F/n's First Teachings!

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Ruby:Wait! So, our new teacher is your brother!?

Weiss:That's what I just said. And yes, I was just as shocked as you are.

Yang:I never knew you had a brother. *in her mind* Let alone a striking hot one.

Weiss:I mean, I have two brothers. One is younger, who I don't enjoy very much. Then there's F/n, the one I adore. This is our first time meeting after the ten years he ran away from the abuse he was put through.

Ruby:Oh. Well, it's nice to hear that you can finally be with him again.

Yang:Yeah. And no lies here, *smirks* your brother is pretty hot.


Weiss:What is wrong with you? That's just inappropriate.

Yang:So? I'm just telling the truth.

Weiss:He's a teacher, Yang. You can't just flirt with every guy you see.

Yang:*shrugs* Whatever. That's just my opinion.

Blake:*sighs* *in her mind* Her brother does look handsome, but I just hope he's not like all racist and discriminating like his family is.

<<<The Next Day>>>

The next day after lunch, Team RWBY walked into Goodwitch's classroom to meet F/n.

F/n:Good morning, class. Welcome to your first class with me. So, today we'll be doing some review on certain Grimm and then after a short discussion, I'll move you all back here for sparring time. Sounds like a deal?

Class(in unison):Sure thing.


Soon enough...

F/n:So, yes. Grimm are foul creatures for all they do is hunt and spread negativity throughout Remnant. Through violence and fear, Grimm can also attract even more Grimm to an area due to the fear and panic they would already be spreading through a village or anything similar, therefore making the problem more difficult for any defending forces. Can anyone tell me any...basic Grimm they may know? (Weiss raised her hand.) *points to her* Yes, Weiss?

Weiss:That would include Beowolves, Ursas, Deathstalkers, and Nevermores.

F/n:*smiles and winks* That is correct, little sis. Well apart from all that, there are even more advanced-looking Grimm of two of those that Ms. Schnee just mentioned.

F/n flipped the board behind him over and it showed a perfectly drawn picture of an Alpha Beowolf and an Ursa Major.

F/n:See these two? These two are called *points to the Alpha Beowolf* an Alpha Beowolf and *points to the Ursa Major. Both of these are the more armored, more stronger variants of the Beowolf and the Ursa respectively. If at any point you are going to be traveling through certain areas like the Emerald Forest or the Forever Fall Forest, I would like you to make sure you're armed to defend yourself or if you see one, do not approach for they can be hard to kill. Anyway, let's head back to the arena so we can do some sparring. You know, just so you can at least defend yourself against these Grimm should you be attacked by either of them.


F/n was seen watching Joan Arc spar against Cardin Winchester, who was not showing any mercy towards her whatsoever. F/n watched as Joan attempted to strike him with her sword, but the male just blocked it with his mace and forced himself up, knocking her to the ground. Then just when he was about to strike her with his mace...

F/n:That's enough! Mr. Winchester, when a person's Aura is down to 20%, you don't attack anymore. Ms. Arc, it's highly recommended you refer to your Scroll to check your Aura in combat. Last thing a person wants or needs is for you to be injured due to your Aura being drained.

Cardin:Speak for yourself.

F/n:*glares at him* Hey! Just because Goodwitch isn't here doesn't mean you'll be doing that shit in here, Winchester. Anyway, (bells rings) you all have a good day.

The class then left and F/n went over to his desk.

F/n:*inhales* *exhales* Not bad for a first day of teaching. Oh, well. Gotta wait for Weiss.

Meanwhile, Joan came up to him.

Joan(nervous):Uh, Mr. L/n?

F/n:F/n is fine.

Joan(nervous):O-Okay. Listen, would it be okay if I-I can get some pe-personal combat training from you? I-I mean, my friend usually helps me bu-but she could be busy at times.

F/n:*thinks* Hmm. I do have lessons with my sister Weiss, but sure. I'll train you after Weiss has hers. I'll have you be notified each time it's your turn, okay?

Joan(nervous):Th-Thanks, Sir.

F/n:*smiles* *pats her shoulder* Anything to help a future Huntress out.

However, Joan's face went redder from the contact and her heart began to beat faster.

Joan(nervous):B-Bye. *walks away* *in her mind* I-Is it wrong for me to have a crush on my teacher?


F/n was seen reading some files.

F/n:Hmm. This shit is more complicated than I thought. *takes out another file and reads it* Oh! So, these people are using Faunus labor huh? Hm. Wait until the word finds out. I still need some more evidence, though.


F/n looked up to see his little sister standing in front of the desk.

F/n:Weiss, here for your lessons I'm guessing?

Weiss:Yes. *looks at the desk* What are you up to?

F/n:Evidence searching for dirt on the SDC. Progress is...we can say it's starting off well. Just need more if if I'm going to end the SDC. But anyway...*puts away files* Let's start. Did you bring your weapon?

Weiss:*takes out Myrtenaster* Obviously.

F/n:*takes Myrtenaster and inspects it* Hm, interesting. A rapier with Dust inside it. I can't wait to see what you can do with this.


F/n was seen holding a clipboard and pen as he watched Weiss use her Glyphs in conjunction with Myrtenaster and the Dust vials inside it. After she was done...

F/n:I rate that skill...a 10 out of 10. I must say I'm very impressed, sis.

Weiss:Well, Winter was still happy enough to train me after you left years ago.

F/n:Hm. I guess I can say she's done a good job. Well, I can't do much as you though. With my Glyphs, I can make solid platforms, shields, and cannons for basic ranged combat.

Weiss:What about that other Semblance of yours? Can't you do anything else but manipulate the temperature?

F/n:Uh, actually yes. I can use ice in a number of ways. Like summoning icicles, firing ice beams out my hands, and other stuff.

Weiss:Have you ever tried combining that with your Glyphs?

F/n:*thinks* Actually, no. As interesting as that would turn out, I never thought of doing that. Well, thanks sis. Now, I have another way of showing that I can be powerful.

Weiss:*smiles* Anything for you, brother.

F/n:Well, enough of that. How's your Summoning?


Weiss summoned a Boarbatusk and F/n nodded to her before she made it disappear.

Weiss:That and this thing.

Weiss attempted to summon the Arma Gigas, but she only managed to get the arm before she gave up.

F/n:Can't fully summon it, huh?

Weiss:*sighs* No.

F/n:*smiles* Well luckily for you, you're the sister of a master at Summoning.

That being said, F/n summoned his own Arma Gigas, surprising his sister.

F/n:Yep, here's the better mentor than Winter Schnee.

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