Chapter 22

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Jesse looks at her hands before picking up the weapon. "I'll find w-who did this." Jesse closes her grandmothers eyes then she holds the sword in her hand a takes a deep breathe, "Lets go." Jesse says and she and her children walk out of the kingdom. Elliot looks at Maggie.
"Maggie, do you think mommy is okay?" Elliot whispers.
"I dunno, Elliot. I'm scared..." Maggie admits then she looks down and sighs, "I'm really scared."
"Me too... We should stick with mommy." Elliot says before grabbing his sisters hand.
"Y-yeah. We should."

Elliot and Maggie catch up to their mom and walk alongside her. Jesse takes a deep breathe before looking at her children, "Maggie, Elliot. I need you guys not to tell your father what you saw..." Jesse mutters under her breathe. Maggie looks down and Elliot gulps. "Yes mommy." Elliot says strongly before squeezing Maggies hand. Jesse and her kids walks to the stables and opens the stable. Jesse goes to get on the night terror but before she can, the night terror runs off, toward the sky kingdom. "...Great..." Maggie sniffs and suddenly Jesse collapses. "Mommy?!" They both yell before gulping. They knew they needed to get help from someone but they don't know who. Suddenly it hits Maggie, "Elliot! We gotta find that guy that mommy was talking to! I think his name was... Erik!" Elliot looks at his sister, "Maggie, I'll go, okay? You stay with mommy." Elliot hugs his sister then Maggie sighs, "Good luck finding him in the dark." She says. "...You don't believe I can do it! Well I can!" Elliot snaps at his sister before running back to the nature kingdom.

Maggie sits by her mom while Elliot runs around looking for the tall, dirty blonde man. "Erik?!" Elliot cups his hands around his mouth and calls out for the man. Erik rubs his eyes before opening a door. Elliot looks at the tall man before running up to him, "Excuse me sir, is your name Erik?" Elliot asks and the man kneels down. "Depends who's asking." Erik says and Elliot gulps, "Me and my sister Maggie were walking home with mommy because our horse was gone, and mommy just collapsed!" "Do I know your mother?" Erik asks. Elliot nods and sniffs, "You were talking t-to her earlier today." Erik stands up and grabs Elliots hand, "Take me to her." Elliot nods before holding onto Eriks hand and running off to the stables. Erik walks behind Elliot before letting go of the young boys hand, "Jesse!" He gasps and runs over to the unconscious woman. He picks her up and Jesse's hands drop, along with the weapon. Erik puts a hand under her head before noticing the blood. "She's losing blood... and fast." Erik says. Elliot looks at his sister, "We need to get home, now!" He says before grabbing her head. Erik looks at the kids before picking up the weapon and putting in pm his waist, putting through his belt loop. "Where is your home?" Erik asks. "T-That way." Maggie says and her and her brother point toward the direction of home. "Then lets go."

"One. Two. Three. Four. Five."
"Elliot, where to we hide?!" Maggie shakes her brother.
"Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten."
"Um... The library!" Elliot says.
"Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen."
"Thats a dumb idea Elliot!"
"Well sorry, Maggie!"
"Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty! Ready or not, here I come!" Jesse uncovers her eyes and looks around.
Lukas sneaks around a corner and waves at his kids. "C'mon kids! This way!" The blonde chuckles as he runs to the castles kitchen. The children follow.
"I'm gonna find you guys, and when I do, its tickle time!" Jesse says before walking around the palace. She smirks when she hears footsteps behind her. Jesse turns around and heads toward the kitchen.
"Stay here." Lukas says with a smile on his face then he sneaks out of the kitchen.
"I know you guys are in there! I heard you." Jesse exclaims before walking into the kitchen.
Maggie giggles and Elliot covers his sisters mouth, "Shhh!"
"I found you!" Jesse laughs before grabbing her kids and tickling them. The children laugh then Lukas gets behind his wife and grabs her arms. "Get her!" He yells the Maggie and Elliot jump onto their mom and start tickling her. "AHH!!! No! I give!" Jesse says, bursting into laughter. Her entire family knows she hates getting tickled. They all stop and fall to the floor, laughing. Jesse pants before giggling, "My turn to hide with the kids." She says with a smile on her face but that smile slowly disappears when she sees something appear in a window. A giant black figure. She walks toward the window and the figure disappears, "You know what, nevermind. I have to go do something." She says before running off to the mirror room.

Jesse lays in Eriks arms, bleeding and getting weaker every second. Every breathe she takes is getting weaker. Erik walks closer to the kingdom and sees guards by the gate. Elliot and Maggie run over, "Please! Help our mommy!" Elliot cries and the guards run over, "Oh my goodness! Your highness!" The guards take off their helmets and go to grab the queen but Erik holds onto her. "...Clementine." He says and the brunette girl looks at the man with anger in her eyes. "I thought I would never have to see you again, Erik." She growls. "Ugh. Anyways, where do I bring Jesse?" Erik looks at the other guard and she responds "Who are you and why do you want to know." Erik takes a deep breathe, "I'm her ex-fiancé and trying to save her life. Who are YOU?" Erik growls. The guard squints her eyes and grabs onto Jesse, "The names Shira."

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