smiles* I am. Is Willow here?

Klein:She is.

F/n:Good. Have you kept the manor in order like I asked?

Klein:Yes, I have.

F/n:You know something? Now, I fully see why the family had hired you. You do your job really well.

F/n then saw Klein change his eye color to pink.

Klein(bashful):Oh, no. It's not that big of a deal.

F/n:Yes, it is a big deal. I mean, you've been the other person who has cared for me back when I was a child. That and you do your job very well. *begins to walk off* Hang in there, ol' buddy.

F/n walked up the stairs and went off to the left to find Willow's own private room. When he made it there, he knocked hard on the door.

Willow:*groans* Who is it?

F/n:It's F/n, you old neglectful whore. Now, open the door now. You have a lie that needs to be...

Before he can even finish, the door opened to reveal the woman who failed to care for her own son properly.

Willow:F/n! Listen, I just wanted to say...

F/n interrupted her by grabbing her throat and pinning her to the wall.

F/n:Don't even try to! Now, listen to me. I want to see the working veins of this black-hearted company.


F/n:Bitch, you heard me! Show me the Faunus labor that happens in the veins of this damned company or I'll just kill you and take the company for myself right now.

Willow:*sighs* F/n, I can't just...

F/n punched her in the gut to shut her up.

F/n:SHUT UP!!! I'm taking over the company soon whether you like it or not! Now, show me the Faunus labor and accept that you all lose!

Willow:*sighs* Okay.

F/n followed his "mother" down the hall, but stopped for a moment to look at...a certain picture.

In this picture, imagine that F/n is sitting beside Weiss and holding her close towards himself as he's looking at the stars.

F/n:*shakes his head* Shame that they all ruined that good relationship, except for Weiss of course.

F/n then went back to following his "mother".


F/n entered the Schnee Quarry with his "mother" and ONE look was all he needed to adopt a disgusted expression. Inside the Quarry he could see exactly what happens and how the SDC gains Dust. Various Faunus were wearing shorts and no tops (although the females had bras on), whip marks were decorating their skin, there were depressed expressions on their faces, and watching over them were men wearing SDC uniforms with whips in their hands. What pissed F/n off even more was that YOUNG CHILDREN were being forced into working.

F/n(upset):What! The! FUCK!? *turns to Willow* You all seriously do this to Faunus!?

Willow:F/n, you know this is the work of your father.

F/n(upset):*raises fist* First of all, YOU still let him do it, not even trying to stop him. Second, if you say that bastard is my "father" again or if any of you are my "family", I'm killing all of you!

F/n looked around even more and then suddenly heard crying. Looking over, he saw a guard beating a young girl. Getting pissed, he made a spear out of ice and threw it at him, piercing the guard's heart. The girl was left in fear as F/n approached her. However, he had kneeled down and began to pet her cat ears in an attempt to comfort her.

This is the girl, but imagine her without the bandages now since F/n is gonna dress her injuries later.

F/n:*soothing tone* Shh, no more crying. I'm not here to hurt you.

???:*sniffles* Yo-You're not?

F?n:*shakes head* No, I'm a good person. Tell me, what's your name young child?


F/n:Okay, Iri. Where are your parents?

Iri:*breaks down* Th-Th-They're...

F/n:Oh. *quickly stops her* No need to continue. Listen, I'll watch over you from this day forward for your parents, alright?


F/n gave the child a comforting hug, which she didn't hesitate to sink into. He then saw a purple stuffed bunny on the ground and grabbed it.

F/n:Is this yours?


F/n:*hands it to her* Here you go.

Iri took the bunny and hugged it tightly. After that, F/n took out his Scroll and began to take photos of the whole thing:the whipped and depressed Faunus and the whole Quarry in general. He even recorded a video of a few guards beating a group of Faunus.

F/n:*chuckles* Perfect.


Guard #1:What the hell are you doing, kid?

Guard #2:And leave that animal alone! Let her go and leave her here!

F/n:No! She's going to live with me from now on. And I've been taking photos and shot a video of what you all do. Once the world knows, you all WILL be fired and possibly executed by Faunus.

Guard #3:No! You're not getting away with that! Get him!

All the guards charged at F/n in hopes of striking him down to stop him, but he was one step ahead of them. He quickly hugged Iri tightly and made a huge blast of ice and frost emit from him. That was enough to nearly freeze the guards (who were all left shivering crazily) and a big amount of frost around him.

F/n:Yeah, and stay down.

F/n then turned to the Faunus who were forced into labor.

F/n:Now, listen to me! All of you! I understand how much you all long to be freed and away from the Schnees for good. I now understand how truly black-hearted this company is and I want to fix everything between the Faunus and Humans. I promise you all that once I'M in charge of the SDC, once I take the company away from the Schnees for abusing me, I'll set you all free and send you all off with some Lien and a weapon for self-defense. For now, just rest and wait for me to get things ready!

All the Faunus then cheered for him, having never heard a person, let alone a Schnee, say something like that to a Faunus before. As they all went to rest for a while, F/n took out a large crate and a number of vials, went over to a pair of carts, and filled it up with various Dust crystals and powdered Dust. Then, he went back to Willow with the full case and Iri.

F/n:Alright, woman. Now, I need a stack of Lien and a med-kit for the kid.

Willow:F/n, what are you...

F/n:Shut up. I need to dress the poor girl's injuries and I need the Lien for...a person that YOU let the bastard do to a certain man.


Soon enough, F/n was seen standing in front of a two-story house with Iri being held in one of his arms while holding the case of Dust in his other hand.

Iri:He-Hey, Mister?

F/n:*looks at her* No need to call me that. Refer to me as your father now, alright?

Iri:Okay. Um D-Daddy, what are we doing here?

F/n:I'm here to apologize to the Coals for what my idiotic "family" has done to their Dust shop.

F/n then knocked on the door and an older male with dark skin, dark brown hair, and dark brown eyes answered, before he adopted a frown.

Mr. Coal:What is a Schnee doing here in my face?

F/n:I'n NOT a Schnee anymore. I'm getting a quite tired of telling people that. I disowned that name after being abused by the Schnees.

Mr. Coal:The Schnees being abusive? That's...hard to believe.

F/n:Well, it's true. Now, you're talking to a L/n. The name's F/n L/n.

Mr. Coal:I see. Well, goodbye.

F/n:*stops him* Wait, wait! I'm here to talk to you, sir.

Mr. Coal:What could you possibly want to speak with me about?

F/n:Just invite me in. I promise that you'll see that I'm WAY different from the Schnees than you think I am.

The older male took his time to think about it.

Mr. Coal:Fine! This better be worth my time.

A moment later, F/n was seen sitting in the lounge with Mr. Coal and his daughter, who had the exact some looks as he did.

F/n:So, yes. I'm planning to help Faunus anyway I can after I'm the head of the SDC. There'll be the equality that a majority of people would be hoping for.

Mr. Coal:I see, but I still don't see why you're even in my face if that is your topic to dicuss.

F/n:*chuckles* Well, sir. I plan to take over the SDC. That means I plan to fix what my so-called "father" had destroyed. You and your own daughter here are a portion of that.

Mr. Coal:Portion of what?

F/n:Well, Jacques forced you all to shut down your Dust shop right?

Mr. Coal:*frowns* Yes. Can't believe you're bringing that up.

Fleur:Also, why are you even here in the first place? I was busy practicing my music, but then my dad called me down to sit with a Schnee.

F/n:Well, let's say I'm here to help you all.

F/n then took out the stack of Lien he got from the Schnee vault and presented it to the two, handing it over to them. The two were consumed with shock.

Fleur(shocked):No way! Seriously!?

Mr. Coal(shocked):What is this!?

F/n:I'm giving you both a start-up loan so you can open up your Dust shop again. That and...

F/n set the large case in front of them and opened it, revealing the Dust to them.

F/n:Sell these in the shop. I'll be sure to provide you two with Dust whenever the supply goes low.

Mr. Coal:I seriously appreciate this sir, but what if Jacques comes back and tries to make me shut it down again?

F/n:Oh, him? *smirks* He won't be able to because I handed him and his son over to the Faunus of Menagerie and now their both chained up and locked up as revenge I allowed them and the White Fang to do.

The two were highly surprised at that statement, but they both got over it and smiled to him.

Mr. Coal:*sighs* I couldn't thank you enough for this, sir. I seriously can't.

F/n:*smiles* No need to. Just be glad that Jacques' reign will be over and mine will soon begin. Now, you two have a good day and prepare to start your small business again. *to Iri* Come on, Snowflake.

Iri nodded and grabbed his hand before he left for the door. However...

Fleur:Hey, wait!

F/n turned around to see the daughter of the man he just helped out immensely.

Fleur:I...just wanted to say thank you so much for doing this. I never thought my dad would be able to open his shop again after that.

F/n:Hehe! Well, it was really...

Suddenly, he was hugged by her, her head in his chest.

F/n:Oh, okay.

Before he can even return the gesture, he was suddenly kissed on the cheek by her before she went red from her action and left for her room.

F/n:*goes red* Oh. Wellz that was nice. *picks up Iri* Come on. Let's go now.

F/n then left with Iri as the screen went black.

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