Meet The Parents!

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One day, F/n was seen talking on the Scroll with somebody.

F/n:Good. Do make sure you do have security there in case of a altercation or anything similar please.

Jenny:I will, F/n. I'm looking forward to what you have to say Friday.

F/n:Thank you, Jenny. *hangs up* Perfect. Just a few more factors and I'll have what I want.

F/n was then about to get to work on something, but Goodwitch then came in and called for him.

Glynda:Mr. L/n. Come out to the courtyard.


Glynda:You don't know? Today is "Parents Day" and I think it's best if you came and met your students parents.

F/n:*sighs* Work will have to wait then. Alright. *stands up* I'm coming. Just a moment.

F/n went inside his office and looked inside to see Iri, who was playing with some stuffed animals including her favorite stuffed bunny.

F/n:Come on, Iri. It's time to meet some new people.

Iri:Okay, Daddy.

F/n went to pick her up as she held her bunny in her arms. He then left the classroom with her and Goodwitch and they left for the courtyard.


F/n was later seen standing in the courtyard with Weiss and Iri, the trio watching the other students talking with their parents. Surprisingly, F/n can hear students chatter to them about him.

Student #1:I mean, he's really cool. He's a great teacher.

Student #2:I saw the way he fights twice and he's awesome.

Student #3:He's, like, the best teacher ever.

F/n:Hm. I'm THAT liked for real?

Weiss:The students do seem to like you, brother. I mean, the things you teach us. how willing you are to be a personal combat trainer, and other things seem to help you earn the trust of them.

F/n:Hm, good points there. *looks around* Surprisingly, your mother isn't here. Probably too ashamed to even face me anymore.

Weiss just nodded. Suddenly, somebody dashed over to the two.

Ruby:Hey, Mr. L/n! Come meet my parents.


Ruby:I want you to meet my parents! And they want to meet you!

Before F/n could say anything else, Ruby dragged him off to the direction of her parents. Weiss quickly followed them. Then, F/n and Ruby made it over to Yang and four older females. F/n recognized them at once.

F/n:Oh! Team STRQ, right?

The four women turned to him and...went pink.

Summer:*nods* That's right, Mr. L/n.

F/n:Well, nice to meet you all. *turns to Quill* Hey, Quill.

Quill:What's up, guy?

F/n;Well, it's nice to meet the parents of two of my students.

Raven:Well, it is nice to meet who's teaching my daughter.

Tea:Speaking of it, Ruby and Yang aren't causing you any trouble are they?

F/n:*shakes head* Oh, no. They're actually some really good students. That and I find their skill rather good. Their work on tests are fairly good, but their combat skills are what's really good. You can say they're passing.

Summer:So she it? *hugs Ruby* My little Rose Petal is really doing good.

Ruby(embarrassed):Mom! Not in front of my teacher!

F/n just chuckled at that. Then...

Summer:*sees Iri* *eyes sparkles* Aww, cute kid~.

F/n:Well, she's not exactly mine, but yeah. She's still my daughter.

Ruby:*reached hand forward* Look at those fuzzy wuzzy ears~.

Ruby then proceeded to pet Iri's cat ears, making the young girl purr cutely. One could then see Summer and Ruby gush over the young Faunus even more. F/n just chuckled at that. Then suddenly, he was grabbed by Blake.

Blake:Hey, Mr. L/n. My mom wants to talk to you.

F/n:Uh, sure thing. *to Ruby, Yang, and STRQ* I'll see you all later. *to Weiss* Sis, watch over Iri will ya? Get to know her a little bit.


Blake then dragged F/n towards the direction to her mother and suddenly gave him a quick kiss that she was lucky that nobody else saw. A red-faced F/n and Blake then made it over to Kali.

Blake:Hi, Mom. I'm back with Mr. L/n.

F/n:Hey, Mrs. Belladonna.

Kali:*smiles* Mr. L/n! It's nice to meet you again.

F/n:Same thing to you. Where's your wife by the way?

Kali:Oh, she's busy back on Menagerie and she unfortunately couldn't come with me.

F/n:I see. *in his mind* Probably torturing those jizz-headed runts. Well, they're finally getting what they deserve.

Kali:Anyway, Blake told me you gotten rid of a team of discriminators a while ago.

F/n:I did. Those four brats were highly disrespectful and racist. I wasn't having that. One major beating and BOOM! I had them expelled if they lost, which they did.

Kali:*smiles* You really do care for Faunus, don't you?

F/n:Well, they're not "animals" as my species calls them. They're just humans with animal features. You know, ears, tails, gills, etc. No need for discrimination just for something like that.

The older cat Faunus smiled brightly as she twitched her cat ears, making F/n smile.

F/n:*in his mind* Cute, just like her daughter.


F/n was tackled to the ground by...Nora.

Nora:Hey, Mr. L/n!

F/n pushed her off him, got up, and dusted himself off.

F/n:What was that all about? You know it's not polite to just tackle a person, let alone your teacher.

Nora:*laughs sheepishly* Sorry, sir. I just wanted to find you so you can meet my mother.

F/n:*finishes dusting himself off* Sure thing. Lead me to her.

With that said, Nora led her teacher over to Ren and another female, who had dusky rose hair and pink eyes.

F/n:Oh, hello Ma'am. May I ask who you are? It's for future reference and such.

An:My name is An Ren, sir. Mother to both Ren and Nora.

F/n:Good to know. Where might your husband be?

However, he saw the woman's expression change to that of a saddened one, making him feel bad.

F/n:Oh, sorry about that. I never knew.

An:*sighs* It's alright, sir. At least he's in a better place now.

F/n:Yeah. Well in case you were wondering, both Ren and Nora are doing very well in my class. Grades are good, but it's their combat style that highly impress me.

The two young females turned blood red from the compliment.

An:I see. *pets of her daughters* I'm so proud of both of you.

The two went red out of embarrassment due to her doing that in front of F/n.

F/n spent the rest of noon speaking with and meeting the parents of his students. During all that, he got to know a little about each and every one of his students and their parents. Also, he had, unknowingly to himself, attracted some more admirers. By the end of the day, F/n was seen walking back to the classroom with his Faunus daughter in his arms.

F/n:Did you enjoy meeting those people, Iri?

Iri:*nods* Yes. They were all nice.

F/n:Good. *pets her cat ears* Let's go.

F/n then took his daughter to his own dorm as the screen goes black.

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