Chapter 25

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Lukas looks at Jesse as she says Herobrine's name. He also hold onto his children as his parents step back in fear. "Nice to know you remember me; Oh wait! You didn't! But your dying grandmother did." Herobrine smirks. Jesse takes a deep breathe, "Why are you even here?! Who even brought you!" Jesse growls. Herobrine laughs as Erik walks up to Jesse, "He's with me." Jesse look at Erik before freezing up. Thats when she noticed it... The scratch marks on his face. She had made those scratch marks the night her grandmother got killed. "You... You killed her! I'm gonna kill you Erik!" Jesse growls and goes to hurt Erik but Lukas' grabs both her arms. "Jesse don't!" He says before dragging her back. Herobrine looks at Jesse, "I'd listen to the blonde. Unless you wanna die, your gonna do what I say." Jesse closes her eyes and a purple light surrounds everyone but Herobrine and Erik, then suddenly everyone surrounded by the purple light disappears.

Lukas looks around. Him, Jesse, Elliot, Maggie, Solar and Sean are in their bedroom. They are all standing; except Jesse. She is on her knees and rubbing her head. "...That hurt..." Jesse bites her lip. She had never teleported so many people at once; especially in so many different places. She had teleported everyone to their homes. She slowly stands up and sees that everyone is staring at her. "What?" Jesse asks then she looks at her husband. "What is it?" "Jesse, turn around and look at your reflection." Lukas says and Jesse raises her eyebrow before turning and looking in the mirror. She freezes up when she sees a chunk of her long beautiful hair has turned golden, like it had years ago. Jesse curses under her breathe before looking at her family, "Guys, head to your rooms. Pack one or two pairs of clothes and meet me and Lukas out by that tree—" Jesse opens the balcony's glass door and points to a tree in the distance, "—in the next thirty minutes or so." King sean nods, "Solar, pack my stuff. I'll help the kids." Sean coughs;He was still getting over the illness he has had. "No. I'll help the kids, okay? Last thing we need is for them getting sick." Solar says and Sean sighs, "Fine. But lets hurry." Maggie and Elliot run out to their room, with Solar following. Sean heads to his and Solars room then Jesse takes off her dress. Lukas looks at his wife before unbuttoning his dress shirt.

A few minutes pass and Jesse had packed up her clothes, and so has Lukas. Jesse is in a dark grey shirt and a pair a faded blue jeans. She looks at Lukas who is wearing a white t-shirt and faded brown jeans. Jesse soon looks at her reflection and sighs. "This is all my fault..." She says as she pulls her hair into a ponytail. Her black bangs and yellow hair stay in her face, blocking her vision. She quickly pulls her hair behind her hears. "What are you talking about?" Lukas grabs Jesse's face and she looks down, "I should have seen the signs with Erik... but instead, I got hurt... bad and led him right to us." Jesse puts the bag, that contains her and Lukas' clothes, on her back before walking onto the balcony. "None of it is your fault." Lukas kisses her head. Jesse looks down, "Sure... Lets just get going." Jesse slowly climbs over the railing before jumping down into the lake below. Lukas starts to climb over but her quickly runs inside and grabs a small box before returning to the railing.

Twenty minutes pass and everyone had met at the tree like the agreed. Jesse picks up Elliot and hugs him while Lukas holds Maggie close. Sean sighs, "Guys. I need to know something. Where are we—" King sean covers his mouth as he coughs really hard then he spits out a black, thick substance. Solar rubs her husbands back and sighs, "Where are we going, dear?" She looks at Jesse. "They are right, Jesse. I doubt the nature kingdom would support all of us, not to mention its too far and dad is in almost no condition to travel." Lukas sighs. Jesse looks down. "I guess there is only one place we CAN go." She puts her son down and looks at everyone, "We have to hideout at the night kingdom."

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