My Brother's Birthday!

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One afternoon, Weiss was seen sitting in her dorm studying for an upcoming test when suddenly...

!! Ding !!

A notification came to her Scroll. She checked it and it was a reminder that F/n's birthday was coming up soon.

Weiss:Oh! F/n's birthday is coming. I almost forget.

Then, Weiss remembered the six birthdays F/n never got to celebrate ever since he's been getting abused by his so-called family starting at age 6. An idea then sparked up into her mind.

Weiss:I know F/n never felt happy about being ignored and beaten by nearly everyone on those six birthdays ever since we were younger and he probably never had a good birthday in the ten years of his absence after he left. Alright then! *stands up* I will make sure my brother has a great birthday this year. I'll need some help on this though.

Weiss picked up her Scroll and then proceeded to call her teammates.

Weiss:Hey, guys? I'm gonna need some help with something. Something for my brother? You all will help!? Good, thank you all. *hangs up* F/n will be so surprised.


A while later, F/n was seen sitting the sun-bathed courtyard of Beacon. As he sat there all alone whistling, Weiss suddenly came by and sat next to him.

Weiss:Hey, brother.

F/n:*smiles* Oh, hey little sis.

F/n then hugged his sister, not noticing her blushing again.

Weiss:*in her mind* His arms feel so strong and comfortable. I wonder if he...NO! i can't think of him like that. He's my brother for Oum's sake.

F/n:*lets her go* So, did you need something sis?

Weiss:Um, yes. I was wondering how old you currently are?

F/n:I'm 22 years old at the moment. In a while, I'll be 23.

Weiss:*in her mind* Whoa! He surely has grown. *to F/n* Oh. And also, I was wondering if there's a thing or two that you would like?

F/n:Um, well. Let me think of that.

As he was thinking, a white bird flew onto his finger and he smiled before lifting it up to eye-level.

F/n:There are two things I would like. 1) Since I can use Dust in a shield and a revolver, a pair of gloves that could use Dust would be really nice and 2) just something nice and pretty like a necklace or something.

Weiss:Wow. You have a good taste in things.

F/n:Well, I am a biological Schnee but far different and better. I'm actually handsome unlike your very repulsing father named Jackass and brother named Waste of a Man's Seed, I'm a better teacher unlike that bitch with a stick up her ass known as Winter, and I'm FAR from a racist while your family proves their racism towards Faunus by using them for labor.

Weiss:You're right, F/n. Well uh, I gotta go. *stands up* Bye, F/n.

F/n:Sure thing. *watches Weiss leave* *in his mind* Weiss thinks I don't remember the times she'd always surprise me on each of those six un-celebrated birthdays of mine when we were younger. I wonder what she'll do this year?


One day, F/n was seen walking down to his classroom with a few more folders in his hands.

F/n:Hehe! My lovely source has managed to dig up some more dirt on that damned company. You can't tell me this dirt won't ruin everything Jackass has "worked so hard" for. Just need to combine all this hopefully good shit with the files I already have and I have some very incriminating evidence that'll absolutely devastate their lives.

F/n then made it to his destination and when he turned on the lights...


F/n looked around to see streamers hanging off the bleachers along with various party decorations. In the arena were tables of food, presents, and on a circular table in the middle of it all was this cake.

Except the flowers are blue instead and it says "Happy 23rd Birthday, Brother!

F/n:Oh! For me. *in his mind* I figured she would. My sister really is sweet.

Weiss:It is, F/n. Now, come and enjoy yourself.

That being said, F/n went down to the arena and began to eat and chat with his students, the females going red at the sound of his voice. When it was time to open his presents, Weiss was the last one to come to him.

Weiss:Brother. This is something special for you.

F/n smiled and ruffled his sister's hair before he took the medium-sized present from her. After tearing off the light blue wrapping paper off and taking off the cover, he saw these presents.




F/n:*gets surprised* Oh, for real sis?

Weiss:*smiles* Yep. Why did you think I casually asked you about what you would like that one day? As for the pouches, those are for you hold Dust in for your gloves.

F/n:Aww, sis. Always trying to make me feel good. *in his mind* Seriously, no wonder I love Weiss more than anything.

Weiss:I'm your little sister, F/n.

F/n:*chuckles* You mean my ONLY sister. I love you, sis.

Weiss then suddenly hugged F/n, the male not hesitating to return the love.

Weiss:So do I, Brother.

Most of the people around them "Aww'd" while some of the females went red with jealousy at how close the two were.

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