F/n's Unwanted Reunion!

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One afternoon, F/n was seen training Joan in his and Goodwitch's classroom. Blocking the blonde knight's attacks with his shield, he then used Hidden Thorn to shoot a quick, silent lighting round behind her.

F/n:*in his mind* Alright, now the Glyph needs some time to set up.

F/n grabbed Joan by her shoulders and threw her behind him, the blonde landing on her back.

F/n:*chuckles* Come on, is that all you got? You're a strong girl. Just show me that.

Joan got back up and charged at F/n. The male just shook his head and blocked another attack before he threw her towards the proximity glyph he fired a moment ago. Joan was then electrocuted and knocked down with a shield bash from F/n.

F/n:Look, Ms. Arc. You can't just rush into combat like that. People will take advantage of your inexperience and take you down. We'll work on that some other day, alright?

Joan:*groans and gets up* Yes, sir.

F/n:Other than that, your striking is pretty well. So, that's a positive. Alright, see you Monday.

Joan:By-Bye, sir.

After Joan left, F/n went over to his desk to do some more evidence searching.

F/n:Alright, I hope my source has something interesting in these files.

???:What are you doing, Mr. L/n?

F/n looked up to see Goodwitch standing in front of his desk.

F/n:Looking for some striking evidence. Just for the SDC.

Glynda:Do you mind if I ask why?

F/n:*rolls eyes* Well after what Jackass Schnee and his family of jizzheads did to me, I'll be making the SDC face a permanent shutdown.


F/n:Well, maybe not permanent. Depending on what I find, then I'll use this evidence to instead get them fired for their jobs and take over the SDC for myself so I can fix any shit they've destroyed. I mean either way, I win.

Glnyda:Well, good luck with that. I have some things to do myself, so you have a nice day.

F/n:You too, Madam.

After she left, F/n took out a folder and read through a certain paper.

F/n:Whoa! Well, shit. So, Jackass used this charismatic approach on Grandpa Nicholas and my so-called "mother" just to take the Schnee name and the company for himself. Hm, well I'll give him something to be jealous about soon enough.


Ozina:Mr. L/n, would you mind coming up to my office? Somebody wants to see you.

F/n:Tch. I swear to Oum if it's those bastards...

F/n picked up his files and took them to Ozina's office with him, just in case.


F/n walked into Ozina's office and...


Inside the office was his, "family", excluding Winter.

F/n:So...you bastards have some damn nerve coming here to see me after six years of abuse and ten years of not trying to find me, huh? Schnees really are just pathetic.

Willow:Son, I...

A ball of ice narrowly missed her, which was sent by a glaring F/n.

F/n:My status is not "Son of Willow Schnee". It's "Bastard Child Of The Schnees". I already said years ago, I won't be a Schnee anymore. I'm a L/n now.

Jacques:Watch your tongue, young man!

F?n:*glares at him* Hell no! Since you're not my father anymore, then I have the right to speak to you however I please.

Ozina:Mr. L/n, do you mind...

F/n:Yes! I do mind. I'll be as loud and as rude as I want to be to them.

Willow:F/n, didn't you miss me?

F/n:That depends. Did you give a shit how I felt when you all beat and insulted me as a child? (Silence.) There's your answer. *notices something* And you two brought this brat with you? Where the hell is Winter?

Willow:She's out doing another mission as an Atlas Specialist.

F/n:Hm, so you Schnees do value your jobs over your own family huh? Can't say I'm not surprised that that's how all Schnees function.

Whitley:Whoa! Where did this new attitude come from, brother?

F/n:The same place where you jerk off every night because no one likes you. And what I do and how I act is none of your business. Besides, I prefer my new life over my old one.

Jacques:And what is this "new life" you enjoy?

F/n:Well, you old bastards. My new life is more better than being locked in a dusty cell and working for you jizzheads. First off, I went to an area as far away from Atlas as possible and I attended this academy called Eis academy. Four years later, I graduated and served as a Hunter for about a year before Ozina called me and had me become a teacher here at Beacon. That being said, you can say I'm a more better person that you all probably didn't want me to be.

As he had expected, the three were filled with major shock.

F/n:Yeah, you all are highly shocked. Proves that you all didn't want me to be a Hunter at all.

Jacques:You're a Hunter? Ha, prove it then.

F/n:*raises eyebrow* Alright then.

F/n took out his Scroll and pulled up his Hunstman license before showing it to them all.

Photo:Refer to F/n's Looks in 'Reader Info!
Name:F/n L/n
Huntsman ID:57710
Emblem:This is your emblem by the way.

Hunstman Academy:Eis Academy

F/n:Yeah, read that shit. You all weren't strong enough to stop me from reaching my dream of becoming a Hunter. What do you have to say for yourselves?

It was all silent until Whitley spoke up.

Whitley:So, you chose to be as barbaric and unnecessary?

F/n:No, I chose to actually do something with my life other than wandering around that bloody manor looking like somebody who tries to look popular and respected.

Willow:F/n! Don't talk to your brother like that!

F/n:Piss off, you sagging bitch! Listen to me and listen good now! I'm a Hunter now and I'm staying that way. In addition to that, not only am I also an assistant combat teacher here but

F/n took out the file he had brought with him and showed them the papers.

F/n:I was also digging for some good dirt on the SDC. And it seems like Jackass acted all charismatic to take the Schnee name and the company along with using Faunus labor. So, know what that means? Either this will allow ME to take over the company and fix the shit you Schnees destroyed or...*shrugs* well, you all can say goodbye to the company and live poorly, with high chances of being murdered by White Fang hopefully. I see through you Schnees like ghosts.



Before the man could get close to F/n, said male froze him from the waist-down.

F/n:*chuckles and smiles* Uh-Uh-Uh. You won't and will not stop me from finally getting my revenge on you jizzheads.*checks watch* Well, I gotta go.

Before he did leave, F/n summoned some ice shards and sent them darting towards his former family members, with them narrowly dodging them.

F/n:*turns around and looks at them* Oh, and see this deep streak in my hair? That means...

F/n made the tempurature in the room drop down again.

F/n:*chuckles* I will turn Jacques, Willow, Winter, and Whitley Schnee blood to ice soon.

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