Chapter 13

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"There is something we found in Elsa's blood witch could be the reason why her parent's are doing this to her" My uncle said. What does he mean by 'found something in her blood'? does he mean that something is wrong with her like she is sick or something? or maybe it is something good like her blood is stronger than any person's blood in the world. Wait what am I saying, that's impossible she has normal blood or does she?


Elsa P.O.V

I found out that we are on a island in the middle of the sea. Oh god you got to be kidding me. How am I suppose to escape now? I can't just swim my way home and make everything the way it use to be. I have no idea what could be the the water and I don't want to that find out. There must be a way of this island I just have to find it and take it. I will not stop until I find this way.

Since I am stuck here I might as well just read something to have something to do. I'm gonna read If I stay I love that book but the only problem is that I have to find her in this huge library. Now the search as begun, I looked everyehere under the letter I. Finally I found her, I had no idea thta there where so many books that start with the letter I. I have read this book so many times and it never gets old. I am in the middle of the book when I found my eyes began to close and soon the darkness took over me.

Everything is black, I can't even see my hands. I know I am sitting because I can feel I'm sitting on a cold hard floor. Or at least I hope this is a floor, if not I would have no idea what I am sitting on. I font know if I would be sacred or not but somehow I can't feel anything like my emotions have been turned off or something. I don't get it, what is the point of begin in the dark on the floor with no emotions. That's just impossible but still I am doing it, I want to panic but I can't. This is probably the strangest dream I have ever had and believe me I have had many other strange dreams that make no sense at all.

I saw a hand reaching to me and I took it. I didn't even control myself I just did like someone else is controlling me. I really want to feel something but no matter what I do and how hard I try I can't feel anything at all. Maybe I can't feel anything for a reason and I'm not allowed to feel because something is about to happen.

Now everything was colorful and magical? Strange this looks good maybe to good. I can't be happy because I can't even feel any of my emotions. I looked around and saw that their are many rainbows and clouds. Am I in heaven? Because of I am I really want to go to another place where I can cry my heart out. I looked at myself and saw that I was wearing a really pretty dress.

What the hell is going on right now? I don't understand why I am here but this is so beautiful. I looked behind me and saw the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen in my life. It's mostly blue and then there are many pink flowers. The water goes down to a lake and a swan is sitting on the lake. It's so amazing as hell, I really want to stay here but I do not deserve to be here. I sat down on the grass and watched this beautiful waterfall. I started playing with the grass with my hands.

"I see you like this place" a voice from behind me said. If I could feel I would have been startled but I don't feel so I didn't, it felt weird somehow. Well everything here is weird so why should this chance anything? I looked behind me and saw the person who said that and it was a man. He has dark shade of blue eyes and he has blonde hair. He is wearing a white tuxedo. He is tall, at least he is taller than me. It's like he is god or something.

"Who are you?" I asked him. For God's sake I really want to feel something right now. Even my voice can't have emotion so when I speak I speak without emotion. The man walked to me and sat down in a chair next to where I was sitting. I have no idea how that chair got there but he think he did something. I mean who is this man?

"Who I am does not matter right now rather why you are here" the man told me slowly so I could listen better. But why not tell me who he is? Somehow I find him familiar but how? I feel like I have known him all my life but that is impossible right? I have never seen him before, there is something wrong with Me and meeting someone I feel like I have known all my life apear in my dreams. It's like everyone I see in my dreams are trying to tell me something. Now that i think about it he mentioned that the thing that matters now is why I am here. Why am I here exactly? There must be some reason why I'm here and I really need to know the answer.

"Then why am I here? And what is this place exactly?" I asked. I have many questions for him but I don't want to be rude. The man looked at me and gave me a small smile. I felt something tickle my foot and I looked at my foot and saw a kitten? What is a kitten doing here? I took the kitten to my lap and started pat his fur, It's soft and comfy. Where did this kitten come from? It did she appear out of no where.

"This place is called The land of imagination and you are here for many reason that you already know but doesn't release it, not yet at least" the man said. I don't undestand how I know the reasons why I am here but I don't release it, what does that even mean? He is not making any sense right now well most of the people I meet make no sense of what they say at all. It looks like I just have to get use to it. Or maybe I hav-


I got ripped out of my thoughts by the little kitten that I was holding on. I totally forgot about him, not in a bad way tho just that I was lost in my thoughts and I wasn't paying attention to the thing that was happening outside my mind. I really need to name him, I can't really call him, him or he or the kitten.

"What reasons? And The imagination land? What is that?" I asked him. The kitten fell asleep in my arms and somehow it feels........nice. Ok now the only emotion i can feel is happiness and I really don't want to be happy. Like my 'dad' always said that I do not deserve to be happy and clearly I is right. I do not deserve to be happy. At least my mind is not happy, my mind is just the way it always has been. The same dark suicide mind.

"The imagination land is the place where you can be free from everything. You can be here when you have to get away from your life, everything that you dream you can see here. This is a place where you can have freedom and you can stay here as long as you want. Not everyone can be in this place but you can and the only thing you have to do is enter your mind" he said and I looked at him. So now I can be here when ever I want. I don't know if that is weird or just crazy, now I only feel like I'm going crazy. Maybe all of this is not true and my mind is messing with me because I'm just going crazy.


I heard someone say. I looked around and saw that the man is gone. Oh come on I didn't even know the reasons why I am here. I think one reason is that I wanted to get free from my life and come here. That is a pretty good reason but he said that there are many reasons and I want to find all of them. The only problem is that this man is gone an do have no idea when he will come back to tell me the other reasons why I am here.

"Elsa" I woke up breathing heavily and someone was there but I couldn't see it clearly because my vision is blur. My vision got better and I saw that Daphne was sitting on the bed I was laying on. How did I get here? How long was I in The imagination land? If it was even real. I looked around and i was in a unknown room that I haven't been in before. I will never get use to that there are so many rooms in this castle that I have never seen before and I really want to see.

I looked around and this room was not as pretty as the other rooms I have woken up in and I've got to say that they are many rooms that I have woken up in. I saw that James and Clara where standing by the bed and I'm pretty sure that Daphne told them to not go closer to the bed. She does that a lot, and sometimes she can be a little bossy sometimes and I have learned that you never mess with her and I really don't want to find out what will happen if I mess with her.

"How do you feel?" Daphne asked me holding a glass of water. She handed me the water and I drank one sip on it. To tell the truth i have no idea how i feel right now, I'm confused and I have no idea of what I just experienced is real or not. I really want to know if this really happened or not or if it's real, I just hope it's real so I can have one place to have peace or have freedom that I have wanted since this all started witch was four or five years ago. I have no idea what day is today or when my birthday.

"My heart hurts, what happend?" I asked Daphne. She was watching my every movement and I know she knows that I am weak. All my muscles are weak and hurt like hell now. All of sudden every bone and every muscle are hurting so much but I can handle the pain. I kept my face in position so they don't know that I am in pain, I hate when someone tries to help me with the pain that I deserve and have.

"Honey, you were sleeping for a week" Daphne said. Wait I was in The imagination land for a week? I had no idea that I was this long there it felt like it was only hours no more like minutes. I am thinking to much I had no idea that all the pain that my body had. Now I'm very relaxed and my eyes feel heavy. I closed my eyes and then I all see is nothing but I'm still awake. I want to go back to sleep but somehow I can't, I have to try harder I'm so tired. I heard that Daphne, James, and Clara left the room and the door closed behind them. That is the last thing I can remember.

Jack P.O.V

"What did you find?" I asked him. I really want to know what he found in Elsa's DNA. I hope it's nothing bad. I hope it can lead us to Elsa, I'm so messed up without her. It's not if we find her it's when we find her. We have to find her and I hope her blood will lead us to where she could be or have been. My uncle put his hand my shoulder and cleared his throat hopefully before he starts talking.

"Jack, we found....

A/N: Hello my Snowflakes and Snowballs.
End of chapter.
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