"My BROTHER Is The Teacher!?"

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One day, we see a young man slaying Beowolves in a forest clearing with a sword and shield, both which had fire Dust infused in them. This was F/n L/n, AKA the abused-turned Hunter boy of the Schnee Family. After he ran away and gotten older, F/n enrolled in a Hunstman academy that was somewhere away from Atlas and graduated as a Hunter after four years. He's basically been a Hunter for about a year and now helps defend the world from Grimm and the White Fang alike.

F/n blocked a lunge attack from a Beowolf and pushed it back before decapitating it and then spun around to send a wave of fire at another. A moment later, he completely obliterated them all successfully.

F/n:Whew! That was quite the mission. I'm generally surprised my "family" hasn't found me after ten years. Hm, pathetic child my ass. At least now, I can summon my glyphs and such.

With that being said, F/n used a glyph to summon an Alpha Beowolf, which roared once before F/n made it disappear.

F/n:Oh, well. Weiss was right about me training harder...And I did that. *sighs* I just hope she's doing well.

F/n then went back to his own home and made his (favorite/lunch) to eat. As he was eating it, he got a call on his Scroll.

F/n:*picks it up and answers it* Hello?

Ozina:Hello. Is this F/n Schnee?

The mere mentioning of that name made F/n snarl.

F/n:I'm sorry Ma'am, but the name is F/n L/n. That name is nothing but worthless shit to me.

Ozina:I see. I apologize for that.

F/n:Thanks, Oz. Anyway, why did you call me?

Ozina:Listen, young man. Goodwitch, the combat professor of my academy, is dealing with stress from teaching her students and I believe she could use some assistance in that.

F/n:And what do that have to do with me, though?

Ozina:I was wondering if you'd like to be an assistant teacher in my academy?

F/n:Me!? Why me of all other people?

Ozina:The staff of the academy you've graduated from happened to have told me the skill and ability you had, not to mention you managed to be the top student there.

F/n:I see. Tell me something I don't know. *sighs* Well, I suppose it can't hurt to teach a few youngsters, but one thing's for certain. I won't be tolerating any disrespect or any other shit there, alright?

Ozina:Sure thing, Mr. L/n.

F/m:I'll be there in about an hour. See you then.

F/n then hung up and went to pack his things. His Lien, his weapons, hygiene stuff, and...an old photo of him holding Weiss when she was a baby. A photo he has kept to himself to this very day for he had adored his little sister. Smiling, he tucked the picture away into his pocket. After that, he grabbed his things and went to a bullhead, telling the pilot his destination there.


Later, F/n got off the bullhead and walked into the courtyard of Beacon.

F/n:Hm, looks good up close.

???:Nice to meet you, Mr. L/n.

F/n turned his head to meet the eyes of the silver-haired headmistress of Beacon known as Ozina.

F/n:Yes, I am. Ready to teach, I suppose.

Ozina:You know something? It's quite surprising how you became a really successful young man even after the type of abuse the Schnees committed on you.

F/n:Minus Weiss, of course. I did make the promise of killing them and destroying, if not taking over, the SDC for that shit. It's what they deserve. An abuser has to pay for their actions after all.

Ozina:I don't blame you then. Anyway, follow me and I'll show you where the class you'll be teaching is located.

That being said, F/n followed Ozina to Goodwitch's class. When they arrived, the woman knocked on the door.

Glynda:Come in.

Ozina opened the door and she walked inside the class with F/n. The class, once they got a full glimpse of him, started to question about F/n. However...

???:Wait! F/n!? What is he doing here?

Ozina:Good day, my students. I would like you all to meet Professor Goodwitch's new assistant teacher. Any questions you have are to be reported to her or him.

Ozina then left and F/n went to go stand by Goodwitch, who was quite red in the face.

Glynda:*in her mind* She could've at least told me he was going to be attractive.

F/n:*to the class* Hello, class. The name is F/n L/n. As you all should know right now, I'll be assisting Goodwitch into teaching you all basic combat skills and such, but me. I'll also be teaching you all how to fend off many types of Grimm, including some most of you probably don't know of. One last thing. If any of you would like some personal combat training with me, I'll be more than happy to help any of you advance in combat. Any questions?

A few students raised their hands.

F/n:*points to one* Yes, young lady?

Student #1:What do you mean by "Grimm we might not know or"?

F/n:Well aside from large wolves, massive bears, giant scorpions, and huge birds, there's other Grimm based on other animals none of you would probably expect to come across. So, that's what I mean. *points to another student* Young man?

Student #2:Judging from the white hair and blue eyes...are you a Schnee?

F/n tensed up right there on the spot, but managed to calm down and answer the student.

F/n:Used to be, but not anymore. Not after they locked me in a cell and made me a slave. Except for Weiss Schnee, of course.

(A/n:Before you all comment this, no. F/n never noticed Weiss came to Beacon against her father's wishes.)

As he expected, gasps were emitted along with murmers.

F/n:Alright, settle down. Let's just go over some basic combat lessons right now.

Unbeknownst to F/n, all of his students had thoughts on him.

Class:*in their minds* I like this guy already. He seems like a more calm, less strict teacher than Goodwitch.

As for the females such as RBY, JNPR, and CFVY...

Girls:*in their minds* Hot teacher~.


Later after classes were over, F/n was seen working on something. Suddenly...


The white-haired male looked up from his work to see Weiss walking into the classroom.


F/n stood up and walked over to his little sister. When they made it to each other, Weiss hugged the torso of her older brother.

F/n:Missed me, huh?

Weiss:Duh. It's been ten years. Where have you been.

F/n:Tch. As far away from THEM as possible. When I left and reached age 17, I enrolled into another academy and graduated as a Hunter there. After that...well, I've been doing Hunter duties for about a year before Oz asked me to become an assistant teacher here. So, you could say my life was fine after I left and even better since we're siblings reunited.

Weiss:Well, I'm glad to hear that. I missed you more than anything, brother.

F/n:Heh, that's an obvious statement. But, enough about me. Why are you here in Beacon and not in Atlas?

Weiss:I just wanted to get away from my family. After all they've done to you, why wouldn't I?

F/n:Hm. I don't blame you, either. *notices something* Wait a minute! Is that a scar!?

Turns out F/n noticed the scar Weiss had over her left eye.

F/n:Weiss. Who the hell did this to you!?

Weiss:My...parents did. After you left, they both beat me.

F/n's expression turned into one with bloody anger.

F/n(pissed):Oh! Hell! No! Those two first abuse ME and then they have the nerve to hurt YOU!? Ooh, wait until I see them again. I'm gonna fuck them up so badly and then kill them all!

Weiss:Well, I don't blame you. Anyway, I was wondering what you'll be teaching the class yourself?

F/n:Just things about combat and how to fend of the Creatures of Grimm. As for you, I was wondering if you and I can have some personal combat lessons together. That is if you hadn't already mastered your own glyphs that is.

Weiss:Oh, no. No. We can do that.

F/n:*smiles* Nice to know. As for a small preview...

F/n held his arms out with his palms open and as Weiss was expecting, a large glyph formed in front of him.

F/n:*makes it disappear* Just like what you wanted to see as a kid.

Weiss giggles as F/n pet her white hair.

Weiss:One more thing. What's with the deep blue streak in your hair?

F/n:Well, sis. It's to show that...

The temperature around them began to drop down as F/n's eyes began to glow as well.

F/n...I will destroy the Schnee Dust Company, if not take over it for myself.

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