Chapter 23

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Jesse reluctantly sits down because if she didn't, the blonde would get suspicious. The blonde grabs onto 'Maya's' hand and sighs, "Why must dad make us stay inside? The night is so beautiful." The blonde sighs and the black haired girl nods in agreement. 'I should get out of here before blondie realizes that I am not this maya character.' Jesse thinks then she stands up. Lukas looks up at her. "Wait... You're not Maya. Sorry for calling you that. My mistake. My name is Lukas. What's yours?" He asks the girl but the girl knew she'd be dead if she answered. She whistles the whistle you use to attract a dog. "Sorry, maybe another time Lukas." Jesse says swiftly. The night terror roars and she jumps off the roof and lands on her ride. As she rides into the darkness, she looks back toward the roof. The last thing they do is make eye contact then Jesse slowly disappears into darkness.

Jesse smiles in her unconscious state then slowly opens her eyes and coughs. She could see blonde husband, sitting on the corner of the bed, wearing nothing but his jeans. In her vision, he is very blurry. "Lukas...?" She slowly sits up and Lukas looks at her. He blinks and then smiles, "Your up." He walks over to the bed and grabs her hand. "What happened?" Jesse rubs her bandaged head, "Well, all I know was you got hurt at the nature kingdom... Shira ran in, holding you followed by our children and... Erik. I had a long talk with him and he said you kissed him." Lukas' smile slowly fades. Jesse groans, "Lukas, you know me. I would never do that. He kis—" "I told him I didn't believe him." Lukas says, putting his hand on hers. Jesse hugs him tightly and he hugs back. "I love you..." She whispers. He hugs her tightly, "I love you too." He runs his hand through her hair and Jesse starts sobbing. Lukas looks at her, "Baby. Whats wrong?" "I-I... My grandma is dead... I watched her die..." Jesse looks away, afraid about what her husband would say. Lukas grabs her face, "Jesse, what happened?" He asks. Jesse rubs her head, where the injury is and sighs. "I-I don't know... It all happened so fast with the figure and... and everything..." Jesse closes her eyes, "I don't wanna talk about it.." She lays back down. Lukas lays down next to her and they both lay on their sides so they can look at each other, "You were talking in your sleep, babygirl. What was your dream about?" Jesse smiles a little, "I dreamt about the day we met... Errr. Night. You were commenting the night and thought I was Maya." Jesse giggles. "...Y'know. I never did thank you." Lukas says. "For..?" Jesse looks at him. Lukas points at his scar on bis shoulder, from when he got shot many years ago, "Protecting me and Olivia... After I got shot." Jesse shuts her eyes. "Lukas, I'm scared..." Jesse rolls over and Lukas presses his body against her and holds her close. "Of what?" He places his head between her head and her shoulder. "I don't wanna lose you or the kids or Sean or Solar... you guys are all I have." Lukas sighs and holds Jesse tighter, "You'll never lose us." He kisses her head and sits up. "...Lukas?" Jesse looks at her husband. Lukas pulls out two outfits a person would wear at a formal ball. A black suit and tie and a midnight blue strapless dress. "I probably shoulda told you. My parents planned a dance tonight." Jesse sits up before braiding her hair. "I think I'm gonna go take a shower." She says before walking to the bathroom.

Jesse looks at her reflection as she takes off her clothes and bandages. She looks into the mirror before turning around and getting into the shower. She turns on the hot water and sighs, "I gotta keep them safe..." She just stands under the running water before closing her eyes. She takes a deep breathe before sobbing in the shower. She just had to let it all out. After a minute there is a knock on the door and Jesse hears Eriks voice. "Jesse, you okay in there?" The door knob starts to turn but then there is a thump, "Stay away from my wife." She hears Lukas say. "Why should I?! She was gonna marry ME first! You were out of the picture and she was happy!" Erik pushes Lukas. "Jesse is happy now! She has an actual loving husband! Children! She has a family that cares for her. She'd be better off dead than with you!" "How would you know, Lukas?!" Erik growls. Lukas tackles Erik, "Stay away from Jesse!" Erik smirks when he says, "Why?"

Jesse looks at her reflection in the mirror, one last time and sighs, before walking back to her room. A black figure watches her and smirks, "See you soon, Jesse." Jesse opens the door, wearing nothing but a towel and she sees Lukas on top of Erik. "Make one wrong move and you are dead." Lukas growls then he stands up. Erik stares at Jesse and whistles. "..." Jesse looks down and grabs Lukas' arm. Lukas holds on to his wife before picking her up and carrying her to their room.

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