Chapter 21

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"Mommy? Where daddy going?" Jesse looks at her mother as her father walks away, in tears.
"He's... Making a delivery." Luna looks down at her daughter.
"Huh?" Jesse looks at her mom and Luna bends down.
"I want you to have something." Luna gulps before pulling out a silver locket. She puts it around her two-year-old daughters neck and Jesse looks at it. It has a sun and a moon on it. Jesse smiles before seeing her father. She crawls over. "Daddy! Look what mommy gave me!" She shows her dad the locket and he sighs, "Luna." He says before taking the locket from his daughter. "What?" Luna crosses her arms and sniffs. "You and I both know we can't give this to her or tell her until she is eighteen! Or when she's queen!" Derek yells. Jesse sits and looks at both her parents before crawling away, off to a random room.

Jesse runs back to the throne room, to her grandmother and her children. They all look at her then Jesse sighs, "Grandma, we really need to talk." Jesse walks over and keeps a hand around her silver locket. Ariella looks at her, "Ask me what, dear?" She says and Jesse pulls out her locket. "My family. We consist of days from my fathers side and night from my mothers side. I know for a face we don't cone from the nature kingdom anywhere down the line and the only reason I came here was because I remember Luna mentioning you once when she was talking with my dad. I need to know. Why exactly are you living here?" Ariella takes a deep breathe before saying, "Lets just say... When your parent-in-laws... Sean and Solar, sent your father on a suicide mission, I didn't want him to go. I told—Begged Derek not to leave. I asked him why he was going and he said it was just something he had to do for his home. He told me if I didn't like it, I could just move somewhere else so thats what I did. I just left my home. I left with nothing; No family. No possessions. A few months had passed and I received a letter. It explained how he fell in love and he was to be married in a few days. He sent that... Along with this photo." She sighs and pulls out a picture. It is a photo of Derek and Luna, smiling and holding Luna's stomach. "I found out I was gonna be a grandmother and... the day I was leaving to see you guys for the first time... I was told you were all dead so I invested myself into my music and never looked back." Jesse looks at the photo. She looks at her parents and they actually look... Happy. In fact, Jesse doesn't even have a clear memory of her parents looking happy after she was born. She lets out a sigh before starting to give her grandma back the photo, "No, Jesse. You keep it." Jesse hugs Ariella before whispering, "Thank you..."

Some hours pass and Jesse lets put a small yawn as she watches the sun lower. She smiles a little but then raises her right hand. A purple orb appears and the moon starts to rise and the stars start to appear. Jesse just watches the moon for a minute then whispers, "I love you, Lukas..." She looks over at Maggie, Elliot and Ariella. They are all sharing the same room. She smiles and softly kisses her children's head before leaving the room and going down the hallway. She makes a right turn and walks into the bathroom. Vines and covering every wall and the room smells like roses. Jesse walks straight to the mirror and takes a deep breathe, "It was a mistake coming here..." She turns on the water then splashes it on her face. When she turns off the water and looks up, she feels something tug on her waist. "You need something honey?" She asks, thinking it was one of her kids. The tugging on her waist starts to turn to gripping. "...Elliot, Maggie. I swear. You better stop." Jesse looks at the mirror before freezing up. Behind her is a dark figure, his right hand on her waist and his left hand reaching for her head. Before she can do anything, the hand grabs her head and smashes it against the mirror. "OW!!!" Jesse yelps as she falls to the floor. She looks around but starts seeing double of everything. She looks at the figure and sees two hims. The figure grabs a glass shard and goes to attack Jesse. The black haired woman, with very little strength, stands up and makes a run for it. She runs into the door frame as she runs out of the bathroom and as she tries to make a sharp turn, she runs into the creme colored wall. She stumbles her way to the room and tries to open the door, only to see it is locked. "No! O-open! Please!" She whines and tries to open the door. The figure gets closer to her before grabbing her and pulling her away from the door. "N-NO!" Jesse screeches then she turns and digs her nails into the figures face. The double him Jesse was seeing starts to fade as he lets her go. Jesse makes a run for the door before kicking it open. Jesse runs into the room before slamming the door shut, making sure its locked. She pants hard as she tries to relax for a minute. A thick red liquid starts running down her head, staining her pale skin. "...Crap..." She softly feels around her head and picks out all the glass shards from her head. "...No place is safe. Not for them... not for me." Jesse whispers to herself before looking at Ariella and her children. She bites her lip before growling. She needed to keep her family— Her children safe. There was no way in hell she would let that figure hurt them or take them away from her. Maggie rolls around in bed for a moment and murmurs inaudible words while Elliot and Ariella sleep peacefully. Jesse smiles for a second before realizing the horror that was coming. Across the room was a mirror. Jesse observed the mirror for a second, looking for the hiding figure. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed Jesse by the neck and squeezed with all their strength. "ACK!" Jesse cries out as she was picked up from the ground. She gasps for air but she just couldn't breathe. Jesse grabs the figures hands snd tries to pry them away, but to no avail, it just made them squeeze harder. She knew she couldn't keep fighting forever, for it was only a matter of time before she would pass out from lack of oxygen. The clock is ticking and Jesse had to make a life-changing action that would save her. Thats when it clicked. She had to wake up her family. Jesse, who is barely conscious, starts kicking the wall. She had to wake up her grandmother. She kicks the wall harder until Ariella slowly opened her eyes, "Jesse..?" She looks over to her granddaughter, "Jessica!" She yelled, instantly getting out of bed, waking up Elliot and Maggie. The black figure drops Jesse and the young woman coughs, hard before crawling away. She gasps for air as Ariella yelled, "How dare you touch her!! I'll show you what I do to people who mess with MY family!" Ariella grans onto her golden harp and Jesse coughs as her kids try to help her up. "...Grandma..." She coughs. Ariella holds the harp as it start to glow. The figure steps out of the mirror and smirks, "What are you gonna do, you useless woman."

The golden harp glowed brightly before turning into a bright golden sword. "G-GreatGrandma! Thats a sword?!" Elliot gasps, awestruck. Jesse states at the sword. It was pure gold with a few black and yellow streaks around the blade. Then a symbol at the handle. It was a symbol she had seen ever day since the moment she married Lukas. The tattoo Lukas and her both have on their arms. Jesse was bewildered. She could not believe what she was seeing. Ariella growls and before saying, "taste this, you imbecile!" She holds the sword above her head before slashing it against the figure. "AH!" The figure screams before holding his arm. Jesse coughs and slowly but surely takes her kids out to the balcony to make sure they don't see anything else.
"Mommy! We wanna help!" Maggie says and Jesse grabs her.
"No..." Jesse wheezes.
"Why not mommy?" Elliot asks.
"...Because I can't let you two get hurt." Jesse says before standing up. Before her kids and respond, Jesse coughs and walks inside. She freezes up and watches what is happening. The black figure makes Ariella's eyes turns pure black and Ariella freezes. He takes the sword from her hand, "Say hello to Derek, Ariella." The figure says in a demonic, deep voice. Suddenly, he pushes the blade through the old woman's chest. "GRANDMA! No!" Jesse screams and tears up. The figure looks at Jesse before smirking and disappearing. Jesse falls to her knees and sobs. Elliot and Maggie walk in and gasp.

"Jesse... C'mere..." Ariella whispers and Jesse wipes her tears, "G-Grandma, what is it?" She leans over and her grandma whispers something in her ear. Jesse freezes up and all the color drains from her face. Ariella takes her final breathe and Jesse starts crying again, "L-Lets go home kids..."

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